Great success begins like a dominoes that fall down one by one.

in #one-thing6 years ago

We can sometimes see a nice domino game through YouTube or a TV show. If you look at the magnificent scenes created by many dominoes, you can enjoy the fun and strange pleasure.

To knock down thousands of dominoes, you only have to defeat one of the dominoes in front of you. If you just fall that one domino down, the rest of the dominoes will collapse and show hidden stories and images.


Great success is like this domino.

In 1983, a scientist and writer, Ron Whitehead, said that not only can one Domino destroy other Dominoes in line, but they can also knock down even bigger ones. That is, one domino could to fall domino that bigger about 1.5 times bigger.


In 2001, a physicist in San Francisco actually experimented with the theory of Ron Whitehead. The experimental method was to make eight dominoes that are 1.5 times bigger than the dominoes in front of each other, and to lay them down and lay them down. The experiment was to make eight dominoes that were 1.5 times bigger than the dominoes in front of each, and to set these dominoes in order.


The results were amazing. The power that started at the little 5 centimeter domino that was at the front was constantly amplified, and it was able to knock down the last one meter of domino which was standing.


What if these dominoes were 50ea instead of 8ea? Or what about 100? The eleventh domino is bigger than most adult men and the 18th domino will be as big a domino as Pisa’s tower. The 23rd domino will be bigger than the Eiffel Tower and the 31st domino will be bigger than Mount Everest. And the 57th domino will be as big as the distance from the earth to the moon.

Achieving great success is similar to this domino effect. In order to achieve a great success that no one else can achieve, we must continue to achieve greater success in succession.


Numerous people who have achieved great success know this domino effect. They work day by day to find the first domino to prioritize and get domino effects in their lives. They prioritize what they should do every day. And of those, They try to find the first domino that can give a domino effect to their life. And when they find that first domino, they endlessly try and challenge it.

If you succeed in breaking down the first domino in the process of trying and challenging it, the next success will be easier to achieve. And the experience of success that started with the first small success continues to make it a bigger experience of success. And finally, he will achieves great success that he could not even think of.


What was your first goal you thought? Challenge your goal and try hard for that goal.

If you have not set your goals yet, start by finding the first Domino for your success. After finding the right first domino, you need to concentrate and try for that first domino.

In other words, you have to do your best to achieve your first success goal. That will be the beginning of your success.


Maybe finding the right goal for the first is very difficult and hard. But try your best. Then those efforts will be a potential for success. And at some point its potential will explode.

Success is said to be stacking one at a time over a long period of time. It may seem like a sudden success, but it may have been made over a long period of time.

We can surely make a great change. If you find the first domino and knock it down.

“Every great change begins like a dominoes that in turn collapse one by one.”
B.J. Thornton

This article refers to the following article.
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

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