Why should you hire offshore developers for your business?

in #offshore5 months ago

Resilience and business transformation remain top priorities for companies worldwide. The digital transformation projects were further driven by the coronavirus epidemic, and IT decision-makers are always trying to differentiate themselves from the competition by developing software solutions that are powerful, relevant, and inventive.

Things are difficult, though, because of the severe skill shortage in the US and Western Europe. In the UK, for example, 70% of businesses in the tech sector reported severe skill shortages in 2021.

Comparably, the US may lose out on about $162 billion in unrealized income due to a shortage of qualified IT personnel.

It's a fact that local talent in the West is expensive and in short supply, so if you want to develop and grow your company quickly, you'll need to seek abroad. Let's examine offshore options in more detail so you can determine whether it's a solution for you

Employers choose to use offshore developersin developing tech hubs like India and Ukraine for a variety of reasons. Among them are a few of them:

Reduced overhead

It is less expensive to build teams in Eastern Europe or India than it is in New York, London, or Paris. These areas have reduced living expenses, which translates into much cheaper office space, furnishings, and pay.

Availability of enormous talent pools

It can be challenging to find highly skilled software engineers in Western Europe and America. On the one hand, over the last ten years, the skill shortage in the US has more than tripled. However, IT hubs like Bangalore generate the greatest number of highly skilled IT experts worldwide.

A chance to grow quickly
It might be challenging to scale up a business quickly. Businesses can create more expansive offices, hire offshore developers more quickly, and adapt more quickly when they go offshore.

Learn more at : https://thescalers.com/how-we-hire-developers-offshore/

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