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RE: Building Chicken Coop While Melanie Sews With Cloth Scraps

in #off-grid7 years ago

Why is your wife sitting on the floor sewing? Wouldn't it be more comfortable at a table? I got sucked in again by your click bait title! Maybe you should edit the videos you are uploading to Steemit to fit your titles! I'm beginning to see why you have angered a lot of people. Before uploading anymore videos you should edit them and change your titles.


Oh, and what part of "Melanie sewing while I build a chicken coop" is click bait please?????????

She was not sewing! And I have NOT went to all your videos and complained!! This is a community. If you don't like constructive advice, what are YOU doing here? Every post I've made has had helpful advice and you attack me like a rabid dog! NOT APPRECIATED!!!
Posting misleading titles is against the guidelines here. You should read them or get off Steemit!
I have clicked on your content because the wording in the title matches my interest! If you don't want me posting clean up your titles of click bait!!
You're a very mean person and I will NOT post another comment under your account!

Thank you. You said that days ago and that is why I think you are just a common troll pretending to be an offended viewer.

Days ago you said you were never coming back to my pages.

Be gone finally then and stop down voting my posts and complaining about everything.

Melanie was hand sewing, so yet, she was sewing.

dont like it. Leave.

Sounds like your not making many friends here Mr.Reid, you know to make money and friends here its a good idea to play nice. If your rude to people it goes down the line fast and the people you want will not watch you or even look at your content, you will be boycotted

Being rude and telling people to leave is not nice.

How bout this be nice or leave and till you do we will down vote you till you change your ways.

I did not say that a few days ago, I have only down voted one of your posts. I said I needed to be more careful. My fault. Complaining about everything? I gave you sound advice in all my comments.

Everything is available to see by everyone and I have not done these things you are accusing me of. Bye!

And my comments above were polite. I told you how to mute me. You will never have to see me or my posts again. Please just do so if you dont like my videos or the content.

Ok. Some of your comments on my posts:

"I know nothing about him other than the few videos I watched here and they seemed to be click bait"

"This video makes no sense to me"

"If I was on your channel I wouldn't be happy with your clickbait titles"

"I'll have to be careful not to click on your videos as they don't match the titles"

With all these comments, can you see how I would feel a bit sensitive to your newest comment?

I tried the first couple times to politely explain to you that we share our daily lives. I try my best to make a title that fits the work we do on a homestead each day.

It is impossible to put every single thing we do on a title.

@watchfulmomma Sorry for your interaction with Troy 'thediyworld' who is extremely arrogant, nasty and mean to women. This conversation thread has happened hundreds of times on his youtube channel only there the lady is banned and blocked. Troy takes ZERO criticism no matter how trivial. He is mean, nasty with a chip on his shoulder towards women. Only glowing praise and butt kissing is allowed. Moron Troy has trampled another person. The sucks forum of 'his trolls' is 80% women that he has pissed off, blocked and banned. Moron Troy is socially inept, 'master of women' doesn't understand he has NO RIGHT to order anyone to leave. He treats everyone as an adversary and what can he get from you. This thread is a fine example of Troy. You decide.

Oh, I have no problem with women at all really. Its the dripping, vile, spiteful ones like you that I do have a problem with.

And so what if I block someone on my own YouTube channel for harassing me? Its my right. You do NOT have the right to harass me on my own channel.

Its very simple really.

And very simply, you should go away and stop harassing me here. This site is not about harassing people. Its about creativity and content.

dripping ??? are you between my legs? Career scamming is not allowed on the internet.

dripping ??? are you between my legs? Career scamming is not allowed on the internet.

Ick. See a doctor.

Career YouTubing is allowed. So is an online career.

Career trolling and harassing is not but sadly there is nobody to enforce it yet.

Then leave. Nobody is forcing you to come to all my videos and complain about them. If you dont like the titles. Dont like my content. Then mute me. Never see me again. Simple. Hit the mute button.

Sorry for your interaction with Troy 'thediyworld' who is extremely arrogant, nasty and mean to women. This conversation thread has happened hundreds of times on his youtube channel only there the lady is banned and blocked. Troy takes ZERO criticism no matter how trivial. He is mean, nasty with a chip on his shoulder towards women. Only glowing praise and butt kissing is allowed. Moron Troy has trampled another person. The sucks forum of 'his trolls' is 80% women that he has pissed off, blocked and banned. Moron Troy is socially inept, 'master of women' doesn't understand he has NO RIGHT to order anyone to leave. He treats everyone as an adversary and what can he get from you. This thread is a fine example of Troy. You decide.

Thank you. He keeps uploading click bait titled videos. I wonder if his youtube channel gets flagged a lot for such irresponsible tactics? People don't like to be fooled.

Troy grossly exaggerates everything. A small wind gust is a hurricane, had 'flying ladders' in his meadow surrounded by trees, had numerous broken ribs that are faked by tumping over his lawn tractor, FAKE vandalism is all for clickbait content on his fake channel. Did I mention he is a FAKE & SCAMMER. Well it is true.

Troy grossly exaggerates everything. A small wind gust is a hurricane, had 'flying ladders' in his meadow surrounded by trees, had numerous broken ribs that are faked by tumping over his lawn tractor, FAKE vandalism is all for clickbait content on his fake channel. Did I mention he is a FAKE & SCAMMER. Well it is true.

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