Betrugsvorwürfe gegen Omnia Tech

in #omniatech7 years ago

Omnia Tech Registrierung:

Am 18.08.2017 erreichte unsere WhatsApp-Gruppe eine Nachricht, die im ersten Moment ziemlich erschreckend schien.
Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Nachricht darüber berichtet, dass alle OMNIA-Fans auf das falsche Pferd setzen, weil Omnia sich ohne Einverständnis am Namen und den Grafiken von GENESIS-Mining bedient.
Da wir OMNIA als eine der transparentesten und ehrlichsten Firmen in dieser Branche kennen gelernt haben, konnten wir dies natürlich nicht einfach so glauben – also haben wir recherchiert.
Der ominöse Text, welcher in den Telegram- und Whatsapp-Gruppen umhergeht, beruft sich auf einen offiziellen BLOG-Eintrag der Firma GENESIS-Mining:

Partnership Notice

Category / Press releasesPublished on 17.08.2017.

We wanted to take a moment to inform you about an issue that’s recently come to our attention. Several customers have been asking us about companies they’ve run into that claim to have a business partnership with Genesis Mining.

We’ve looked into it and identified several companies claiming to be involved with us that are not. There are a few ways that companies are claiming partnership with us, so we wanted to share to make sure you have the right information and are protected from doing business with anyone presenting incorrect information.

Some have made the claim that they are partners with us, claiming that our teams work together to achieve similar goals. Others claim that we are significant investors/stakeholders, while others have made the claim that they are actually a new product of Genesis Mining. In some cases these individuals often use our graphics and branding without authorization. In most cases any business partnerships we have that are relevant to our customers will be noted on our website. As a rule, if we don’t specifically list a company, product, or service you should assume that there is no cooperation that goes beyond delivering hashpower from our side.

We do provide hashpower to quite a few people, so it’s important to note that someone being a Genesis Mining customer does not make them a business partner like some companies have claimed. We obviously cannot guarantee service or security for companies we don’t work with, which is why we wanted to inform you of this activity and urge caution in dealing with anyone who claims to work with us without any verification from us.

If you’ve found a business that seemingly claims and promotes a partnership with us, please contact our customer service team. Thank you.

Da hier jedoch keinesfalls das Unternehmen OMNIA genannt wurde, haben wir uns per Mail direkt an GENESIS gewendet und um eine Stellungnahme gebeten.
Nach 52 Minuten kam dann die erleichternde Nachricht:

Hi Martin,

Thank you for contacting us.

Yes, we are associated with Omnia so don’t worry, it is not a scam.

Best regards,


Genesis Mining Customer Service Ticket:

Dies ist die offizielle Aussage von GENESIS Mining. Glaubt also bitte keinen betrügerischen Nachrichten, sondern bildet Euch immer selbst Eure Meinung.

Ich bedanke mich vielmals, dass Du Dir dieses Video angesehen hast.

Registriere Dich noch heute bei Omnia Tech:

Abonniere meinen YouTube-Kanal für mehr Informationen.

Schaue Dir alle Infos auf meiner Seite an.


Beste Grüße

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