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RE: 📷 OneBreathOnePhoto #11 - ONE photo of ONE moment on ONE breath of air

The only creature that ever swimmed with me was a baby white shark... At first I was in denial, I couldn't believe the thing that was hitting my legs was a shark but then everyone started to scream around me... I must say, I learn you can run fast inside the water... I don't think it was gonna attack me, it spent like 3 minutes "playing" with my legs. Maybe that baby shark had a leg fetish or something 😅


Hahah I heard sharks tend to nibble on humans more often than not, just out of curiosity with no intention of biting or eating. Apparently we don't taste good for them anyway, being too bony. Speaking of which, I'm sure there are a some that are quite horny too hahaha

I bet they enjoy scaring the hell out of people... wait, what? What did you just said? They are what?!... That would explain the leg fetish haaaa!

I've heard that dolphins are quite the aggressive types, and some accounts of female divers (human) being sexually assaulted 😱

No, no, no! I can't believe such thing of those cute and lovely dolphins! They are nice and swim with people and touch you and.... PERVERT DOLPHINS!! So that's why they were touching me!

Dolphins likes to splash on purpose. Or should i say porpoise ? lol
I shall end it right here before things get out of control

Eh... Yes please! 😂

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