Biology & Practical Research 2 Summative Test

in #online6 years ago (edited)


On 8 April 2018, we the researchers, along with the help of our Biolody Teacher Mr. Rodel Catajay (@guruvaj) partied with us to help us in our practical research about the significant difference of online and paper test as well as for his summative test that benefit both sides with 3 trials respectively provided with 4 pocket wifis for online test. We used Google Forms for online to be guaranteed safe and long bond papers for paper test. As our target respondents are Senior High STEM Students (G11 and G12), we mixed them for it not to be bias so we came up with 50 respondents on the two assessment different rooms and 25 each. On the first day Monday, same date, we launched the operation at exactly 2:38 PM and will end at 3:12 PM for online and 2:33 PM for paper that ended 3:02 with the researchers as the facilitators and observers. As the test runs, you will notice that they are behave students and followed the rules accordingly. After the examination and obtaining the results, the online test was submitted to Sir Rodel Catajay while we check the paper test and later on give the scores. First day was operated flawlessly.

On the second day, same operation, same instructions and same rules as day one. The online started 2:40 PM and ended 3:13 PM same as the paper exams. On the middle of the online examination, 2 pocket wifi malfunctioned on the online examination room but eagerly fix by the researches. There is no problem at paper examination that the two assessment processed smoothly.

On the third day, the final trial began at 2:35 PM and ended at 3:15 PM. During the operation, the Head Science Teacher of AASMNHS observe the two assessment respectively. No interruptions occurred during the exam both online and paper.

Online Assessment




Paper Assessment




Marlon Magtibay
Andrew Peter Maramot
Lalaine Cabe
Aizel Anne De Chavez

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