0th Annual Orange County Kickoff Classic Youth Soccer Tournament is one of the largest and best run youth soccer tournaments
Irvine, CA June 29th, 2021:
On Saturday August 21st and Sunday August 22nd the 20th Annual Orange County Kickoff Classic (OCKC) will take place in Irvine, CA. The OCKC is one of the largest best run youth soccer tournaments in Southern California and the Western United States.
The OCKC brings the best value for your tournament dollars with free parking at all venues and an average savings equaling $250.00-$300.00 per team. The OCKC prides itself with no coach conflicts, balanced brackets, use of Irvine’s pristine soccer fields, cooler climate, great hotel selection and diverse restaurant selection throughout the city. Registration is open and you can pay by credit card or check.
Prior to the 2020 Covid-19 we hosted 550 youth soccer teams. The first weekend is the girl’s weekend and the second weekend is the boy’s weekend.
You never know whom you might see on the sidelines at the OCKC. In past year’s NBA Hall of Famer Kobe Bryant has been seen watching his daughters on the soccer field. Actor Will Ferrell has attended the OCKC several times to watch his son with the grandparents. Chris Klein, former MLS player and present President of the LA Galaxy has coach his son’s team at the OCKC.
About Orange County Kickoff Classic
We are a California 501c3 charitable non-profit. For more information: www.OCKickoffClassic.com or OCKC@cox.net
Media Contact:
Bart Hess, Tournament Director
Character, Teamwork, & Passion
14252 Culver Dr., #A-192 Irvine, CA 92604