A MarketFriday ExtravaganzasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #oldtimers7 years ago
Starting off with a manly store!


MarketFriday Fun

Welcome to another chance to join in #MarketFriday brought to us by the ever infallible @dswigle. She just asks that you post your link in the comment of her marketFiday post here.

On a Mulch Mission

The first order of business was to get a few bags of mulch to put around the patio in preparation for winter's snow.

Of course this being Michigan, Lowes was well stocked with snow throwers. However, for the past decade or so we havent had too many big snows that would justify it to me.


Being that it is after Halloween, I was expecting a huge Christmas display section, yet I was sadly disappointed. The only real thing to buy was a HUGE tree...


If you are in the market for a 12 footer and have an extra $700 bucks to spare, Lowes can hook you up lol.

YIKES For that kind of cash, I would want mine to be self decorating! lol.


Mission Accomplished

Lets head nest door to see whats shaking at WallyWorld


So its way after Halloween but Walmart isnt going to give up selling these FINE pumpkins...lets check the price...


Ah, only 67 bucks for a slightly battered pumpkin that has seen its better days.

Oh what s deal! LOL! You CANNOT make this stuff up.


I needed to return some stuff and was greeted by a nice long line!!!! Grrrrr!

There was not shortage of moaning and complaining by those in the UNmoving line of slow death!


Make the Most of It

Good time to respond to some comments! The eSteem app really works well.


I Love This Stuff

Notice it is the angel hair variety. Perfect for spring rolls and makes the best cole slaw!


OMG So Addicting!

These grapes are like crack cocaine to the Old Guy. They are HUGE and so Juicy and Yummy and go sooo good with feta cheese, or any cheese, or by themselves...did I mention they are so addicting LOL!!!

Just dont tell @dswigle coz they are not helping my weight loss efforts -- AT ALL!


The best deal in Wallys is this fresh bread. Only a buck and SOOO good. The price is right!


If you are going to eat a lot of salads, these are a must.

They really liven them up, as does olives and feta cheese...but again shush thats out lil secret, mkay?


Oh What Is This?

Looks like Mr Thrifty is treating himself to a new mouse and keyboard.

Guess it was time seeing my old mouse had died and my old wired keyboard no longer had paint on the keys lol.

Be Sure To Join In the #MarketFriday Fun!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang


You are very efficient! I got a twofer on this post! Thank you! I haven't even mulched yet, sadly not even winterized my gardens. The roses are still blooming and everything else is still growing. Sort of.

Tonight it is going to freeze. Sigh.

A day late and a dollar short, I will be winterizing it on Monday, no doubt. Boo. But, hey! Speaking of cheaters trying our best to change our lifestyle, how is that going for you? I have been trailing you through WalMart and I have to tell you Old Man @old-guy-photos we need a good old sit-down and chat time soon. ;)

I know you were whiningtelling me about your keyboard the other day. But, @ace108 was right! Black Friday is right around the corner! Couldn't a good sharpie be used to write the letters on the keyboard until then? Or hey. the jolly guy is coming soon!

As usual, I caught you red-handed with those sugar bombs you call grapes! eyeroll Just when you think I am away for the day. Am I right?

As usual, you have a great post and I love following you around, however, it really is only to check what goes into that basket! Hey, you!! Have a great night and thank you for participating in #MarketFriday! You are always a pleasure! :) Upvoted and Resteemed tip!

Oh boy, dont tell me you saw the part about not telling and keeping things our lil secret, eh? See, ah, I really DID want you to see it...yeah thats it....it was part a confession and part a cry for help...of course thats all it was...or actually, ah the reality is I do not have a direct recollection of typing that and cannot be 100% sure that I did actually type it, see....

Oh well is not the kettle calling the pot black? Could not the mani/pedi/whateveri have waited till closer the holidays. Oh I bet they run some really nice holiday specials no doubt.

If you didnt give me the boot that day, you could have reminded me about Black Friday!

Well no matter what you say, Darlin, you are still the best commenter on all of Steemit in my estimation. Many thanks for the tip ;)

You crying like a little girl man with his eye poked out, again? If you had paid attention in typing class old man Paul, you wouldn't need a new keyboard.

Know what I mean?

Give you the boot? LOL Let it go, man. Let it go! LOL You wouldn't know a flip flop from a boot. I swear it. Speaking of which, should any one of us brag about our direct recollection, as it were. Pot calling Kettle!

FYI They never give deals on mani/pedis because people get them every week or two. There is no need to give them away when people will do it for full price. A girl has her needs, you know! You can't put a price on that!

Well, thanks for the fun, as usual. You put a smile on my face just passing through here. LOL Have a great night!

If they would of invented computers in the prehistoric days when I had typing, I would have paid more attention lol.

Well a gal had needs like a mani/pedi and I guy has needs for a new mouse and keyboard. After all somebody needs to resteem your marginal lovely posts 😋

Huh?? keyboard and mouse? cannot wait till black friday?

I know, right @ace108?? He could have used a sharpie to put letters on the keyboard!

And me? I don't know letters on the keyboard mostly. haha.

You know what? You are 100% right! Now why didnt I think of that?

Face it, you are just not cheap enough.

well, maybe it's not expensive enough to wait for a better offer anyway.

I like the way you think @ace108

Well, the man does get more usage from it before black friday. :-)

:) Good morning. Oh, I guess the old man @old-guy-photos deserves a little pampering.

Great post, I'm doing good pretty much the same trip tomorrow. Can I ask what camera you use?

Sure, on this I just used my cheapo phone camera. I got a $100 Alcatel. On my usual posts I use a Panasonic G7.

It goes to show it's more the person's skills than the gear then, they turned out really well, I had an alcatel before and images actually were pretty good too in decent lighting. How do you like the G7? I'm currently using a canon powershot sx60hs, mostly because of the mega zoom and moon pics

I like the G7 because it is mirrorless, compact and light. It is a cheaper camera so I'm not afraid to take it out in the kayak or woods like I would be if it was a high end camera.

I agree today there are folks that can take a hundred dollar camera and get incredible shots. I know my limitations are mental and not due to the gear!

I didn't mean it that way, I meant the shots you got from the alcatel were great, when I used it, I had blur and overexposure like crazy, maybe too much caffeine and the alcatel's lume's twitchy attempts to focus, or i'm terrible with it lol. But yours came out really clear and steady.

Oh well thank you very much. I use an Alcatel One Touch. Its not nice as an iPhone but it didn't cost nearly as much either lol. I much prefer shooting with my camera, but I have to say the phone is more stealthy. No one notices when you wave a phone around. Wave a camera around and people notice.

We have Lowe's next door to Wal-Marts a few times around town. I guess it makes it easy to go to both. lol

I just got off work & for some reason I'm hungry after reading your post. And grapes sound really good. :P

Wonders off into the kitchen...

Say, dont forget the cheese to go with the grapes, Deb!!!

turns out to be long lines in stores there is not only in Israel hee hee, but you are very correctly used the time instead of being nervous :)

Right. We kind of expect them at Walmart lol.

wow many things in this market

$700 for a tree. That is a lot of money for a tree.

You got that right buddy! Too much money!

Great post my dear friend

Great post for Market Friday
Wow glad I am not in need of any Pumpkins at those prices,
and that tree isnt to bad but I think I need something bigger for my mansion, Oops sorry I just woke from some dream, that wouldn't fit in my little place lOL

Maybe they would consider cutting the tree up into quarters? So I could afford it lol.

Never fails Walmart will try to squeeze the last penny out of out of date pumpkins lol

LOL well if they did quarters we just need tow more and we can split it four ways

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