in #ono6 years ago


This FAQ was assembled and written by Ghulam Mujtaba, an ONO Super Partner candidate. It originally was published on Steemit: https://steemit.com/ono/@ghulammujtaba/ono-frequently-asked-questions-page-1-25

This FAQ was a community effort with the people in the ONO Builders Telegram group helping to craft this FAQ.

What is ONO?

ONO is a social network based on blockchain technology which focuses on the value of attention and offers a free, decentralized social platform to a new generation of users. Ono is the first Social DApp to run on EOS.

What does ONO mean? What’s the philosophy behind ONO logo?

ONO means many things including “Know Yourself”. The ONO logo is a symbol of freedom.

What’s the philosophy behind ONO?

ONO believes in the value of attention. As far as ONO is concerned, there exists many valuable human social activities within a social media ecoystem and ONO recognizes the inherent value of both the supply-side and demand-side of human cognitive and social energy. ONO believes in equality. Everybody is born equal in personality, so the ways to earn rewards and gain attention in social platforms shall also be equal.

Is ONO an EOS Block Producer Candidate as well?

Yes, ONO is also an EOS Block Producer Candidate and has a long-term vision to help grow the EOS ecosystem in a sustainable and healthy way.

Who is the founder/CEO of ONO?

Ke Xu

About Ke Xu

Ke Xu successfully graduated from Nanjing Foreign Languages School, University of California, Riverside (UCR), Coventry University (CU), UK, and University College London (UCL). She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. She began her entrepreneurial career and became committed to research and practice in the areas of digital media, culture, entertainment, and social networking.

In 2014, she founded a company which launched and operated a social networking app called ERA, which was based on cognitive surplus. The monthly transaction was over 8 million and was very successful at the time, with 10 millions users at its height.

She went on to create and operate the crypto-collectible game, CryptoDogs, a blockchain-based game in the Chinese market. CryptoDogs created a staggering amount of dog purchases and sold thousands of ETHs on the first day. It has been invested in by high-profile institutions such as Fusheng (CEO of NYSE: CMCM) and China Growth Capital, and other well-known CEOs.

When will I get rewards on my post/content?

You will get rewards after 24 hours. In ONO the ONOT payout will be on a 24 hours cycle.
Is there any expiration of my post/content that I share on ONO? Will I be getting rewards on my post/content after 24 hours cycle?

There is no expiry, you can get rewards from your shared post/content even after a month/year.

What programming languages/platforms are used to develop ONO?

Java, Erlang, Node.js, Native and H5

Is ONOT available in the market to buy/sell?

No, ONOT is not yet available on the market as it is in the ERC20 state and will be ported to the EOS blockchain when it launches in June. This can change at any moment.

I received some ONOT from Candy Box, where can I store them?

You can store your ONOT in the imToken wallet.

Is there any airdrop for ONO?

Right now there is no airdop. If we decide to have an airdrop, we will officially announce it on all our social channels.

How can I earn ONOT?

You can earn ONOT in various ways.

  • If any user releases any high-quality content, ONO will automatically distribute profits via the POC algorithm and the users can directly be rewarded ONOT.

  • You can earn ONOT from advertisers who want to advertise their product/service on your content/pages when this becomes available.

  • Transfers/Gifts/Tips from your friends.

Various other methods will be added in the future.

Is there any chat feature in ONO?

Yes, the chat system is the most basic function of ONO.

How the reputation system work in ONO?

If the content released by a particular user is liked, reposted, commented on and shared, the reputation of the user will go up; if not, the reputation of the user will go down. The reputation fluctuates according to the quality of content released by the users. The content released by users with high reputations will be first put into the recommended zone. When the reputation of a user falls dramatically, all content released by this user will be collapsed and other people will not be able to see the content.

What is My Box?

My Box is the app store of ONO. ONO supports third-party developers to participate in and develop various types of Dapps, rich applications and a small number of games and so on.

How can a user can buy games/applications from My Box?

Users can use their ONOT tokens to purchase virtual good (Games, Applications etc.) from My Box.

