There isn't enough Violence in the World

in #olympics2 months ago

If only Trannies would just randomly beat the crap out of any Man, Woman or Child - that called his dick out. Maybe, you wouldn't have to watch a guy smash a girl's face in on TV during the Olympics.


People are too comfortable with DISTANT violence. And that's becoming a problem. Sure, the Israelis are basically blowing up kids and journalists - and political mediators. Not to mention trying to get rid Donald Trump (because he won't give Bibi a blowjob - like Elon does.)
But normies experience violence rarely. Unless they get in a traffic accident or encounter a dirty racist cop - and call out for Jesus - it is highly unlikely that a normie will ever get the true - life fulfilling joy of kicking a guy's face in with a steel toe shoe.
When is the last time a normie actually got into a fight?
Other than in the military - most institutions discourage violence. And that's becoming a problem.
With no REAL WORLD experience of brutal, face-altering violence - most of the population have become entirely apethetic to what it does.
Until it is too late, that is.

Violence on the micro-level helps remind people that watching violence on TV - just doesn't cut it.

The State's Monopoly on Violence must end.

If you don't like someone - take it out with him on the street. Duel if you need to. But always bare in mind that in such an arena - only might makes right.

So be mighty.

Or, die.

Watching the slaughter of Palestinians daily online makes on thing clear - they only have themselves to blame. If the refugees from Poland and Germany were treated with the appropriate level of violence that they fully deserved at the very beginning of their invasion - Palestine would still be on the map today.

Instead all they have is Gaza and the West Bank. And even that is vanishing fast.

The fact that the Muslims, Christians and Palestinian Jews had been living in harmony for millennia before the Khazarians arrived - gave them a false sense of security. It allowed Evil to breed and multiply - leading eventually to the sorry situation that they are in now.

Even Egypt has been pussified.

Remember that guy - Mubarak? Yeah well. You'll never see the current government raise even a foreskin in protest.

World Leaders are now all mostly Retards with one finger in their pussy - and another on the Nuclear button.
And yes, I do mean that Jamaican Indian Negro Slaveowner hooker Kamala. Fat, stupid and annoying beyond measure with that cackle

  • but still retarded enough to be given all the power the Khazarian overlords can muster.

Better than having a tranny like Michelle in there. Or, is it?

Violence need to return to the hands of the people. If the people keep abdicating their right to rule over themselves - and their property - then they will be nothing more than cattle waiting for their time of slaughter.

And that time is fast approaching.

Never let anyone convince you that you do not have the right to use any measure of violence needed. Gratuitous violence if you get off on it. Trust me - if you don't someone else - almost certainly will.

Just look at the Olympics.


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