Some Sun Shots

in #oldtimers7 years ago

Some recent photography I took today for your viewing. The sun came out this morning (Thursday was gloomy) and I played with the polarizing filter on the Panasonic.

I was trying to get some nice lighting flares from the lens but the hood and filter might have dampened that a bit, maybe next time I’ll try some different settings.

Here’s some pictures of the rare cold hardy orchid that grows in the Pacific Northwest in the shade and detritus from the Douglas Fir tree. (Just kidding, these are staged pictures but they look somewhat natural at least)

Orchid Closeup

Orchid in Sunlight

I took a little artistic license with this picture:

Dog-oh the ever philosophical contemplates the green stuff that grows in the cracks of the sidewalk. He still doesn’t get it but I can see a bit of a doggy smile and check out those ears. Perhaps if you see the world too much in black and white nothing ever seems that funny, lol. ;) – edited in GIMP

Dog-oh original

The field was looking cool this morning with some fog near the ground. This shot is from a moving car and processed by Google Photos. It was taken with my Galaxy S7 without any filter so the blue sky is a result added by processing.

Morning fog on field in sunlight

Thanks for viewing! Pictures and writing are my original work. All your support is greatly appreciated.


Poor doggy only can see black and dwhile colors and never can appreciate the beauty of an orchid.
I have grown some orchids before, that things needs less sun and more moisture.
Love photos @lightsplasher

Thank you! Dog really lives a happy life though. You should hear him when I ask, "Do you want to go for a walk?" He just squeals with delight. Growing orchids is fun; I've never bought one myself but they keep showing up. I've got three that I'm in charge of now.

These are all great, but I stared at the black and white of Dog-oh for sooo long I was seeing yellow dots in the form of a face! Kind of like the blinking lights that can cause a seizure for some. Perhaps it need a warning lol.

We have been under our usual grey dome lately so I havent had the sun to play with. I was using Aperture mode and f stop like 22 and getting some cool rays...I want to see if the lens covers would help reduce the purple....being Im in Michigan, it may well be Spring until I can try it for lack of sun lol.

Thanks! Yup, staring at anything for too long can do that sometimes, lol. I was wondering if anyone would see that. ;)

We're back to grey sky again for the usual winter rainy season conditions too. I'll have to try that f-stop setting when the sun comes out again.

Hahaha Almost got me on that rare cold hardy orchid that grows in the Pacific Northwest :p
Pretty Phalaenopsis nevertheless :)


Thank you! It is fun.

Yes,,, you are right.

OMG excellent photography.

nice color flower...

The flowers do vary a bit in color depending on how long they have been on the plant. The sunlight does make it look nice with some more variation. Today is really dreary again with no sunlight.


Thanks for stopping by.

Orchid...that is looking awesome .....
Nice photography...
Thank's for sharing

Thanks, I like orchids. (Or somebody does, I keep getting them for free.)

Wow wonderful photography........////////

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