One Funnel Away Challenge Review

in #one4 years ago

One Funnel Away Challenge Review>> 2020<< Is it Worth It?
One Funnel Away Challenge Review>> 2020
Building a sales funnel is important for any online business.

A simple sales funnel using ClickFunnels helped boost my Course sales by 185%. And my results are modest compared to thousands of other ClickFunnels users.

But if you’re new online selling or haven’t built a sales funnel before, getting started are often overwhelming.

Where does one begin?

One year ago i used to be an entire newbie to sales funnels. So I signed up to the One Funnel Away Challenge, which is that the flagship training guide to ClickFunnels created by its founder Russell Bruson.

In my ultimate in-depth One Funnel Away Challenge review, I’m getting to tell you everything you would like to understand about this popular educational program supported my personal experience of taking it.

I’m going to:

Give you a comprehensive overview of the challenge.
Show you step by step how it helped me sell more of my Course through my website.
Outline the pros and cons of signing up.
My One Funnel Away Challenge review is ideal for anyone completely new sales funnels who wants a no-nonsense introduction to the present popular educational program .

This is the article I wish I could have read once I was weighing up whether to check in to the present program.

Let’s start .

What is the One Funnel Away Challenge?

Table of Contents
Who is that this challenge for?
How the One Funnel Away Challenge helped me
Here is my organic traffic for the 2019 calendar year:
And this is my downsell:
Why do you have to care about funnels?
What you get with the One Funnel Away Challenge
30 Days of Mission Videos from Russell Brunson
30 Days of Coaching From Stephen Larsen and Julie StoianJulie Stoian, another seven-figure entrepreneur, is there to offer you the precise steps you would like to place Russell’s missions into action.
One Funnel Away Challenge bonusesThe above training videos and accountability calls are worth quite $2,000 when offered individually, and quite frankly, they’re all you actually got to create your funnel.
What you’ll learn
Benefits of joining the One Funnel Away Challenge
Frequently Asked questions on the One Funnel Away Challenge
How much does it cost?
One Funnel Away Challenge
The One Funnel Away (OFA) Challenge may be a virtual 30-day program which will guide you each step of the way in creating a highly profitable sales funnel.

I took the challenge myself (more thereon below) once I was just starting out with sales funnels.

Russell Brunson, Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian are the instructors. Via video lessons, they’re going to be teaching you everything they’ve learned in developing multiple million-dollar sales funnels.

Each day, they break down complex topics and provides you missions (similar to homework) that you simply got to complete to urge to subsequent step.

People retain 90% of what they learn once they put it into immediate practice, so once you complete the daily missions, you’re solidifying your knowledge.

But don’t worry, the daily missions set by Russell aren’t too difficult to complete; however, they’re designed to form you stretch your limits and think outside the box.

After the top of the 30 days, you’ll be able to release your first (or next) funnel to the planet .

Who is that this challenge for?
But is that the One Funnel Away Challenge for you? I definitely don’t think this challenge is for everyone .

The challenge may be a highly fast-paced challenge that demands some time and a spotlight for 30 days.

The challenge is ideal for you if you:

Have a thought for a web business but don’t quite skills to urge your products/services out there

Have hit a wall together with your business and wish a structured game decide to reach subsequent level
Are an affiliate marketer who wants to extend sales
Have never built a funnel but want to find out how
Need to fix an existing funnel.
However, the challenge is perhaps not for people who:

Don’t have the time to observe the vidoes and run through the missions
Want a “get rich quick” business strategy
Want a training that they will put aside for weeks at a time
Don’t believe investing money into their own business (this challenge isn’t free and we’ll mention the worth later on)
Think their sales funnels are perfect and don’t want tough-love to find out and grow
If you fall under any of the above, you’ll probably want to prevent reading my One Funnel Away Challenge review because the challenge likely isn’t for you.

