RISE traded on OpenLedger DEX

in #openledger7 years ago (edited)

We’re excited to introduce a new token, RISE, that will be available for trading on our exchange beginning today!

RISE is a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) ecosystem for developers, businesses, tech startups, token holders and device users.

A platform for Decentralized Distributed applications, Smart Contracts and Side-chain/token asset creation, RISE DPoS is a network of RISE nodes maintained by 101 Delegates. Delegates are elected by the Rise community, who cast their votes using their Rise wallets.

The vote weight of each wallet is proportional to the quantity of RISE it contains. Elected active Delegates earn RISE rewards for running nodes that secure the network and confirm transactions on the blockchain.

RISE maximizes accessibility and adoption of RISE through the development of Software Development Kits (SDKs) which enable easy integration of RISE into applications running on Windows, iOS, Linux and other operating systems. The RISE SDKs support multiple popular code languages such as Javascript, Python, C#, Ruby and JAVA.

Feel free to make use and fill up liquidity in any of the following markets, or make your own - yes it is possibleon our decentralized market to create your own market purely using copy paste and enter:

Rise markets

some of many available, all you do to create new market for rise is exchange BTC with DASH for instance and click enter all in your browser like OPEN.RISE_OPEN.BTC u change to OPEN.RISE_OPEN.DASH and then enter, and you have a new market created once you add a buy or sell order even if not running at this time, nice, is it not?

BTC: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_OPEN.BTC
ETH: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_OPEN.ETH
EOS: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_OPEN.EOS
Smartcoin CNY: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_CNY
Smartcoin USD: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_USD
Core currency BTS: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_BTS
OL token OBITS: https://bitshares.openledger.info/market/OPEN.RISE_OBITS

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you remember a post you made on obits cryptocurrency about seven months ago? Well, I just stumbled upon it, and it was really helpful. Thanks again

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