Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (鬼は外、福は内) “Demons out, Good Fortune in!” – that’s today’s motto as it’s “Setsubun”

in #oni7 years ago

Happy “Bean Throwing Day“!

Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (鬼は外、福は内)

“Demons out, Good Fortune in!” – that’s today’s motto as it’s “Setsubun” (#節分) today (February 3rd). makizushi for Setsubun. Setsubun is celebrated in Japan on February 3rd. You’re supposed to kick demons out of your house on this day and invite good luck in...

Only on February 3rd you’ll find uncut #makizushi (ehomaki, 恵方巻き) in the supermarkets.
You’re supposed to #eat it while remaining completely #silent.
The most important thing is to face the “lucky direction” (恵方) of the year!
This changes every year depending on the current #zodiac.
2018, the year of the #dog, the direction is south-south-east (南南東).

Throwing the super mighty “fortune beans” (福豆, #fukumame) which are just … plain roasted soybeans. You don’t just throw them randomly, but usually a family member will wear a paper demon mask (which you’ll get in the supermarket together with the super duper “fortune beans”).
The rest of the family will throw beans at the “demon” shouting “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (鬼は外、福は内) which just means something like “Evil out, fortune in!”
Of course the “#defeated” demon will run away then.

Afterwards, adults usually eat the number of beans equal to their age, plus one. All this apparently gives protection against evil spirits and provides the necessary good luck for the coming year. During the run-up to Setsubun, packets of these beans can be bought at many shops, usually supplied with a special #demon (#oni) mask. image

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