Check Out The One Funnel Away Challenge
How the One Funnel Away Challenge helped me
I don’t like blowing my very own trumpet about making money online.

There’s many online marketers out there who are far more hooked in to doing that than i’m .

However, it’s getting to be helpful to offer you a step-by-step overview of exactly this educational program helped me.

It will give context to everything I mention during this One Funnel Away Challenge review.

So here’s a quick rundown of my story.

Before I discovered the One Funnel Away Challenge program, i used to be a blogger who wasn’t making tons of cash . If you’re a blogger too, or know one, then you’ll know i used to be hardly Robinson Crusoe during this regard.

The thing is I’m an honest writer who knew the way to get tons of traffic to my website. Unfortunately, i used to be terrible at actually making money from what i used to be writing about.

Here is my organic traffic for the 2019 calendar year:
One Funnel Away Challenge
As you’ll see, by August i used to be getting 60,000+ unique visitors each day to my website from search. That’s great .

When I first started blogging 5 years ago i assumed i might be rolling in cash if I ever achieved this level of traffic. While i used to be earning decent money from Adsense and a couple of other things, I definitely wasn’t taking any holidays within the Hamptons.

I knew something had to vary .

And one thing I needed to try to to was sell more of my Course .

Selling Course is a method my website makes money. It’s not my main focus but it’s still something I wanted to urge right.

In 2017 I churned out 5 Course on topics starting from Buddhism, to mindfulness, to taking responsibility for your life. The Course were good but my sales were underwhelming.

I started using shopify to sell these Course . Shopify could also be an excellent e-commerce platform but it’s poorly equipped to assist people sell their Course . I found the sales pages to be ugly and therefore the functionality poor.

My biggest mistake, however, was that I didn’t have a sales funnel of any kind.

I had heard great things about sales funnels and ClickFunnels more generally. However, I had no idea the way to actually create one (literally none). So starting my first funnel was quite a touch daunting…

That’s why I dived into the One Funnel Away Challenge. I knew I needed some hands on training so as to make some highly profitable sales funnels.

The One Funnel Away Challenge taught me step-by-step the way to create the right sales funnel for the products i used to be selling. it had been the launchpad for increasing my Course sales by 185% practically overnight.

Here’s exactly how I did it.

Increasing my Course sales by 185%
Almost one year since switching over to ClickFunnels, my Course sales have increased by 185%.

I went from selling $985 of Course each day on the average using Shopify to $1970with ClickFunnels.

The traffic I sent to the sales pages hasn’t increased meaningfully. The key’s that I’m converting far better and my average order value has increased from $197 to $244.

Not a nasty boost to something that’s only a side hustle for my business.

A look inside my sales funnel
I chose the 2-Step TripWire after learning about it within the One Funnel Away Challenge.

It’s a reasonably simple funnel and perfectly suited to the Course I had to sell.

The key to the present funnel is to supply an irresistible upsell.

A single Course of mine costs $197. After they purchase this, they’re taken to my high-priced 1-click upsell. If they don’t buy my upsell they’re then offered a lower priced 1-click downsell.

My 1-click upsell may be a bundle of all 5 of my Course for $997. The 1-click downsell is 2 Course that are closely associated with the only Course they initially purchased for $47.

The 1-click aspect of this is often important. As I even have already collected their mastercard information from the only eBook purchase, they add the upsell or downsell to their cart with just one click. No got to ask them for his or her mastercard information again.

So the 6 steps of my funnels are:

Sales page
Order form
Order confirmation
Delivery of Course
Here is my upsell:

And this is my downsell:

Instead of only having the ability to get $197 per transaction from each customer for one Course, I now earn up to $244transaction in one transaction.

This is how the One Funnel Away Challenge helped me.

Clearly the funnels you design after taking this challenge will likely be very different to what I did. A sales funnel can mean very various things counting on the sort of business you’re in.

The best part is that the One Funnel Away Challenge will assist you design almost any sort of sales funnel you’ll imagine.

