Steemit Hitmans tried to kill Tibu.

in #onsteller6 years ago

Tibu turns open the lid of her laptop as it re energizes it's circuits and wakes up from it's pretend sleep and the task manager flashes in front of all the windows trapped in the screen. "That's odd" proclaims loudly "Mozilla is taking up half of my RAM and CPU." She drags the cursor to the culprit and it reveals several steemit tabs.
"Damn it these government run simulators, at least have decency to not use my RAM and CPU. Everybody jumped onboard as soon as they said they incentivized the social interaction with monetary rewards and then the Facebook scandals of selling out your precious data, which you agreed to on the first place went rampant on media; guess what happened? more people joined steemit. The bait was rewards and the chase was the scandal and all of it a big fat scam. Now look at this cesspool of desperates selling out on their most intimate details to attract views and money. Look at this big fat dumb FBI run self compliance information farming simulator."

"What are you going on about, you epic nut?" Mak murmured weakly from the couch.
"Just don't write your blogs from my laptop, you know what I know to be true about those things and because of this knowledge I hold certain feelings towards those things which I know you are also aware of." Tibu cried.
"Not this again. For the last time steemit is nothing else than a blog." Mak tried to explain in calm voice of rational reasoning which he believe himself to be.
"Oh! yeah just a blog, huh? Then explain to me why does the browser needs so much RAM and CPU but if I download it, it takes not more than few kilobytes, the whole webpage, 2kb taking up 4GBs of RAM and burning god knows what processes through my overclocked 12th generation CPU? Explain that. Explain how the steemit market goes down when yo have more steem and up when when you have more SBD, it is designed in a way to make you lose more money so you put in more details of your life more desperately and in more detail so you keep making money. Explain how the posts cannot make money after a week , is it not because they want more recent info on you? They are watching your every move man, wake up your stupidity is manifesting in such epic magnitude the neighbors are finding it palpable, you delusional sheep. It's a rudimentary simulation to keep you inside the prison walls of "normal" you idiot and the fact that you are contributing to make it grow will only end up resulting in more roomy prison for your grand child and nothing more." Tibu goes on and on.
"You just need coffee, grumpy." Mak comments nonchalantly.
"sure! ok I could have some coffee." Tibu Calms down and prepares herself and grabs her purse.
They both go out and pay few steems for the coffee with steeem master card and slowly stroll back towards their apartment. Mak pushes in the key to door lock as Tibu stands behind him. She could see almost a flicker of light as if a cockroach moved in their apartment by the window under the door. She excuses herself and produces a chain of keys with colorful stickers pasted on them from her purse and invites herself into neighbor's door. Mak finally manages to get inside and to his surprise Tibu has a fancily dressed man in a headlock. A gun with silencer is tossed aside by the couch.
"How did you?.. nevermind." Mak stutters as he takes hold of the gun by the couch.
"Ask him Mak, ASK HIM! why is an assassin in our home? 'tis but a humble abode to a simple blogger and a two times Nobel Prize winning scientist. ASK HIM!!" cries Tibu.
"okay okaaay Why?" mutters Mak.
"You know. too. much." few words slips out of the unknown bald assassin with a tattoo on back of his head. Tibu photographs the tattoo as Mak packs up his favorite clothes and sundry of survival gears from Tibu's collection. He starts the power down and and transfer his liquid steem and sbd to a different wallet. The card on the table bleeps twice. Tibu ,imprecisely and in a little hurry, rips out the gps device from the leftmost part of the card, ties the assassin up with zip ties and rolls his sleeves up to make sure he doesn't have any blades or knives and cries out to Mak:
"Don't forget the Disphasers."
The two get in on a motor bike with a sizable bags hanging and dangling every which way. The nice lady from neighborhood asks with a smile on her face "Where are you two off to this fine morning?" "Mak and I decided to go on a hike." answers Tibu with polite smile. The bike purrs toward the horizon as the nice lady walks towards the apartment complex chanting "code blue. code blue."


onsteller made me write this. There's money involved.

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