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RE: The #OneMore Nutrition Plan

in #onemore5 years ago

Ok! I'm finally back here @zirochka! Thank you for your patience and thank you for your wonderful question!

In my opinion (keeping in mind please that nutritional advice is outside of my scope of practice as a personal trainer) and as far as how I think about nutrition... I think that your body is going to ask you to eat certain things. It's about being mindful and controlling the portions more than anything. Physiologically speaking I personally don't like to have a life of "no", "not", "restrict", "denied", "deter", "forbid", etc. etc. especially when it comes to things that you love to eat. It's important to eat things that fuel more activity and better results. You want to feel good about what your eating not guilty so, in my opinion, it's more about eating more of the healthy things you should. Filling up on whole foods leaves little space and natural cravings for what's unhealthy for you because the body has a surplus of what it actually needs to function optimally. When your active your going to need more of the right food... not less!

I also think that keeping things simple, doable, and sustainable is the best way to maintain a diet that fully nourishes you while also fitting into your current lifestyle. That's the other reason I chose the #OneMore concept for my next 100 day's of healthy eating.

The flip side would look like this... I'm occasionally tempted to eat something I probably shouldn't or socially I'm asked if I want to drink a beer or two. As @nataliabuchynska said... She sometimes feels like she just, "ate from a garbage" so it can happen even when the body is primed with health food. It's nice to eat a birthday cake on a special day or drink a beer with your friends... So I don't say, "No!" to what makes my life rich... I say, "Yes... But I'll just have 1!" If I'm training for, say a photo shoot, I may pair down my cheat days to 1 day a week... But the best thing about it is that it holds my self-restraint in place while also allowing me to live a "Normal Life" (Whatever that may be! lol!)

So, to the point, I don't think the 1 portion (1 handful) of cottage cheese is the problem you should worry about... It's the sustainability of it all! If your #OneMore healthy thing is a vegetable and you add a portion of cottage cheese on your cheat day there's no guilt and you get to actually enjoy eating whatever your body is prompting you to eat.

Now of course I'm not giving you any sort of nutrition advice @zirochka, as I don't know what sort of personal/fitness goals you and your personal trainer have set, but I do think that #OneMore healthy thing can fit easily into anyone's healthy lifestyles and fitness goals!

And I'm with you... I LOVE COTTAGE CHEESE AS WELL! It's Damn good! :D

But yeah! I hope that what I'm saying here (about how I personally think and how I eat) helps you continue to make the best choices for your health and fitness goals!

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