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RE: OpenBazaar 2.0 - List Your Art, Music, Crafts, Garage Sale Items, ANYTHING, Something Will Be Bought! - Steemit Users Have Priority

in #openbazaar7 years ago

Yay you got all 1800 listing ported over! Did you get a script to do so? I barely have a fraction of that from 1.0 to relist and my pics are crap so I figure it will be in my best interest to just redo most of my listings. I have some stuff up now to have the store open though.

What I want is the Onename or some-such thing to get us our non-peer-id handles back. I don't like having to link the 46 character id, takes up so much room and can't be remembered. I have my address in my about on here.


I suggest highly hitting up the devs in the OB slack or even on Twitter to see if they can help you in any way with the moving process. They do not have a script finished yet to help transfer stores but they are working on it still and I think my store got used in the helping of making that.

In the end, I will be having to go through though and tweaking literally every single listing because there are just little changes from 1.0 to 2.0, but nothing major where I don't mind doing a bit daily as I upload new product near daily anyways.

I also can't wait for that OneName to change over, same with Shifty isn't fully functional within the app yet.

Random: OB app is doing crazy good right now, Beta itself is up to 26,000 downloads!

Edit: Awesome to see you on Steemit too! Love seeing the same stores and names in different crypto spaces, hoping all the Steemit users see the benefits of OpenBazaar as a means to buy and sell and they can use Steemit to promote and have an additional source of possible income.

You amaze me for the number of listings you have up. I can't seem to get myself organized enough to work on mine to your level. I'm lucky to get a few listings a week at the moment. I'm hoping that changes soon though as the growing season is over.

It is really good to see the fairly substantial interest in the new version as that is a good portent of the future.

I had a phone call with Brian the other day and we figured out my stumbling block in installing and running ver 2. That is one of the things about the entire OB1 team, THEY ARE RESPONSIVE!!!! Supremely important these days. Companies that eschew customer service/support are doomed to fail. Those that engage and help the user base are the ones that can build a very successful business.

I espouse the benefits of OB everywhere. I have sold a fair bit thru the ver 1 OB so I feel quite strongly in the potential of the platform, as I have proof it works. And that was on ver 1 with limited usage.

I was on 1.0 since day one, the devs are out there, reachable, always nice (to me at least lol, I see their BTC arguments online sometimes), I only wish for success on 2.0 for literally the benefit of just all of crypto users needing this thing to exist. Any idea similar to OpenBazaar that is tied to just one coin or ICO I do not think will fit the definition of "free market" the way OB does.

My motivation for keeping the store going is pushing OB, because saleswise Etsy has had more sales for years for Crypto Collectibles, but with that comes monthly fees, sales fees, ad/search fees, plus being limited as to what items I can sell as well as what items I am seeing from other users. This 2.0 finally is feeling like that "double click to install and no huss and fuss to setup and go" that apps need to be. Tweaks and such are on the way I know, and will be helpful, but for all intents and purposes we got a working open source decentralized marketplace that accepts so many cryptos going on here. Steemit has helped a lot by giving a secondary venue for things I was selling already, plus a lot of side randomness happens on this network too. I know I had (the most?) listings, but again, 1.0 since day one, it only takes putting a listing or two up a day at most to have got the size my store did (it doesn't hurt I actually enjoy data entry).

I just typed a wall of text and I forget if I had a full point, stopping now lol.

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