VR, AR whats all the hype about

in #oculous8 years ago (edited)

I am monitoring the VR and AR space closely, but i couldnt find the killer application just yet. 

I had the chance to sit together with Tuncay Cakmak Founder of Cyberith on a game show. 


Tuncay is a great guy and he has founded Cyberith the company producing the Virtualizer for VR applications.

So the Virtualizer is a device, which allows you to run, jump, duck, walk etc. in Virtual realities. 

Its an essential component for VR gaming or other VR applications, as just having that Oculous on your head wont be anymore special than playing a game on your normal TV.

So you step into the Virtualizer, put the VR Headset on and voila, you are in a game. Well the amazing thing i expierienced was, that while you need around 5 minutes to lern how to walk on the Virtualizer, that it pretty felt so real, that i run, jumped and ducked, while some zombies tried to eat me ;)

I had used my VR headset for different things, but that Virtualizer just made me realize, how many applications are ahead of us.

Here are some usecases i find amazing:

  • Any architect can walk his client through his virtual home. the client can walk in the house, moving this table to the left, open doors, check out his kitchen layout. 
  • Military and Police Training using VR will be a huge thing. 
  • Gaming Industry will combine games with sport (i mean Nintendo Wii made you move a bit, but the virtualizer is a different kind of beast, after 5minutes of playing, i was really feeling like i run for 10minutes)
  • Amusement Parks are currently looking for VR expiriences for their customers

Cyberith is in Vienna and on CES and other shows, so you should try it out for yourself. 

Even famous Steven Spielberg loved it <- click here.

Two things i dont like about VR so much at the moment,

1) even with the Samsung S7 they are using, the VR reality is not a HD expirience yet.  i still can see pixels. 

2.) i got motion sick, but they explained to me, that you get used to it, and at one point you wonnt feel it anymore

So whats the future of AR, VR? I think that AR will make an bigger impact in the long run in our lives. VR is always shutting you out of the real world, and transporting you somewhere else.

AR on the other hand (AR=Augmented Reality) will be more gentle, being part of our lives, giving us useful information and making our lives much easier. 

So AR will be in cars, every car will have AR windows in the future, putting information on all windows. 

it will be in our connected homes, giving us information when we need it.

I even expect that AR advertisement will be a huge thing 10 years from now. just imagine IKEA projecting that incredible new sofa into your appartment !! 

Google is already doing Tango https://get.google.com/tango/ 

so expect nothing less than an invasion of our homes via AR/VR through the big corporations.. the smart guys at google are already thinking 10 years ahead and making sure, google wont fade away.

So i see billions to be made, if anybody finds the true killer VR/AR App, will it be google, apple or a small startup who will make the VR/AR market go mainstreem? 

Or is it This game?? http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-go/

Let me know what you think, would love to hear comments about your opinion on AR/ VR !


could anybody help me. i cant get the pictures to work. is there any service, working with steem. i dont want to create an account for pictures. just upload and post the pics here

ok. its working now! strange pictures didnt show up. was maybe a steemit bug

The image of the post still does not seem to be showing on Internet Explorer, though in Firefox it works just fine (apart from being very small). I'm using tinypic.com and never had problems with images on steemit.

Not sure if you have managed to try the HTC VIVE or Oculus Rift, their immersive experience is much better than when using a smartphone. You still can see pixels as the resolution is not yet high enough, this is more of a technical limitation as you need a really powerful video card to render a higher resolution data in stereoscopic 3D and with enough fps. So probably in a few years we'll get there, but it is not that much about the resolution, it is more about the experience (you quickly start ignoring the pixels) and with these devices not getting dizzy anymore, unless of course you try to do it on purpose like spinning around in the virtual world... :)

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