Perspective - Is Your Glass Half Full or Empty?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #onelovedtube6 years ago

Hey folks! First of all, I was in such a hurry to get this done before one of the @crowbarkids came out to interrupt that I didn't even realize I was shooting in portrait. Ugh! So sorry, but it was a one shot deal, so I had to roll with it, crowbarmama-style and make the best of it!

So, being a SAHM, I often get told how lucky I am to be able to stay home with my kids, or that I don't have to work (LOL! Trust me, I work!). But, the fact of the matter is we chose this knowing we would have to give up certain things to afford this life. Now, I don't call it a sacrifice because things like going out to the movies or out to eat or even having a new car are not my priorities. I'm not judging anyone else for their choices, but I'm just explaining mine.

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

If you like what you're reading, please upvote and subscribe! Also, I love feedback! Constructive criticism is one of the best ways to grow. I want to know what you think!

▶️ DTube

Family is everything! Its our identity. I think we need strong bonds in families now more than ever. This is refreshing to hear. I couldn't agree more.

I’m just glad the glass exists!
I was raised to drink from your hand.
It could always be worse.
When I found out about my kids, I was told when it rains it pours. I cried because the saying is always used badly, I already lost a lot of children. Then he counted. Then I understood.
I started to say “if you make it your hell it will be, but if you make it your heaven it will be”. I have triplets. They are my heaven.
I am very glad the glass even exists.

Wow, what a powerful story. I can tell by what I've read from you that you are a strong woman, a survivor for sure. You certainly understand how important perspective is and what a great example! I love it. Thank you so much for sharing.

I think the same as you. Shifting the perspective but without falling into conformism. We mustalways strive to do ourbest with what we have.



Exactly! I look around and see what is considered "normal" and sit back and say, "You know what? I'm ok with being weird, because this normal is not cutting it for me!"

And you just nailed my "Crowbar it!" mantra. Do the best with what you have! Spot on!

I believe instead of concentrating on what you do not have... It's better to count your blessings for what you do have. Every one of us here on is lucky to have just an internet connection and device to post. Not to mention the amazing constructive community around it. This is not very common online. We have a lot to look forward to with steem. This tool we have here is immensely powerful.

You hit on a lot of truths there my friend! Also, like attracts like! An attitude of gratitude attracts more to be grateful for, whereas an attitude of lacking attracts more lack. I sincerely believe that! It's awesome that you're on such a positive path at a young age. Many folks don't get that until they've experienced a few hard knocks! Best of everything to you !

right now, life is good and the cup is very much full! :)

Awesome @teamhumble! Glad to hear it! Keep on keepin' on my friend! There is abundance all around if we only choose to open our eyes!

you are absolutely right, it just takes positivity, direction and focus.

Great video! We all make decisions about how we want to approach life and place associated value on different things. You've encouraged me today to just take a breath. Thanks for that :)

Aw, you're welcome and thanks @captainbob! Like I said, we all have different situations and priorities. There is a lot of rushing in our society today (as I rush to catch up on my posts & replies before the baby wakes🤣) but remembering to just take a breath is so healthy and centering. Peace!

Don't worry, I turn my cam the wrong way, too. Upvoted. Love the nature. Love to step back when I am too close to gain perspective. Thanks for sharing the video. Mammas are the best. Love your name, Crow Bar Mamma, classic.

Thanks! So good to know I'm not alone! Haha! Mom's are pretty awesome. I was blessed with a good one too.

So glad I made this choice. Will also be glad when the larger society really values raising the next generation in a good way.

I hope that change happens soon. Our kids deserve better than what our society is serving them!

I hope so too. It's the last civil rights movement.


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