September thirteenth 1996 - Tupac Shakur dies

in #onthisday5 years ago (edited)

One of the most recognisable faces in hop hop is Tupac Shakur even years after his death in 1996 from gunshot wounds sustained in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas.

The shooting wasn't Tupac's first though. In November 1994 Shakur was seriously wounded in another shooting in the lobby of a Manhattan building where he was working on an album, his third, at a studio contained within. Shakur apportioned blame for that failed attempt on Sean Combs, also known as Puff Daddy and Christopher Wallace, a rival rapper also known as The Notorious B.I.G. Their's was a rivalry that plagued the hip hop scene throughout the middle 1990's.

On the seventh of September Shakur, in Las Vegas for the Mike Tyson V's Bruce Seldon fight, and other men of his entourage engaged in a scuffle with a fellow later identified as a member of the L.A. street-gang, the Bloods. This encounter was captured on CCTV at the MGM Grand hotel.

Some time later Shakur was a passener in a vehicle driven by Marian Suge Knight, [Head of Death Row Records]. They had stopped their vehicle at a traffic light when a white Cadillac pulled up beside them and sprayed the vehicle with gunfire, some 12 shots or so. The driver Marian Suge Knight, was grazed in the head by one of the bullets however Shakur was hit four times. Shakur was rushed to hospital, [University Medical Centre], and was operated on however died of his wounds on the thirteenth of September. Shakur was twenty five years old. source

Interestingly Christoper Wallace, The Notorious B.I.G., was also murdered in a similar manner in Los Angeles only six months later. No arrests have been made in either case.

Tupac Shakur lives on through a solid fan base and post-death album releases and through a 2003 film Tupac: Resurrection. Much of his current fanbase are far too young to have had the opportunity to hear or see him perform however they are loyal nonetheless.

Both Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G seem to have been immortalised in hip hop legend, either because their talent or well-publicised feud, I know not why. Their stature has grown, some say, far larger than it might have had they lived. *I have never been a fan of either artists and, to be honest, couldn't name one track by either. However I feel it's a shame they allowed their prejudice, ego and hubris to cloud their judgement in ways that ultimately brought their demise. I wonder, if their legends are so strong in death, what a collaboration might have brought them.

A sad and waste of talent.


I was a fan for many years, but unfortunately after he died. I was too young to listen to him while he was alive. Many years I believed/hoped that he faked his death. I don't believe the theory that he was murdered by Biggie's men. I tend to believe more that there might have been governmental or some related forces that killed him.

It's possible I suppose - He was outspoken and all...Possibly it was preferable to silence him.

Hard to believe this has been 23 years ago... I was rolling around smoking L 's bumping pac, big, nas,outkast on the daily circa 1996

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I've never been a fan...I'd gotten into rap back in the mid eighties and by Tupac's time had moved on. Still, a bit of a waste though right?

Yes definitely was all very stupid, east vs west drama..

Mid 80s head eh

I mean rap is a subset of Hip Hop and has its place. For me tribe called quest, KRS1 etc is where it's at, but I do still vibe on some good old rap before it went mumble. That I just can't get behind at all..

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First stuff I listed to was Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five in around 1982 or 1983 and also Melle Mel...It's old school. Was a big NWA fan for a while (into the late 80's) then lost interest in the 1990's, went in different directions.

Gotcha I respect the pioneers that paved the way for sure.. I'm all over the place with my musical tastes.. A look at my recent YT videos will go from Hank Williams Sr-Little Feat-Zappa-Coltrane-Daft Punk-Indian music-tool-motown u get the picture..

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I am too as I have such a varied taste when it comes to music. If people could scroll through my Spotify library they'd probably think I was 20 different people. [Maybe deep in side I am]. Hmm, deep thoughts. :)

I tend to think that his music, and the music of all of them, did more harm than good.

And without the harmful infighting between them, and the negative things they would rap about, I don't see how they would have become the superstars that they did.

So in some ways, it's their own success that killed them, since their success was linked to rapping about fighting, drugs, drinking, and gang-banging.

Many people said that sort of thing about Elvis and the Beatles back in the day...Not about the drugs etc. But it was seen as some sort of evil to be stamped out.

There's always going to be someone who doesn't like a thing. It's like those really religious people who see Jesus as their saviour...They think that for their own reasons and are left to do so, and those who don't subscribe to it do so for their own reasons. That's what freedom of speech and expression looks like.

Thanks for your comment and for stopping by. :)

I'm not against freedom of speech but I was a big fan of Tupac as an early teen and music like that influenced me negatively.

I can't speak about the Beatles or Elvis but in general, I don't really see music as an excellent teacher of wisdom, life or relationships.

P.S. You skipped over my conclusion that the success of their music and the topics they covered got them killed.

You skipped over my conclusion that the success of their music and the topics they covered got them killed.

I didn't skip over it, just didn't feel I could add to that in any way as it's pretty obvious to me that many people's actions and choices contribute to their deaths. Take people who surf and get taken by sharks or those who attempt to climb Everest and fall off or freeze to death. It's tantamount to the same thing. The actions people take all come with consequences.

Thank you for commenting @chrisrice

It's pretty obvious to me that many people's actions and choices contribute to their deaths. Take people who surf and get taken by sharks or those who attempt to climb Everest and fall off or freeze to death. It's tantamount to the same thing. The actions people take all come with consequences.

Yeah, and depending on the person and age group, I think listening to certain music without parental guidance as a young teen or pre-teen, can come with harmful consequences.

Having said that, harm and being harmed is a part of life.. so we all just learn as we grow up in the environments that we're in.

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