Looking for a job online is like a needle in a haystack. You will meet scam sites, people asking money for you to sign up and worst of all, having to invest money just to lose it all. But then, I though of looking for a job related to my passion. So, I thought of it for weeks. Nothing would come into my mind. Then came my daughter's 1st day of school. I meet her teacher and we talked. She asked me about my job and I told her that I used to work as a call center supervisor. Before heading home, she told me that I should try teaching online. When I got home, I remembered what she said. Since I don't have any ideas about teaching online, I googled it. The first site listed talked about teaching Chinese students English. I was hesitant at first but then I had to take a chance since I was looking for a home-based job. I signed up after a couple of days was able to process my application. The process was tedious. I had to undergo a 3 day application process which includes teaching demos, tutorials and different trainings. Luckily, I passed. That started my career as an online teacher which helps me now to support my family.