in #onstellar6 years ago

Good day Steemians! Today I wrote an article about Paranormal Activity as my entry to #onstellar writing contest.

I chose the topic about "Sleep Paralysis" because a lot of people have been experiencing this and some people may find it hard to believe about this episode while sleeping. And I am one of those people who has experienced it.

What is Sleep Paralysis?

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The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli (1781) is thought to be a depiction of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.

SLEEP PARALYSIS is a feeling of being concious but unable to move or speak. It happens when you passes between "awakening and falling asleep". This feeling happens to some people for a few seconds or few minutes. During this episode, the person might feel hallucinations such as see, hear or feel things that are not really there, some may feel some heavy things are on their stomach or choking, some may feel that they are being watched, or being dragged out of bed. Now these are just some of the hallucinations a person may experience during the transition.

My Real Life Experience of Sleep Paralysis

I myself have experienced Sleep Paralysis, that was year 2016. The first time was just okay, it just felt like I was not able to move. It only lasted for like 10 seconds. But the second time was horrible for me, it was terrifying. I never thought that the feeling will be that much, I felt hopeless for a few minutes. I felt like I am all alone. It was my second time to experience Sleep Paralysis, after that, I felt like I never want to sleep again. Thankfully, I never experience Sleep Paralysis again after that.

When I woke up after the hallucination, I wrote it right away, my experience, the feeling. I even share it on my Facebook account.
And I will write it again to share to you guys.

Sleep Paralysis is terrifying, I can still remember the face of that DEMON.
I've experienced sleep paralysis before, it only lasted for at least 10 seconds. But last night's different, it was alarming, it lasted for a minute or two. I can remember everything. It feels like I am in a horror film, and I am the victim of the monster.

I remember I was watching a video, few second after, I realized that I was asleep, so I tried to wake up, to stand up, but I can't. Then Rapid Eye Movement (REM) happened. I saw my room, I saw someone standing next to me, a demon, a devil. I wanted to stand up but I can't, I started to panic. I can't move, though I can move my fingers on my left hand, so I tried to wake up my cousin who is sleeping next to me, but she won't wake up. I know my father's in the kitchen, so I screamed as loud as I can, but he can't hear me, seems like I am the only one who can hear my screams.
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Then I started to struggle breathing, I was trying so hard to move, to breathe, there are times that I just gave up and not fight back, then I found myself screaming again, I just screamed, while looking at the demon.
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The demon was just standing next to me, watching me scream, while I'm running out of air. I can't remember how I manage to get out there, I can only remember the way I woke up, catching my breath, still can't move but more relaxed. When I woke up, I already knew what has happened, SLEEP PARALYSIS.

How to Overcome Sleep Paralysis

Some people say that the secret to get out of "there", is not to fight back, just let it flow, even when you can't breathe, they say that's when you can go back to reality. Some even say that you need to constantly move that part of your body that you can move until you wake up.

I actually know someone who can control it whenever it happens to her. She told me that when it happens to her, she will not let it conquer her. Then she can do whatever she wants to do. She can even fly and go wherever she wants to. And that she will wake up whenever she wants to. She'll always tell me,

"Don't let it control you. You are the captain of the ship, you control it."


Studies show that the increased risks of Sleep Paralysis occurs with several circumstances such as insomia, stress, depression, sleep depriviation and physical fatigue. It may also be genetic.

It is also believed that Sleep Paralysis happened more when you sleep in "Supine Position". Sleeping in this position is believed to make the person more vulnerable to experienced episodes of Sleep Paralysis.


Sleep Paralysis can be avoided with minor lifesteyle change. In order to prevent experiencing it, a person must maintain a regular sleep schedule and taking up a hobby. For those who experience depression and stress, they may need to see a trained psychologist who can suggest coping mechanism.

For those who experience Sleep Paralysis, I cannot say that "it is okay", I know it's not. But there are things that we can do to prevent it. We just need to believe that those are just hallucinations and don't let those nightmares eat you.

"Devil can only exist if you if you let them exist in your mind"






Your friends tip is golden: You are the captain of your ship!

Thank you for this great write-up!

You are welcome! And thank you for hosting this kind of contest :)

Hello there! If she can fly then it's already astral projection. Sleep paralysis would just not let you get out of your body and it's just extremely fatal imagination in the sense that a part of our brain is making it all seemed so real. Thank you for this post. Your post have been featured by @steemph.laguna

Thank you so much!

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