Why do you have to care about funnels?
Before i buy into the meat and potatoes of the One Funnel Away Challenge program, i would like to elucidate the importance of funnels.

Without understanding why funnels are fundamental to your business, you won’t understand why the knowledge shared within the OFA Challenge is so valuable.

If you’re new online selling, you won’t want to skip this part.

Simply put, a sales funnel is that the journey that guides your customer towards your offer, whether that’s a product, service or an affiliate sale.

When your funnel is structured properly, it acts as a salesman who holds the hand of your prospects, shows them the way and encourages them to get from you.

We participate in multiple sales funnels a day , from buying our morning coffee to getting groceries to shopping online for items we’re curious about .

As a savvy business owner, you ought to skills to optimize your funnels to urge more clicks, leads, and ultimately, sales.

Unfortunately, sales funnels are often complicated, and if you don’t know what a correct funnel seems like , it could find yourself doing more harm than good.

A poorly-designed funnel will leak prospects along the way, leaving you with low conversion rates and frustrated customers.

On the opposite hand, a well-thought-out funnel is that the secret sauce to scaling your business.

The One Funnel Away Challenge goes to require you by the hand and teach you absolutely everything you would like to understand to make high-converting sales funnels for your business.

Sound good? Let’s dive right in to the program.

Check Out The One Funnel Away Challenge
What you get with the One Funnel Away Challenge

The One Funnel Away Challenge may be a robust system designed to line you up for creating extra money online.

When you enroll in it, you’ll receive a box delivered to your door filled to the brim with materials and resources (that’s if you select to buy shipping, otherwise everything is online).

Here’s what you’ll get.

30 Days of Mission Videos from Russell Brunson
Russell Brunson, the founding father of ClickFunnels, started his own $360 million SaaS business, entirely self-funded.

He’s a best-selling author who has sold over 250,000 books and features a following of many entrepreneurs.

Quite honestly, he’s someone you would like to be taking advice from.

For 30 days, you’re getting to be getting various missions from Russell which will simplify the funnel-building process.

30 Days of Coaching From Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian
Julie Stoian, another seven-figure entrepreneur, is there to offer you the precise steps you would like to place Russell’s missions into action.
She will assist you get everything up and running and is there to guide your funnel-creation process.

And lastly, Stephen Larsen, the previous Lead Funnel Builder for ClickFunnels, has built over 500 sales funnels.

After he left ClickFunnels, he created his own company from the bottom up and generated over $1 million in just 13 months.

Stephen conducts daily group calls and can help keep you accountable. He’s a straight-shooter and can tell you exactly what you would like to listen to .

One Funnel Away Challenge bonuses
The above training videos and accountability calls are worth quite $2,000 when offered individually, and quite frankly, they’re all you actually got to create your funnel.
But like all good salesman, Russel Brunson also throws during a bunch of bonuses to form signing up to the challenge even more compelling.

Here are the One Funnel Away Challenge bonuses you’ll get thrown in immediately after you enroll.

Physical copy of the workbook
Studies show that writing your notes pen to paper will assist you remember what you’re learning better than taking digital notes.

You can use your physical workbook to require notes and help retain everything you’re learning.

30 Days hardcover book
Russell asked 30 members of his Two Comma Club (ClickFunnel members who have earned quite $1 million from their sales funnels) this question:

“what would you are doing if you lost everything, including your name, reputation, and followers? How would you earn back your millions in just 30 days?”

In other words, he asked his Two Comma Club members to get out a day-by-day plan for those that are just getting started, in order that they can reach $1 million in sales.

Their answers were collected and put into a hardcover book.

It’s like having 30 different blueprints to create out a million-dollar funnel beat one place.

This bonus alone is awesome.

MP3 Player with all the recordings
If fitting one hour of additional work into your day are going to be an obstacle, you’ll use the MP3 player to concentrate to the recordings wherever and whenever to form it a touch easier.

