One Photo Everyday : Gardening (32/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)



This is my today's submission in #onephotoeveryday initiated by @gamer00. Gardening is my hobby and I just love gardening and I also do a lot of campaign for "go Green" and that is need of the hour and if do not take care of nature and environment then our next generaion will be very much in trouble. How can we be so selfish !!!!. Let's join hand together and at least spread awareness. Thank you.

This can be accomplished in many ways :-

(1) Include the topic of anvironment and nature in your daily social gossips with your friends and other social circle. This way you will leave a passive impact of "how important our nature and environment is for us".

(2) Educate everyone in your family to adopt to eco friendly options in theirs habits of daily life.

(3) As far as possible please avoid automobile uses, adopt to organic foods and also the habit and life style should be organic too. Plant trees. At least one per week and also take care of that plant. Just remember your dedicated individual effort could be a potential revolution.

(4) A tree in this planet is not just for beauty and apart from it cool green color (which is a soothing color), it has the every other component playing a vital role for the benefit of this nature, planet and living creature. Its tree and branches absorbs sound. Its root stabilizes the soil and prevent soil errosion. It provides habitat for birds, insect, mammals etc and hence providing the natural eco system. The leaves are useful in filtering out pollutants. Primary source of the food chain.




Nice photography but this time you have added your thoughts with the photography and your call for "go green" is really a great campaign and I hope you will be able to convey the message to your social circle at least about it.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Thank you sir and "go green" initiative should not be limited to individual and it should spread across the world and there should be a serious message to the human society to save this nature and environment. Thank you again for your support sir.

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