The Stones of Carnac, mysterious megalithic monuments (Onstellar contest)

in #onstellar6 years ago

 This is my article for the contest of @onstellar under the topic "megaliths & scared sites".

I  was always fascinated by the megaliths and one of the most mysterious  and extensive is the Alignment of Carnac, without a doubt it is a  megalith that I would love to visit some time and I am sure that you  also after reading this article. 

One of the most mysterious megalithic constructions that have survived to this day is the so-called Piedras or Alignments of Carnac, a gigantic collection of more than 3,000 megaliths located in an upright position and aligned along a kilometer, on whose meaning or usefulness we can not more than speculate. This marvel of antiquity is located on the outskirts of the French village of Carnac, located in the north-western part of France, specifically in Brittany.

At the moment, its antiquity is estimated around 6,000 years, although it can not be affirmed with certainty, perhaps they belong to the same period as the mythical Stonehenge, although its usefulness does not seem to be the same, given the alignment of the stones. The deposit is divided into two main parts, the Kermario and Menec alignments, although other agglomerations of monoliths can also be found in the surroundings.

On the one hand, in the Menec Alignments we find twelve lines of menhirs extending along 1 kilometer, ending in a circle also made with stones. In the extreme west are the largest, reaching 4 meters high, as opposed to the East, where we find the smaller stones. In the Kermario Alignments, also known as the House of the Dead, there are quite similarities with that of Menec, although the amount of rocks exceeds one thousand, and they are arranged in ten rows of 1.3 kilometers in length.

Many are the theories that have been raised to date, including some as crazy as it is the fossil of a giant snake, or are Roman soldiers who were petrified as divine punishment when trying to hunt down St. Cornelius. There are also those who maintain that it is a system to predict earthquakes, or a kind of primitive astronomical observatory.

Perhaps the most plausible theory is that it is a gigantic necropolis, each one of the megaliths the tomb and homage of a chief of the time. If this were confirmed, we would be facing one of the oldest burial places in the world, although of course, they are still only conjectures.


These magalithic monuments are such an awe inspiring construction and full of mystery. Thank you for this article.

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