Dtube Real Talk: What Are You Doing for Dtube?

Hi Guys!

So I am stuck in Phoenix today and won't be able to make it to Vegas for the Creator's Conference!

My hubs had an important breakthrough for his work and he offered to cancel it to let me go, but I told him no. My family means more to me than anything.

I want you all to know though that while that is true, what is also true is that I spend every little bit of the small fraction of free-time I have to try to bring you good content! Even when I am not compensated, I still want to be able to bring you that content!

I love what I do and I look forward to the future of Steemit and Dtube.

That being said, I ask you to ask yourself today, if you benefit from Dtube, what are you doing for Dtube? "Why Beth, I am making content, that's what I am doing." That's super good and awesome, though surely all of us were doing that before getting here. So what specifically do you find yourself doing to expand Dtube and help bring Dtube into the future?

I feel like we expect miracles of @heimindanger and the dev team to make Dtube super awesome and popular. We want to make more money, we want Dtube to grow, but a small amount of people can only do so much. There must be a shift of content and attitude to really take things to the next level. Where we are now is comfortable, and of course some stand to gain more just keeping things the way they are, but the current model is unsustainable. An upvote today may be gone tomorrow, which is why we need more people on the platform, and more people interested in investing in it. The only way to do that is for people to know about it. The only way to do that is for people to see interesting and consumable content coming from this website alone.

Ask yourself, is my content consumable outside this sphere? Would people, who don't know me, still watch my content?

If the answer is no, that's a problem.

This video for instance, is bad.

It is not consumable or relevant to anyone else except those in the dtube/onelovedtube community. I made it for that very point.

At some point, this site has to move past overly specific selfie vids about crypto and the community and start implementing content that is widely sharable.

A few examples I have seen are

Todd and his music blocks.

Alphasteem and her vids on gardening and home stuff and recipes etc.

A number of talented cover artists, most notably Melissa Kellie, who seems overlooked way more often than she should be.

AntonioScore was an amazing comedian who had YouTube quality skits he made just for the platform, but he left because of lack of attention. He was by far the funniest personality on here (in my humble opinion.)

The Libertarian news videos that get upvoted are great and all, but number one, they are all kinda conspiracy theory-y and may be perceived as "fake news" and they are just copy and pastes from Youtube. So they aren't being made specifically for this platform, which blows, because they certainly take their fair share from it.
(But they are definitely sharable.)

So what do we do?

Well, this doesn't mean we should disband the community. I think it's great to have a Discord to pump each other up and encourage each other, but we should also be encouraging each other to grow, not to just "create no matter what".

We should all be more mindful of the quality of the content we are putting out. And I don't mean, use the best greatest camera or sound equipment, but the meat and taters of the content. Is it interesting? Is it sharable? Is it...good?

I love the idea of people being motivated to produce. However, I hate the idea that you should just create even if you don't have anything to create. Dtube is strapped for space as it is, so making something just robotically seems a waste if you aren't really inspired.

I said in my vid that this would probably ruffle some feathers, but, well, good. I don't make videos so that people like me.

That being said, if you don't hate me yet, in a few weeks time I plan to put my hat in the ring for witness.

Lady Steem for Witness 2018

(I am actually dead serious about this.)

My contribution to Dtube for their continued support is to try to become useful technically. I am in the throes of learning 4 different programming languages, and I am learning how to setup my own server. It may take awhile, but the end goal is to become more knowledgable and to actually be able to do something.

Well anyway, I hope you all have an AMAZING time at the conference! I am looking forward to seeing your updates!

xx~Lady Steem

▶️ DTube

Another video that won't play. Sorry but this is getting old. I'll try again later.

lady steem witness !! =)

Started playing well for 2 min but wont play now :(

Dtube, was a waste of my time. I'm still earning money on my YouTube videos I made a year ago. If you don't make the money on Dtube in the first 7 days, you're working for free.

Dtube needs to realize this and reward all creators with legit content if they want to become a serious player in the video content creators arena.

In our blockdeals.org project, we've identified this as a problem and will endeavor to offer a basic minimum reward to all people submitting valid deals, then the community can continue to reward them further if they choose.

Has Dtube ever advertised on other platforms? Are they actively promoting their platform or are they following the 'build it and they will come strategy'?

Dtube needs to expand out of the 'crypto' space and push further into the mainstream.

They are a brand so perhaps they could consider doing some brand deals with influencers. Word of mouth is not working for them IMHO.

Anyway, we need more Female Steem witnesses near the top of the tree and there is a step-by-step tutorial online for setting up a witness server. Just search for it.

You'll get my vote when you're ready :-D

PS: And I really wish I didn't need to pause the video every 15 secs so the buffer can catch up :-(

This is all true, though I am a huge proponent of self responsibility. Once I am able, I also plan to host my own videos so they don't buffer so badly.

You make all valid points, but this video was mainly targeting people who get a LOT of money from Dtube, but don't grow at all. I think as a community, it's our responsibility to help promote ourselves and make content that is sharable on other platforms. Why should people get mega upvotes for just selfie vids that talk to the community? Rewarding those types of videos at such a rate is certainly on Dtube, but it's on the creators to use the power and influence and money they have made to branch out a bit. Dtube may have a good deal of SP allocation, but they don't have much money. Which means the developers are working for a pittance and there isn't much there to be able to advertise etc. Really Ned should be stepping in to help with that. Especially for Dtube considering that and Dlive will be the two most highly trafficked websites as far as consuming content.

All of this tech jargon overwhelms me, but I think it's important to have a non block-head up in there as witness. After all, it's more than just a computing job, you are also responsible for the future of the platform. I have met so many people that now rely on Steemit for an income that can take care of their families, and it just blows my mind that so little can go so far. Whenever I feel like giving up, I remember that. It's really important to me.

And thank you for taking me seriously in this, not many other people do.

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