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RE: Look At The Size Of Our Home Grown Chickens

in #off-grid7 years ago

Where were you this afternoon Reid?

Busy filming the dead plants in that rediculous greenhouse monstrosity?

You do realize that's NOT a greenhouse.
Not even close.

But that's ok.
I enjoy how you (I was going to say, waste your time, but you prove daily your time has no value) hide your useless and worthless crap.
And then complain about it.
Then blame.


OH, I was busy taking care of something HUGE for the homestead that will make your brain boil. Then you will deny its existence.

You will deny it and deny it and deny it just like you guys say my solar panels and wood stove are fake. Just like you say my off grid electronics lab and off grid wood shop are not off the grid although no outside wires lead to them.

@thediyworld You’re conflating things again, on purpose. I think your solar panels are real, so is your wood stove. The question is how you are using them, they look like they are just props for filming your low quality videos. Show your wood stove with all the connections and open it up to show wood actually burning in it. You have failed to do that twice so far. The cabin has no battery power so you are lying when you say you’re 95% off grid. Your spank sheds do appear to be connected, but so what, you only play in those when you take a break from steemit.

I do not bow to the demands of trolls/bullies.

I have shown my solar panels, charge controllers, meters and batteries many times yet you deny they work.

I have shown the wood stove yet you deny it is working.

@thediyworld. That's another one of your "problems". Not only do YOU not "bow down to demands" as you say,
You even Refuse to take requests and suggestions into consideration from your regular viewers of your DIY YT show.

As I referred to several times here now, you reply to those nice people with "I will do what I want, it's my show".

More proof of why you are losing viewers, viewership is flat, and your poor business ethics.

My regular viewers are just fine. Its you trolls I do not answer to

No, you have never shown any batteries, charge controllers, inverters or meters in relation to the 3 solar panels laying awkwardly near the trailer and cabin.

I will again. Soon.

Lol, that’s because you are going to be rigging up some half assed system with a charge controller, inverter with those junk batteries you just acquired. There is no currently installed system there. Would you mind telling me how much you paid for those batteries?

See - no point in arguing with a troll.

To you its all "junk" or "props"

Just go away then and get a life.

And NO. You are way ahead of these videos. Go away

You’d like me to go away because you can’t answer any of my questions honestly. You don’t even attempt to answer because you’re caught up in a massive twist of lies. It’s easier to throw out red herrings and try to misdirect and deflect from any relevant point.

@thediyworld. Your idea of "huge"......did you get something Free from someone?
Like a CAR maybe?

Rational people's "brains do NOT boil" Reid.

I think troll brains boil all the time

Its the beat up trailer house they claim are not off grid you idiot. No one cares about your little shacks for playing .

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