The Only Toxic Thing about Fifty Shades

in #ocd-resteem7 years ago


People have always expressed their disapproval of the Fifty Shades movie due to reasons concerning how the female lead character is portrayed in it--as a submissive. When I have started hearing all these comments about the movie, I couldn't believe it! How could people disapprove of a female being submissive in a consented BDSM??? I have gone through so many articles seeing the same answer to my question: "BDSM is abusive......."



Are people really "MORE AWARE" these days or are simple joining a bandwagon of gender/women's rights sensitivity??


BDSM is a CONSENSUAL sadomasochistic play or activity for adults. Now, those claims that it is abusive is already false. You might say, "look at how Christian treats Ana even outside the playroom though" and yes that is a good point, for in so many parts of the movie, we'll notice how Ana seems to be controlled by Christian. However, as harsh as it may sound, SHE 👏 SIGNED 👏 A 👏 FUCKING 👏 CONTRACT 👏 that makes Christian entitled to have a say on so many things including her choice of diet and maintenance of grooming...

Enough about the radical bits

Yes, everything has gone radical and it's all over the internet. IT'S STRESSFUL!

Let me tell you that one thing now that makes everything about the book and the movie toxic as hell:


People do not have to go too deep and write articles slamming the insensitivity of the author towards the issues we are all careful of talking about these days due to the internet police who are also intoxicated with too much daily dosage of radical propaganda. It is just that this book is trash right off the way it was written from the choice of words, to the plot, and right down to the smallest details that could just really make you cringe....

giphy (1).gif

Don't get me wrong, going through menopause is a scientifically proven difficult time for a woman, but did E.L. James really have to be made famous for her just supposed outlet for the said tough stage?? This is not sexism or misogyny but rather a valid attack on the loss of standards that seems to be tolerated these days. It is sickening. People applaud her for creating a "masterpiece" out of a difficult phase in her life, and I swear I tried to look for that "masterpiece", but...


Where did literature go?? 😩

Too bad, people these days seem to have completely lost their sense of taste that I still know a lot of people who think Fifty Shades is art when it is actually just a soft kind of porn...


gif sources:



I thought it was interesting to see Bella and Edward thrown into a different situation. It is just Twilight fanfic and not a literary masterpiece. Same as Twilight, its about how 2 very different people manage to make their relationship work.

Haha, true though!

It's not only soft porn... It's really bad soft porn. It reads like they published a draft without even bothering to have a decent editor go over the manuscript.

Oh god, tell me about it! It was translated in my language too, and boy did I almost throw the damn book...

I grabbed it online once and read almost half of it at once. But I've had a fever that time so that might had been a reason.

Damn, that must have been some really intense fever....

great arguement. I thought she never did sign the contract.. she just played along?

She signed it. It's also in the movie. They had a meeting in Christian's office where they talked about Ana's requests about contract stuff.

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