The recordings also will include Stephen’s coaching calls from the last challenge.

In total, you’ll have over 40 hours of coaching calls and interviews on your MP3 that you simply can conveniently hear anywhere.

Unlimited access to 30 Day interviews
During the 30 day challenge, you’re getting to be busy completing missions and building out your own high-converting funnel.

The interviews included during this bonus are crammed with helpful tidbits, but if you don’t find the time to observe through all of them during the 30 days, you’ll return and watch them afterwards as you’ll have unlimited access.

Interviews with the 2 Comma Club
In these interviews, 30 Two Comma Club members will discuss what mistakes they made along the way (so you’ll avoid them) and what they did right (so you’ll replicate their success).

They don’t twiddling my thumbs , and these interviews are exclusive to the OFA Challenge members only.

Check Out The One Funnel Away Challenge
What you’ll learn

Here’s an summary of what you’ll learn across the 5 weeks of the One Funnel Away challenge:

Pre-challenge week – All about getting into the proper mindset to propel your business forward.
Week 1 – Learn the fundamentals of the way to sell online, including the way to get the eye of consumers with a hook, the importance of storytelling, and what it takes to create a beautiful offer.
Week 2 – All about sales copy. this is often the week I enjoyed the foremost as it’s completely relevant to selling books. I learned exactly the way to implement the hooks, tell a story that generates an emotional reaction from the reader, and the way to get the “aha” moment within the minds of my audience about the new opportunity.
Week 3 – The nuts and bolts of building your sales funnel. this is often the sensible advice I wouldn’t are ready to find anywhere else. I learnt the way to create sales pages, sequence pages, just one occasion Offers (OTOs), etc.
Week 4 – Focuses on traffic and promotion. Although I’m an SEO guy who swears by organic traffic, it had been still fascinating to find out about all the paid traffic opportunities out there.
I probably learned many practical things across the 5 weeks. However, two things stand out as being absolute gamer changers for me:

Exactly the way to tell a story for the merchandise i used to be selling. As Russell Branson explains within the first few weeks, there’s a template for telling stories that builds belief, emotion, and trust that would apply for any product. My sales pages are such a lot better now for having learnt this.
Actually creating the funnel. By the top of the challenge, I knew everything about designing a high-converting sales funnel, and the way to create it within ClickFunnels. I learnt the way to build a sales page, squeeze page, an upsell page, etc, and therefore the correct sequence counting on the merchandise .
Now, tons of individuals say you would like to read or hear everything the three instructors offer you (in order) and complete all the homework assignments without fail. i feel they’re overstating how rigid the program is.

You do got to put in additional work than the typical online marketing course but I skimmed over a couple of things that were less relevant to my business and was laser-focused on the items that basically mattered to me.

I think a touch of cherry picking works fine with this program.

Benefits of joining the One Funnel Away Challenge

On top of receiving thousands of dollars of materials that you simply won’t be ready to find elsewhere, there are a couple of other pros to the OFA Challenge i would like to spotlight .

Joining the One Funnel Away Challenge will open many doors for you, including the prospect to urge to understand a number of the simplest online marketers there are (Russell, Julie and Stephen).

You’ll even be ready to interact with other challenge members, many of whom are great people to network with and obtain to understand .

Cons of the One Funnel Away Challenge
When I say this course is fast-paced, I mean it. You don’t have the choice to figure through things slowly and haphazardly.

If you select to require day off , you’ll fall behind.

Now, I wasn’t the foremost diligent student when it came to the present challenge, but I still forced myself to place a while aside most days to find out something new from this course.

But is 30 days of diligence well worth the potential of making extremely valuable sales funnels?

It was on behalf of me .

Frequently Asked questions on the One Funnel Away Challenge

How much does it cost?
The One Funnel Away Challenge costs $100. If you would like the physical kit, you’ll need to pay shipping of $19.95 within the US and $29.95 outside the US. However, you’ll just access the digital only version of the challenge which has no shipping cost.