Are there any charges that developers have to pay to use ONO network support?

In the first year, ONO will not charge any distribution fee; then the distribution fee will be progressively increased in the next four years from 5% to 25% and then fixed to 20%, which is far lower than the average level in the industry.

Is there any cost for disliking a content/post?

Yes, each dislike will cost one ONOT and later, the cost of disliking would be fluctuating.

Do I have to learn blockchain technology before using ONO?

No, it’s for everyone who is not familiar with blockchain technology. You don’t have to know anything about blockchain technology in order to use the ONO dApp. It’s designed for every day users, and for people who have never experienced blockchain tech before.

Can I hide my content from people who aren’t in my friend list?

Yes, the content posted by users can be set as private content, open content or content that is only visible to friends.

What is My Story?

My Story is the module for users to push social media content into the Circle of Friends. The content creators and the friends of the creators can personalize the operations including: Release My Story, Focus on Friends, Check Stories of Friends, Repost, Reply, Save, Dislike, Like and Reward.

Who can delete a user’s content?

Once the content is released, no one can delete it except for the creator or judgment executor has the right to collapse it.

Where is the content produced by the users stored?

The content posted by all users is recorded in the ONO blockchain. This guarantees that the content is traceable, immutable and unalterable. All content in ONO will be encrypted.

Will my chat data be saved in ONO servers?

None of the servers or nodes will save any chat content. The disappearing chat data is temporarily saved upon sending. Once the chat data is read by the receivers, the content of the chat will be forever destroyed from all servers. The chat content will only be stored in the local terminals of two nodes, i.e., the senders and receivers.

How can we add friends?

The users can add friends by random recommendations, searching for accounts, searching for nicknames, scanning QR codes, importing address books and checking surrounding people and so on.

What forms of content I can share on ONO?

Currently, ONO can support the following kinds of media: words, audio files, images, position and links; and subsequently, it will openly support long text, video, and live broadcasts and so on.

What other functions are there apart from sharing a content?

The ONO interactive functions mainly include Reply, Repost, Like, Dislike, Save, Reward, Don’t Look at the moments of Friends, Don’t Look at the Post, and Sharing within the Website and beyond the Website.

How will my content be affected with a dislike?

The dislikes will influence the distribution and rewards of content. The content with lots of dislikes will be collapsed, so that other people won’t have to look at it.

Can I tip to the author for his/her content?

Yes, any user can tip ONOT tokens towards any content as an incentive to the content creator.

I shared my content on another apps/platforms, will the views be counted from those platforms as well?

Yes, the page views from other platforms will also be calculated into the original posts view data.

What is My Exploration section?

My Exploration is the module for users to release stories and broadcast them to the public. Any user can see the content released by any other user in the My Exploration section.

Who can develop apps on My Box?

ONO team and third-party developers can develop apps based on the ONO Open Platform.

What is a Referendum in ONO?

The referendum will be a place where one can find questions and answers to important matters. It will include matters like the voting pool, execution of proposals agency, proposals, voting, winning support, voting by all people, publishing results, budget, fund-raising, open bidding and supervising executive actions and so on.

ONO White Paper:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

ONO Official Links

Official website: https://www.ono.chat
Telegram Chinese: https://t.me/ONOCN
Telegram English: https://t.me/ONOUS
Sina Weibo: https://weibo.com/ONOofficial
WeChat official account: onogogo
Medium: https://medium.com/@ONOsocial
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@onosocial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ONOofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onosocial/
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/onosocial
LinkedIn: https://www.linedin.com/company/ono-social
English Version App Demo: https://marvelapp.com/3dbhih3/screen/41476138
App demo created by @rubenalexander


ONO seems pretty awesome!! i love how it looks very much like an social media platform <3 i loved that they are gonna put a "history" on it!!! AWESOME

Awesome! This was so comprehensive!

Glad you found it useful.

This is put together so well, with so much information delivered in a clear, concise manner. Thank you!

you're welcome!

Sounds interesting. Waiting for the launch.

Yea, you should join. Poke me on Discord and let's talk!

Thanks for your feedback!

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