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RE: Look At The Size Of Our Home Grown Chickens

in #off-grid7 years ago

Troy, have you ever done a cost analysis on your chicken raising ventures? How much money do you spend on average per chicken? I doubt you’re saving any money overall. The other concern is your levels of neglect and incompetence with animals. You are one person who should not be allowed by law to keep any sort of domestic farm yard animals. You’re not called Troy “Chicken Killer” Reid for nothing.


Our chickens are/were very healthy and I show them on video. But of course you are a common troll so none of that would matter.

But to answer your valid question - they cost just a little bit more than a store bought chicken. BUT they are bigger and cleaner and tastier than a store bought chicken.

So the cost would be a bit cheaper per pound actually.

You don’t even manage those birds properly. Why was Melanie pounding the hell out of some chicken meat the other day? To tenderize it, because your meat is tough due to the chickens getting too big. That is not the way you’re supposed to do it. All of this nonsense to save a few cents, while inflicting unecessary pain and suffering on those poor birds.

Actually our birds were VERY healthy and you could see that on video.

But you are a common troll and will argue anyway just to argue.

That is your life. That gives you pleasure.

Actually home raised birds are healthier for us. And they did not suffer.

Only animal troy can own that is not smarter than him is a underfed chicken. He likes to play king of the hill with them but then they die those horrible deaths from raccoons like all the others. You have that on video troy, anyone can go look and see the carnage for themselves. I wouldn't recommend it however.

The only death was by ax and it was fast. Tasty birds too.

So you are saying you didn't have a lot of raccoons slaughtering your chickens? That was years of videos I watched you trying to get sympathy money from the old cat ladies by telling and showing the horrible deaths on your dumpsite by raccoons. Manila? I'm talking years, not just a couple weeks. This is probably your biggest lie to date- only death was by ax.

Another valid question, have you cleaned out the chicken coup this month or even October?

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