Is it well worth the cost?
So, your total investment to hitch the One Funnel Away Challenge is $100.

That’s not pocket change but it’s a reasonably small cost as compared to what you’ll learn. By the top of the program, you’ll make that cash back within each day together with your new and improved funnels.

I certainly did on the very first day I launched my sales funnel.

And to place the $100 into further perspective, Russell Brunson currently charges $100,000 to take a seat down with clients for less than at some point of coaching. And that’s not including Julie’s and Stephen’s rates for coaching.

But with the OFA Challenge, you’ve got 30 days of coaching with three world-class marketers for a fraction of the worth .

Do you need a ClickFunnels membership?
The beauty with this challenge is that you simply don’t necessarily need any additional software or add-ons to finish the work or learn from the knowledge provided.

But within the name of transparency, i will be able to say this: ClickFunnels does make the funnel-building process such a lot easier. After joining the challenge, you would possibly end up curious about signing up for ClickFunnels yourself.

And by week 3 within the challenge once you start building your own funnels, having a ClickFunnels account will certainly help.

However, building out a sales funnel are often wiped out a spread of various ways:

Through your website
From your email marketing software
From other funnel building software.
So, if you would like to require the challenge but don’t want to check in with ClickFunnels, no worries. You’ll still enjoy everything the course has got to offer.

You can read my complete review of the ClickFunnels platform here.

Why can’t I just learn everything online for free?
You can absolutely study funnels and direct response marketing online for free of charge .

In fact, I’ve learnt most of the items i do know about blogging and online marketing from free resources on the web . Yet I didn’t hesitate to check in to the One Funnel Away Challenge myself.

Here’s why.

First, once you Google “sales funnels for beginners,” nearly 55 million results show.

And from all those resources, many are outdated and inaccurate.

Also, imagine what proportion time it’ll fancy piece together all that information by yourself.

6 months?

1 year?

You need to ask yourself what proportion some time is worth. If you’ve got months (or years) to undertake and master sales funnels on your own and you’re in no rush to drive your business forward, perhaps learning by yourself is that the route you’d wish to take.

Not only that, but you’ll also likely make mistakes along the way, costing you sales and future customers.

When you believe it from that perspective, $100 really isn’t that steep of an investment if it’s getting to prevent wasted time and lost sales.

If you would like to work out sales funnels within 30 days, the One Funnel Away Challenge is your answer.

Secondly, free courses have notoriously low completion rates. 85% of individuals who enroll in free programs and courses never finish them.

And I know what you’re thinking: “but I’m different, I’d actually complete the course!” But honestly speaking, once you have your own skin within the game (such as money invested), you’re more likely to travel through the fabric and learn the content.

Can I join the challenge at any time?
Unfortunately, you can’t join the challenge at any time.

Because this challenge is so hands-on, Russell, Julie and Stephen got to work it around their schedules to offer you personalized attention.

It’s open immediately , but there are not any guarantees that it’ll open copy again (Russell doesn’t have a date for subsequent challenge and hasn’t specified if there’ll even be one).

My One Funnel Away Challenge review verdict
The One Funnel Away Challenge has been getting tons of buzz with entrepreneurs and online business owners recently.

I’m pretty skeptical about online courses, especially those to try to to with internet marketing. And Russell Brunson from ClickFunnels is that the ultimate salesman. The shiny sales page for the One Funnel Away Challenge is testament thereto .

The simple truth is though that the One Funnel Away Challenge delivers real value to those prepared to plan to the 30-day educational program .

I had hit a brick wall selling my Course before I signed up to the challenge. Immediately after launching my first sales funnel through ClickFunnels, I increased my book sales by 185%.

If you’ll plan to doing a touch of labor a day for 30 days, the One Funnel Away Challenge will assist you make tons extra money online.

Check Out The One Funnel Away Challenge

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