How To Start Blogging - Tips & Tricks For Beginners 📷 [video tutorial]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #onboarding7 years ago

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

We all know that it's not easy to be heard in a world where everybody wants to become somebody. There are billions of bloggers, content creators and writers out there. 

Attention is a hard-fought good in today´s economy, and there is just one reward pool. 

However, there are ways to make sure that you'll get a delicious piece of the cake.

How To Start Blogging

First of all, I've to admit that I am neither a blogging expert nor a professional content creator. I'm just one of these steemians... you know :-)

The only thing I am pretending with this article - and the included video - is to share some experiences and knowledge I've gained through the past months. 

In the blogging world it's like in real life: the beginning is the most important but also the most complicated step.

That's why I decided to provide a helping hand. If only some of the shared ideas could help some people to improve their blogging success, I'd be the happiest girl on Earth! 

"How To Start Blogging" (YouTube video | English) 

The message (chapters) of the video:

  1. The idea: Decide what you are going to write about. Everybody is good at something, so chose an area that mirrors your personality and your abilities. At least in the beginning you should keep with that area and not mix up too many different fields of interest.

  2. Brand recognition: Deliver. Fulfill the expectations of your followers. They are committed since they know what they are going to find in your blog. Don't disappoint them.

  3. Writing style: Write about things that you feel safe at. Know what you are talking about. Find your own style.

  4. Authenticity: Be yourself. People will appreciate that. It's about credibility.

  5. Patience & consistency: We all have to work hard for our goals. That's a basic rule of life. Everybody wants to have a piece of the cake, you just need to believe in yourself and keep on improving. There will be one they you'll write an article that will take off to the moon, promised!

  6. Know your target: Blogging is socializing. Try to understand your followers as your partners. The fact that they read your stuff is worth a lot - that means that they share their most valuable currency with you: their time. Plus: the fact that they are interested in the things you write about, means that you have something in common with them.

I hope you've had as much fun watching the video as I had producing it :-)

Hugs & kisses,
Marly -

Some snapshot 

Pictures and video taken by myself (original content). 


Really good advice! It's a plan that anyone can follow to become a good blogger.

The part about patience and consistency is important. Don't expect to hit it big the first day, week or month. It takes time but don't give up. Don't compare your tiny payouts to others' bigger rewards. If you must compare, compare what you get here to what you got on Facebook (ZERO!)

Follow this plan, readers of this article. You will most likely find success here and you'll have fun too! Thanks for this, Marly!

You are absolutely right, Kenny! That point about not comparing yourself with others is key. You rather invest your energy into your own improvements. Plus: monetizing content is really tough. Facebook is a good example, but even on YouTube (where you supposedly can get paid for content) it takes years (!) to earn what we can make on steemit in one week.

Thanks for your support and valuable adding :-)
Full steem ahead!

Instead of making content on YouTube when it first started, I blogged about YouTubers and made money from Google Ads, before the videomakers themselves even had a way to monetize. But my main motivation to do it was to promote the YouTubers and help create the wonderful community we had in the very early days when most of us knew most everyone else. Steemit is in this kind of early stage, in my opinion, and we should cherish what we have and look forward to what will be in the future. It will be different for sure, and we will lose something while gaining other things. Its the nature of social site progression over time.

Anyway, sorry to go off on a tangent. :P Great article and thanks for your reply to my comment!

Oh please don't excuse! I really enjoyed the little sidekick. And you are absolutely right: we should cherish the moment. It's very special to be among the very first ones that have conquered this platform :-)
Have a great evening!

Thanks, you too! :-)

Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful video and article. I am new with blogging and I am happy to learn and style <3
Thank You

It's my pleasure, and thank you very much for leaving such a nice comment! :-) I'm always happy to help... Best of luck for your blogging journey!

Thanks for your tips @surfermarley. I love your cruiser! :)

You are more than welcome, @maximdraws! Cruiser? Do you mean the Carver ? :-)

ahh, my bad, yeah I meant the carver :)

No problem at all :-))

Always SOoooo sweet and helpful, that's definitely your brand and style! 😍🏝
I found something I believe you will enjoy reading, maybe even blogging about...
I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Fighting for equality in big-wave surfing -

Muchas gracias amigo! That was really kind :-)
Thanks for the link. Everything about waves is interesting to me, so you hit the nail!

I always enjoy when people do posts just for the sake of helping and guiding others, no matter the level of expertise of said person. Great post Marly.

Thank you, Eric! That's my way of thinking, too ;-)
There is this saying that we rise by lifting others.

Enjoyed! I guess just getting started is the hardest part. Baby steps as they say......

Exactly. Doing little steps, keep believing in yourself and celebrate even the smallest success :-)
Thanks for watching! :-)

Good advice. Resteemed :-)

Thank you, Jochen!!! That's really kind :-))
I hope anybody is watching the video until the end.... 8 minutes are quite long. But there are so many things you can talk about!!!

Excellent advise my dear, resteeming this in a minute

Oh, thank you my friend!!! It's MUCH appreciated :-*

Always welcome @surfermarly - you rock my days here

Thank you, Uwe! Big hugs and kisses :-***

Awwwww - kisses and hugs back!

Great video, thank you for the tips! I blog already for three years, and it took me a lot of time to understand how to do it freely and natural:) The main tip "be yourself" was so hard at the first time, haha:)

(nice beats)

All Good Very Good Surprisingly Good Resteemed in Blocks of 3s Frank III

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