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RE: Advice to OJ Simspon

in #ojsimpson7 years ago

First of all my mom is as black as you so don't come with the bullshit racism accusations and second it is a fact that this man has significantly more support from the black community as upposed to let't say WHITE PEOPLE. Go right now and youtube Oj Simpson verdict and you will see the opposite reactions from black vs white people. In any case the man was found not guilty so what is your problem. I thought black skin is tougher but yours must be thin like paper that you must see racism in a tip for a guy to get the hell out of dodge while he still can. You have just given me the next topic for my blog. Till soon, Stadex.


Right?! I found his post so weird. I'm sure most white people would agree that would be the wisest thing for him to do rather than spending the rest of his life walking on egg shells, but here's this "black dude."

Can't wait to read your thoughts on people like him.

Your mother's skin is irrelevant and I assure you mine is thicker than yours if your post is any indication. O.J. Simpson is an American and has been paroled, therefore he has the right to live in America, period. YOU don't have to like it, but he is a citizen. As for video, maybe no one told you but the press helped make this case the mockery it still is today with bias angles that turned it into a MAJOR white vs. Black issue. There are many people of many shades with many different opinions on the verdict-but ultimately he was found NOT GUILTY. And yes, your post was racist in the way you categorize people by area and again your MOTHER'S skin color has nothing to do with this-nor does mine. Your racism is deciding that a un-liked black man must leave instead of exercising his right to live were he has the legal right to be. And yes, you did base your post on that. He is black, he is American so guilty or not-he is now a freeman to do as he pleases. Society needs to accept that.

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