in #onstellar6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit community!

For a while I was looking forward to start a post about the tow therapy techniques that I got to manage “Regreso al Inicio” and Reiki, and @onstellar contest is the perfect opportunity for it! I am not only a former patient of this therapy but also a therapist.

My experience with this was remarkable; my life actually gave a 180° turn. It was the perfect complement to the most chaotic moment of my life, and as they say: in chaos you may find an order.*

“Regreso al Inicio” is the name of the therapy on its natural language, for its translation to English let’s call it: “Return to the Beginning” Therapy. It may be consider as an alternative healing medium, which locate this article on the topics: ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE / HEALING.


“Activation of our quantic DNA,” transforming people´s cellular memory on balance and happiness in all life areas.


This is a Technique channeled by Marianela Segovia, Venezuelan, Bachelor of Sociology, Clinical Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, Acupuncturist and Return to Home Author. The information comes from her ascended Masters, from the twelfth dimension. Nowadays, you can take this therapy not only online with his creator but also with all of us; hers graduated students, all over the world online and face to face. This technique is copyrighted since 2008.



The objective of Return to the Beginning therapy is the recoding of DNA, from carbon 14 (organic and degenerative) to Silicon 32 (non-degradable and inorganic).
Every few thousand years our DNA passes by a process of mutation in order to ascend to the next level of consciousness and physical transformation of humans.

In therapy all your belief systems, mental programs, fractals, fears and blockages, are detected. These low frequency energy fields are reprogrammed by other high frequency ones, capable of generating behaviors appropriate for the biological age of the consultant.


Folder of work: group of graphics and pictures that the therapist uses for the diagnostic and cleaning up of all the data found.
Crystal Pendulum: Element employed for establishing the energetic connection with the patient.

Therapy Session


Return to the Beginning therapy is a computer-based method in which science and levels of consciousness converge. It is based on 10 sciences: astrophysics, geology, genetics, physics, quantum physics, chemistry, biology, radiesthesia, informatics and psychology.

The therapy intervenes in 4 planes:

-The Mind (software): where the information is stored with error, patterns and influence of : the mother's womb, 7 previous generations of the family tree and past lives. Mental fractals (archived traumas) are located during fetal-child cognitive development up to 7-8 years of age.

-The Brain (hardware): physical organ that through its two hemispheres reads and identifies information with error from the mind, processes it and sends it through electrical waves through the neural pathway to the cells of the body.

-The Cellular Memory (driver): receives the wrong information, storing it in the nuclei of DNA carbon 14 (organic and degenerative)

-The Biological Cell: uses 10% of cellular protein to perform and manifest an action according to the information received (illness, accidents, depression, abortions, etc.).

This therapy consists in a process of research and reprogramming in which the therapist obtains information from the conscious, subconscious and supra-conscious mind of the consultant.

The tool used to locate, transform and reprogram the information is a Radiesthesia instrument known as a Pendulum (crystal), in addition to graphics and images developed for this purpose.


Physical, mental or emotional illness arises when an energy field is blocked.

The therapy identifies which energy centers (chakras) are blocked, stuck or discharged, as well as the physical organs that present problems due to an error or trace of past lives. Once identified, the normal flow of energy is restored and all biological functions are activated, awakening the pineal gland and thymus gland, connecting the mind and heart for self-healing.

This is achieved once the connection of the pendulum with the frequency of the consultant has been confirmed, and having located through graphics the elements that compounds the diagnosis, and then to restore the optimal energy levels.

So the main benefit of this therapy is to locate the life programs with erroneous information, which are in execution, the origin and causes to clean and transform them.


The patient is during the whole process taking notes about the information resulting of the study and once the information with error is erased, (by the use of the pendulum) the person takes conscience about the things that were affecting his life, increasing immediately his conciseness level.


The therapy looks forward for the patient achieve the: Return to the Beginning, to the perfect origin of creation to remember what WE ARE, and what life and existence itself is.
Return to that state of consciousness where we only feel *** LOVE*** and realize that everything we seek outside is inside us. Once you accomplish this, for real, you will be reborn as superior and conscious being, with an amazing capacity for permanent self-regeneration for spiritual advancement.

At the end you will be merging in an awakening process, resulting with a new vision of life as equable, loving and receptive beings, which will follow the course of your own evolution and transformation.

Optative picture of the work folder - Perfect fluency of energy


This therapy is constantly on improvement, because we are in constant evolution and everything is running faster each day.
The author is in constant communication with hers masters; and this update information is immediately transmitted to hers students.

Thanks to @onstellar for this opportunity.
For more information about this contest click.

For more information about this therapy, feel free to visit the links of the author.

Hope you find this article useful.


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