Response to @onceuponatime; "What lies behind the mystery door?"

in #onceuponatime6 years ago (edited)

I was surfing the Steemit community when I happened to see this post by @onceuponatime; although the contest has ended, I still want to air my view about what lies behind the mystery door.

From the description given by @onceuponatime, he has gotten to the end of the road, but just before the end he saw a mystery door.

Let me start by saying that having gotten to the end of the road, there was no other place to go to, so he had two options, to either stand there at the end of the road, or start heading back to where he came from, but then the option of the mystery door presented itself.

This is the dilenma most of us face in life, the road in this context is the journey of our life, sometimes we decide to chart a course, only to discover that we hit a dead end, there is no place to go any longer. Most of us keep struggling at the end of the road and remain stagnant at that point where we have gotten to, while some others will turn around and start going back, thereby falling all the way to the bottom again, but then, there is always the option of a mystery door.

Many people do not even see the mystery door, and some when they see it are at an impasse whether to open it or not, some keep wondering what lies behind the mystery door.

The mystery door first and foremost is our fears, the fears of failing the fears of the unknown, that is the mystery door, and it tries to encumber us, to keep us trapped in the road that has come to an abrupt end, but then is opening the mystery door an option?

Behind that mystery door lies your maximum potentials, behind that mystery door is a whole new horizon that should be explored, behind that mystery door lies your untapped potentials. Behind the mystery door, your true self is waiting, so go ahead and open the door.

When we overcome our fears , we have succeeded in opening the door inhibiting us, although itbis not easy most times to overcome those fears and step out of our comfort zone, but until we do so we can not reach our fullest potentials. @onceuponatime, there's a vast horizon yet untapped behind the mystery door, and the true version of @onceuponatime is waiting behind the mystery door, so go ahead and open it.

Image sourced from the original post by @onceuponatime.

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The mystery door first and foremost is our fears, the fears of failing the fears of the unknown, that is the mystery door, and it tries to encumber us, to keep us trapped in the road that has come to an abrupt end, but then is opening the mystery door an option?

writing that has the meaning of the journey of life, I agree with what you write, we will get to the deoan of the mystery door and we will get 2 choices, open it or reverse direction to another path, but if I will open it, whatever we get is an ordeal for us to pass

i a just joined SGG discord

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