5 random things about me Tag

in #ohsorandom7 years ago

Happy Tuesday my friends :)

I got nominated by the beautiful @nikolina for the challenge "5 random things about me" this is her post.
And of course I'm not going to turn down a challenge :) plus it should be pretty interesting to see random facts about my followers!
The challenge was created by @aburmeseabroad and it goes together with a hashtag #ohsorandom.

🇩🇪Ich wurde von der wundervollen @nikolina nominiert fuer die Challenge "5 zufaellige Dinge ueber mich" das ist ihr Eintrag.
Und natuerlich mach ich auch dieses mal mit. Kann ja ziemlich witzig und interessant sein, diverse Fakten ueber seine Steemit Freunde zu erfahren :)
Die Challenge wurde von @aburmeseabroad erfunden mit dem Hashtag #ohsorandom.

5 random things about me

  1. I've no favorite things. No favorite food, no favorite movie, no favorite singer, no favorite city... Most things just depend on my mood actually. Which makes it hard for me in conversations with someone you want to get know. It's always the same.. What's your favorite ___ and I'm like I don't know, depends on my mood :)) So I guess I make it hard for people to get to know me (sorry) haha
    🇩🇪Ich habe keine Lieblingssachen. Kein Lieblingsessen, kein Lieblingsfilm, kein Lieblingssaenger, keine Lieblingsstadt...
    Die Meisten Dinge haengen einfach von meiner Stimmung ab. Was es mir schwer macht in den Anfangsgespraechen wenn du jemand kennenlernen willst. Es ist immer das selbe.. Was ist dein Lieblings___ und ich dann nur Keine Ahnung, haengt von meiner Stimmung ab :))
    Ich mach es den Leuten wirklich schwer mich kennenzulernen (sorry) haha.

  2. 2017 was the year I gave everything up. Job, apartment, Germany.... Since then I'm in the states waiting on my green card, work visa, actually on everything. As long as I don't have my papers I'm not allowed to leave the states. Sometimes I feel like an illegal immigrant.
    🇩🇪2017 war das Jahr in dem ich alles aufgegeben habe. Job, Wohnung, Deutschland... Seit dem bin ich in Amerika und warte immer noch auf meine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Arbeitserlaubnis, eigentlich auf alles. So lange ich die Papiere nicht habe, darf ich auch Amerika nicht verlassen. Ich fuehl mich manchmal wie eine Illegale.

  3. I'm a travel addict. I just love it. I've always been good at saving money and I just spent it on my travels. Everything else was never that important to me. It's important to me to see more of the world and get to know more cultures.
    🇩🇪Ich liebe es zu Verreisen. Ich bin regelrecht suechtig danach :) Ich war schon immer gut in Sparen und hab mein Geld nur fuer Reisen ausgegeben. Alles andere ist mir nicht so sehr wichtig. Aber es ist mir wichtig, mehr von der Welt zu sehen und neue Kulturen kennenzulernen.

  4. I'm a very shy person at first but after a while I become the loudest and craziest. I just never really know what to talk about when I get to know someone. I don't open up easily which makes it hard for me and the other person. But hey that's why I'm a really good listener :) I just let the other person talk.
    🇩🇪Ich bin zu Anfangs sehr schuechtern, aber nach einer Weile werde ich die Lauteste und Verrueckteste. Ich weiss einfach nicht was ich reden soll, wenn ich jemand nicht kenne. Ich oeffne mich nur schwer, was es dann schwer macht fuer die andere Person. Aber hey, deshalb bin ich eine sehr gute Zuhoererin :) Ich lass einfach die andere Person reden.

  5. I'm a cat lover. Like most of you already know. I love to post pictures of my cat and tell stories about him. I just could watch him all day long :)
    🇩🇪Ich bin eine Katzenliebhaberin. Wie die meisten bestimmt schon gemerkt haben. Ich liebe es, Bilder von meinem Kater zu posten und Geschichten von ihm zu erzaehlen. Ich koennte ihn einfach den ganzen Tag beobachten :)

I would like to nominate @deerjay @viera @embomb701 @hanen ... But anyone can join the challenge even without being nominated :)
I'm looking forward to see all your answers :)



I'm a travel addict too and I'm also very shy at the beginning after I get to break those walls and be myself :) I hope I could be that strong as you were and gave up on a lot of things and live the life as I imagined.. glad to meet you! :)

oh I see we've some things in common :) Glad to meet you too ;) thank you

U look good, Nadine! I love to travel too but i am not good at saving money. Haha.

Aww thank you honey. Hahaha yea I understand you :) it’s hard sometimes

schön geschrieben!

Dankeschön :)

Yay! I'm glad you shared this post with us!
We have many things in common, both being shy travel addicts, hehe.
Even though I love dogs a little bit more, I still love cats too.
I hope you'll get your papers soon, fingers crossed! <3

yea I see :) I love dogs too but since I've a cat I feel more connected to them ;) Thank you so much! <3

Good luck on your new adventure in Us!

aw thank you :)

You look beautiful :) Thank you for nominating me :) Will work for it!

Thank you!! I'm looking forward to it :)

It's nice to learn more about you. I love to travel as well but raising two kids, I have not gotten to do as much of it as I'd have liked to. Although, the kids were worth the sacrifices. :D

They are all grown up now so we are trying to plan more trips.

yea I understand. Of course it's not easy to travel with 2 kids. But that is a beautiful reason not to travel ;) like you said, it's worth it.
So now you can go ahead and see some places :)

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