clean Internet for users but not ad bots

in #oio6 years ago (edited)
Advertisement on Internet… Is there anyone who isn’t tired of unlimited banners popping up on the screen, “informative” mailings with spam, annoying pop-ups, which offer to call, buy, order… Will blockchain be able to solve the problem and give users a new Internet?

Picture 1. The conception of the project: protection against viruses, advertisement, and tracking system

Developers of the project offers a platform for surfing the Internet without ads, the threat of losing money and getting tons of spam.

What is
The ecosystem allows searching information, buying, and surfing the Internet securely. Each ad and website get the rating from users, the access to personal data is protected by the blockchain technology. The platform is built on 5 components.

Picture 2. The main components of the system

1. Browser Extensions. There are extensions for different browsers for PCs, smartphones, and tablets such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, which are embedded into the platform. will suit every user no matter what OS he uses.

2. Wallets. You can shop online with cryptocurrencies: it’s fast, safe, and anonymous. The mobile app of has an embedded wallet, while the desktop version has a calculation app compatible with Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

3. Mobile Application. The app works as a digital wallet, a blocker of ads, hacking scripts and phishing sites. All in one, just open the app!

4. Marketplace. A trading platform includes decades of authorized sites connected to the system: it guarantees safe shopping with protection against spam, stealing funds from users' credit cards.

5. Merchants. The platform includes an open API, with the help of which creators of third-party sites can connect to their resources, accept payments in cryptocurrencies, and attract new clients through the platform.

How does work?
The system of adaptive Ethereum smart contracts, which are concluded by ordinary users, owners of online-platforms, and ad services is in the basis of the platform. Creators are planning to change the up-to-date Internet by solving 4 main problems.

Picture 3. The logic of working

● Privacy. Personal data of users are stored in encrypted form in the blockchain. Such an approach excludes the access of fraudsters, government, and other interested persons.

● Security. Each site working with receives the rating. If the internet community complains ads, spamming, or poor service, the rating of a site will be downgraded or excluded from the system. This logic protects creators of high-quality content, makes annoying ads ineffective.

● Availability. The materials published on the websites taking part in are available without subscription and contact information and are completely free of charge. Such politics makes hackers attack ineffective, excludes spamming. Users get “clean” Internet without useless information.

● Profitability. Owners of websites get tokens for the high rating, that’s why the high-quality administration and useful information to become profitable. Users are paid for visiting each site and setting the rating. Received tokens can be exchanged on any cryptocurrency or spent on shopping in itself.

How is the ICO of going? What will be with the project next?
Creators of the platform issued 2,5 billion OIO tokens at the price of 4 cents for 1 token. The payment is possible with ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, DASH, ETC. The ICO of the project starts 10 July 2018 and will last 21 days. The creators are planning to raise up to $50 million (Hard Cap).

Picture 4. Internet “before” and “after”

Issued OIO tokens are allocated in the following proportion:
● 70% of tokens will be sold during the Pre-sale (from 15 June) and
● the main ICO.
● 15% of tokens are a reserve for the team of developers.
● 10% of tokens compensate costs of marketing and loyalty programs.
● 5% of tokens are for partners and advisers of the project.

The work on the platform will be provided by another type of coins - ICE. According to Roadmap, the work on the project started in 2017, the version for API was prepared in March. By the end of the second quarter of 2018 the extensions for Chrome and Firefox will have worked, and in 2019 Marketplace for commercial organizations will have issued.

Why is the project interesting for investors? It’s oriented to the solution of the concrete problem. Will the project succeed? It has already raised 195 million coins by now.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60723.46
ETH 3353.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51