Market Friday YUCK!

in #oldtimers6 years ago (edited)

Yep YUCK! is the theme of this weeks MarketFriday!

Hello and welcome to Market Friday hosted by the ever enchanting @dswigle. Please feel free to jump in the fun...just be sure to leave your link on her page! This is a really convenient idea and I have stole it for my MonochromeMonday and TreeTuesday!


So the day started off by being pretty...

Pretty cold actually!


Who in their right mind would venture out in this?!?!?!


Or take a chance of being impaled going into the store by this!


But There Was An


We Were Out of RAMEN!!!!!!!!!

Oh the horror I know!! Ben was near starvation!!

Ramen should always be bought the box if not the pallet!

Yuck? Not Yuck?

Just look how shiny and "precious"


Now This is Yuck!

Note the date: 12/28!

I took the screenshot immediately when I saw what was next!


You Got to Watch those Dates!


But wait it gets even better!!!!!!! LOL!!!!



Am I right?!

Needless to say they did not make it into my cart!


Oh and a shout out to my friend, @bluemoon


Thanks for the company on this Silly Market Friday!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
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YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang



LOL! Even without the expiration date, they're a horrible thing to place in one's system----they're waxed noodles! The body can't digest that stuff. If I'm in dire need I'll stick to bean soup! 😜

Yes!!! Tell them!!

😂 👌 Once again you have me laughing hard!

Well that's my problem, I got about 50 years worth of it in me!

(Facepalm) 😒

I will be the first to admit, as Ben is almost a college kid, especially with taking the classes, he is entitled to his ramen. It is a rite of passage to every Poor college student.

On the other hand, he lives with you....

I will admit that there are more emergencies up there in tundra country than I could possibly put up with, but, those summers are to die for. Unless the black flies are biting. Oh, sure, you win the contest. I still don't have to wear a jacket although I have graduated to long pants today.

I am a label checker myself. I cannot. Expired food is not up my ally. However, checking out the old guys cart for verboten food is!

Hmmm: I am sure that is your spring mix and Doritos? Pringles? Oh, my! The best thing I saw was the rabbit food.

And the @bluemoon beer! Yes, please!

Upvoted and will resteem later! tip!

Well the dog gets most of the Doritos and the salad is mine ;)

Drops laughing! 😄

He is such a liar! I saw his picture on one of those Expose magazines shoveling down Doritos and feeding the dog salad! @coquiunlimited

Lies! They Photoshoped those pics!! LOL

Ramen, yep that is a reason to go out into the yuk... Ha!! Although, I do understand those kind of emergency's all too well. I rather like it every now and then myself but its not something I will eat too often.

So nice of the store to watch those dates. Wal-Mart is the worst offender of that near me.

We're getting a few inches of the fluffy white stuff right now. I hope they have the roads all cleared up for those who have to get out this weekend.

Hope your weekend is a good one!

Your post really got me laughing. :D It looks a lot like our shopping carts this time of year. There's something about the season that brings out the need for Ramen I guess. (I personally don't eat that much of it but I find it good with an egg in it and some of that spinach)

Oh I get it almost like Chinese Hot Sour Soup. I will have to try that!

Mmmm, Pringles, I forgot that I really like them!!!

Oh they are great and the mini cans work great for those of us (ME) that don't have the best self control!

Burrr and yuk!! Any good chocolate in that cart?? So funny seeing the organics mixed in with all the junk food. Although I must say those doritos look mighty tempting...resteeming.

"funny seeing the organics mixed in with all the junk food" exactly I'm a walking contradiction!

I can be at times too...there are certain junk foods I grew up eating that when I get the craving, I say to heck with it. "Life is too short to deny yourself a treat now and then." Course at my age I have to be a bit more health conscious and avoid as much of the "poisons" as I can.

Sure I get that. At my age I just figure I dont have much to lose!!! LOL

Hey have a lot of friends here on steemit that wish to see you live a long and healthy life! You want to be able to get out and enjoy all that crypto you are making. You would be amazed and the energy and vitality you will have if switch to a healthy diet. With the right nutrition and a bit of exercise, minus the poisons and heavy carbs, you can extend your years and quality of life by many more years. Old timers like you and I can make a huge difference in people's lives on a platform like this ..That is why we are here! I am sure you already know this. And of course, I must take my own advice, lol

This is a great comment and many thanks for the interaction. I was just teasing and totally agree. The rabbit food there was mine. I have been eating better plus walking and am down 25 pounds from 9/11/17. I do feel better. The carbs are mine downfall! I just love carbs.. Its not easy. BTW I followed you :)

Yeah, I kinda figured as much. Same here with the carbs. But i'm working on it.

What a mixture you must a iron stomach :)

No, you don't want to get impaled with those ice spikes.

oh oh oh what is your weather !!!!!! you are a brave man :))))

Aww thank you :)

yuck!!!thats awesome,,you always makes this amazing

Thank you so much!

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