
Would you believe it was hard for me to do that. I hate killing.

@thediyworld. No, I don't believe you "hate killing".

5 years of your DIY show proves how you kill just about everything around you.

Chickens, dog, gardens, forest, Jeep, RV, show truck, batteries, batteries, friendships, hope for the American Dream.....

Did I mention batteries?

Feel free to add more.

Hmm, troll much?


Thought so.

You are good at it.

@watertower He also killed a whole bunch of goldfish when he abandoned them in his frozen greenhouse.

Actually no. They were alive and well when I passed them on.

Lol sure. Who did you pass them on to? They passed on, that is what happened, due to your neglect.

Always the same story with you guys. Doom and gloom

Let us not forget about the turtle.

@watertower He killed those turkeys he had as well, through neglect. I hope the goats escaped that fate, but who knows with this serial killer.

Actually I sold the turkeys. And the goats. But yes, I am a serial chicken killer. Tasty too.

”Actually I sold the turkeys.” Really?


THEY LIVE ~ Winter Care Of Homestead Animals
Published by The Do It Yourself World on Tue, 03 Jan 2017

@3:24 ”The umm turkeys all just, I don’t know they’re not healthy out here, they don’t um, they didn’t do well..... and they died a long time ago, the turkeys died a long time ago.”

These are your own words. I have caught you in another twist of lies. So who did you sell all those dead turkeys to?

Troy Reid is trying to block out his OWN video in the comment above. He was caught in a lie and doesn’t want people to see evidence of him lying. He said he had sold the turkeys when in fact he admitted in his video that they had all died on his property. What a lying jackass he is.

They did not all die.

And I block anything you guys post as "my videos" because you dont give me the credit and you edit them for your own agenda

It’s your own unedited video! You’re embarrassed about your own videos providing evidence that you’ve lied yet again. I’m wondering whether you are lying about those goldfish too. Hmm, I’d say it’s very likely.

Hmm, you find it hard to slaughter birds yet so easy to let many birds die from your neglect and incompetence over the years.

Oh give it up finally. Our birds are very healthy and anyone can see that.

So far, hahahahaahah Now tell us about all the horrible deaths at the dumpsite in New York. That was some painful viewing. But it did get the old housebound pensioners to give you the last few dollars they had to do the fence scam. Remember that? Bought the cheapest chicken wire known to man and 3 fence posts to fence in a half acre. Those damn humingbirds kept knocking it down just by sitting on it. But it did bring in lots of cash, remember? Those were the good old days right?

You guys are absolutely mentally insane.

We make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

It is FREE YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Nobody is harmed or robbed in the making of our FREE ENTERTAINMENT

Why are all your “free entertainment” videos categorized as “How to”? There is an “entertainment” category for youtube videos. You robbed John Thayer of his ladders, that is just one example.

You are a lying scum. I have not robbed anyone. John abandoned those ladders three years ago and I have tried again and again to get them back to him. I have text messages as evidence from years back.

So go find something else to waste your time on

Show a screenshot of the texts then. John Thayer’s wife is much more likely to be telling the truth. Are you calling Mrs. Thayer “lying scum” too?

Wasn't that the fence that he put right over the no trespassing signs his neighbor put up when T-bags tried to sell his neighbors trees to the logging company?

Oh. So that was my neighbors trees on my 56 acres of land?

Really? Oh, I had no idea my neighbors owned my land.


The only thing you owned is the piles of junk you hauled on to Mrs. Wrights property.
Then left it there when you skedaddled.

Give it up finally

A) It was NEVER yours...
B) the fence from your crossed the property line where you stole all your neighbors trees to heat your crack-shack...

didn't seem to mind when the raccoons kept killing your chickens. Never built them a proper pen or coop than the raccoons couldn't get into. It was soo sad when you constantly told us another attack had taken place. Feeding them a couple times a month and several times a year bringing them water really took a toll on you. Kidding, I know Ming Ling fed and watered them so you didn't have to come outside.

The only deaths are from when your friends vandalized the place while I was in Manila. The police where there and took the report of slashed tents, fully removed chicken fencing and my slaughtered chickens. The police said it was HUMANS that did it. Raccoons dont leave tire tracks.

@thediyworld Lol, your tire track “evidence”is as convincing as those imaginary bigfoot prints you “discovered” at the trash meadow.

The police thought so.

Good morning Troy! How are you this morning? Got plenty of coffee on the go? You’ll need to improve your game today.

Damned near killed the show truck with spent oil

What show truck? I only know of 2 trucks given to troy by his parents. A black chevy and a white joke of a truck most men would refuse to drive. It screams GAY. Is that the show truck?

Yeah, you guys did a good one on my truck.

Because your claim and accusation of alleged vandalism to your mothers dodge truck, is So Rediculous,
The only way I would believe anything about it is if you took it to a certified mechanic and have them determine this is actually possible.

Even if someone filled the entire cooling system with oil,
The vehicle would run.

You're a fool to have even thought up that whole story.
Blame an entire website for pulling it off.

This coming from a group of people who think my solar panels and wood stove are a stage prop.

Uh yeah, I believe you. NOT.

@thediyworld. FOCUS Reid, we are talking about your lies about the truck in this thread.

See, this is what psychopathic LIARS do.
Change the subject to remove the focus of YOUR lies.

The only liars here are trolls.

Will you be installing the stove pipe upside down again, as in Pine Bush Toxic Dump

@thediyworld How do you keep track of all your lies? No one did anything to your show truck. Your whole evidenceless assertion of vandalism is ludicrous.

Now you - how do you guys keep track of all your lies?

Oh - you dont! Because you guys keep contradicting yourselves all the time.

@thediyworld, Actually, Liars can not keep track of their lies. They're too busy covering a lie with other lies.
The snowball effect if you will.

The Burden Of Proof is on YOU Mr. Reid.

It's your show, it's your business.
Therefore it is YOUR Responsiblity to be 100% Truthful with everything with your business.

It's called Credibilty.

Your answers here on Steemit, besides your lousy video content, shows the world how contradicting and evasive you are.

You fail to answer a direct and simple question every time.
Why do you suppose that is?

I know why.

Now you are playing stupid again. You guys are on here harassing me openly

You guys have spammed my site with links to your hate site which shows EVERYTHING to everyone openly.

And I dont have to prove anything to trolls because you deny everything in one comment right below harassing me in another.

Ignorant neglect is the same as killing.

Tell your batteries that

But your really good at neglecting them

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