in #ocd-resteem6 years ago

Travel #1 Sri Lanka – Last night in Colombo

After our fruitful Safari adventure we are back in Colombo for our last pit stop in Sri Lanka. We did not request for Lukman, our tour guide on the first day (even though he gave us his number to contact him when we return from our Safari), simply because :

  1. We were more familiar with Colombo now and would like to explore more on our own.
  2. We do not want him to bring us around to his “commission” place/sights as we wanted to go where we have done research on.
  3. Yes, we learnt our lesson of not wasting time by agreeing to others suggestion.

Casa Colombo Hotel - Funky, vibrant and trendy hotel with attitude! Love it! The entrance to the hotel.

We stayed at a beautiful boutique hotel! Very huge! A suite! Amazing décor in the room. Our last night indulgence.

Excerpt from Mr & Mrs Smith Press Coverage.

'Jazzed up 200-year-old Moorish mansion in Colombo’s southern Bambalapitiya quarter overloads the senses: hip, hedonistic and highly styled, the design-driven interiors were created by owner Lalin Jinasena, a protégé of the legendary Geoffrey Bawa. Here, personal domos (butler/concierges) tend to your every whim, and a spa and bubblegum-pink pool entice you to relax and unwind.'

Morning breakfast at the terrace.

Beautiful dining area and wonderful menu at Casa Colombo.

Décor in the restaurant. Ok we tried to lift those gentlemen with our bare hands...

Our last night in Colombo, so we decided that we have to go to the Ministry of Crab for dinner! Our travel indulgence for the night! So off to the Old Colombo Dutch Hospital.

The Old Colombo Dutch Hospital (known as The Dutch Hospital) considered to be the oldest building in the Colombo Fort area dating back to the Dutch colonial era in Sri Lanka. It is now a heritage building and a shopping and dining precinct.

Ministry of Crab, we were craving for this huge live crab for dinner 🙏🌹

Garlic Chilli Crab.Our favourite! Highly recommended to non-vampires & non-draculas!

Pepper Crab ...not bad 🙌

The famous logo.

Some beautiful souvenirs that Kamisah purchased at the shops in Old Colombo Dutch Hospital.

A visit to Ceylon Spa for a massage, dinner at Ministry of Crab and finished at Heladiv Tea Club (the real Tea House).

Not ready to stop our adventure and return to the chaos at home, but we must and it was a lovely 5 days adventure.
Goodbye Sri Lanka…..Off to our next adventure……..where next? That will be Travel #2. See you in next travel post! And thank you for taking the time to read my colourful travelling adventures! If you need any advice on where to go, just ask and I will direct you to Kamisah, LOL.

A little history of my travel buddy Kamisah and I below.

Kamisah and I usually loves to travel together. We have known each other back when we were working together in the hotel industry in the early 90s. So we practically known each other for more than 20years. She was the Chef Concierge and I was the Guest Relation Assistant in Goodwood Park Hotel in Singapore. A little history back then between us, we were never close before and the closest link we have was our Duty Manager, Susanna, whom works together with us. But we did have an awesome time working together in the hotel line(potential interesting stories there!). I thought Kamisah was snobbish and very upperty at that time so was not very close to her at all and she totally thought the opposite of me, a party gal, a riffraff, LOL.

We became close when we had a Goodwood Park reunion 15 years later and from then onwards we were best buddies, and an even better travelling buddies. Our travelling adventures usually consist of:

  1. We both suggest places of where we want to go.
  2. Kamisah will do research on the best place. (She is entitled to because she knows lots of people all over the world, being the Chef concierge, and has travelled all over the world in style).
  3. Sometimes, I will do the bookings but most of the time she will since she probably gets more discount than I do, LOL, with her international passport traveller and international friends.
  4. One of the night stay must be a luxurious hotel (if we can afford it), to treat us two ladies. Usually it happens on the last night of our holiday. (So Casa Colombo was our luxury hotel stay in Sri Lanka adventure).
  5. Part of our adventures usually have various categories :
    a) Nature (Sand, Sun, Beach or in this case a Safari)
    b) Culture
    c) Modern & Art/History
    d) Exploring each countries’ to do list
    e) Shopping/Pubs/Clubs (I HATE SHOPPING) - (Well she does the shopping and she make sure that there are pubs or places for me to drink while she shops). LOL
  6. And last but not least (the part I hate), she always make sure that I bring a dress or a very nice appropriate clothes for a fine dining or for going to some important occasion. This is like a torture to me! Because I either don’t own a dress and I don’t dress up when I travel. So after the first travel, Kamisah insisted we shop for one. Yes, I now own a few dresses and a few nice clothes and shoes.


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