Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals - summary & commentary

in #ocd-resteem4 years ago

Hey guys - new commentary on some crazy stuff few people know about. The broader goal with these is just to start opening minds up to the realities of propaganda and the constant grabs around the world for greater government control.

Hope you enjoy. YouTube description below.


This video is a very quick summary of Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Lucifer (although this is often explained away, but, as always, do your own research). His "Rules" are the playbook of the radical left (ideological socialists, communists, and "progressives") and have featured prominently in many modern politicians and cultural influencers. When you start to learn these strategies, you start to see how they are being and have been used. It's very eye-opening, if you're willing to have your eyes opened. The cognitive dissonance of shedding an ideology can be very painful, so try to honestly look at these things without the natural resistance you may have.

As always, do your own research. If I succeed in helping you to have a broader understanding of the ideological water we are swimming in, or even just start asking more questions, I consider it success.

In a broader way, these commentaries are just about broader discussions of totalitarian states and the ways we arrive at that point. A huge component of arriving there is the unthinking, average citizen who doesn't understand the effect of propaganda. Don't let that be you, okay?

My starting point is personal experiences and the stories I've listened to over the years of those from former and current socialist/communist states, paired with extensive personal study. I'm offering simple, peripheral commentary on YouTube because I believe we are capable of having our eyes open to what's going on around us, and being more independent thinkers--especially in a time of coronavirus, where we remember from history that crises are often used for the implementation of greater government control.

I'm a conservative musician. I'm a Catholic. I'm frank about that being my starting point, but I do not come to what I share lightly, although I share more conversationally. I have no agenda but the truth. I come by it through experience, personal relationships, extensive reading, and advanced education. My goal is simply to start to facilitate better, authentic engagement with the political and cultural reality around us.

This is part of an ongoing "song theme" series I'll be doing throughout 2020 with regular commentary. I'll be sharing the gamut from politics, culture, and art, to love, injustice, and true humanity.

Subscribe to follow along on my hike through these chaotic times. Civilization is still worth fighting for.

My regular professional work is currently performing at select private events in Canada and the US. To contact my business partner and me with a request, please e-mail [email protected]. Signed, limited editions of my most recent album can only be obtained by direct request at this email.

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