Bulgaria and me

in #ocd-resteem6 years ago

Bulgaria it's about a stone's throw away from the town I grew up in, the town who was my home until I was 18 and left for college. Right on the shore of Danube which is the border between the two states, on our side, it's a chemical factory. In those days it worked at full capacity, now just a few units. This is the point where we used to go and where we go now, when we are coming back and visit the town, to see the Danube and more far, to see Bulgaria on the other side. Back then, when I was a child, there was a story of how we had to pay a fine to Bulgarians because the pollution from our chemical factory destroyed their roses plantation. I still don't know if this is true.
It's strange how I didn't visit Bulgaria (except for very short trips or one time when transiting it while going to another destination) until now.

We've crossed the border from Giurgiu to Ruse and headed to Lyaskovets, the small town where we had a room. The guest house is a house from 1871 beautifully restored by its owners. It has everything a guest would want and more. The accommodation is impeccable, so are the donuts served together with breakfast :)
The room we've stayed in has a special shelf above the door full with books. There is also a common room transformed in library. These were wonderful surprises! You have plenty to read when you're back from visiting.
In 2 days we managed to see only Tryavna, Arbanasi and Veliko Tarnovo. So, we'll gladly come back!








Today I'll show you a little bit of Tryavna.
They say that Tryavna is Bulgaria's little Prague. Well, I've never been to Prague, but if Prague it's a larger Tryavna, that's ok with me because I loved it. We had just a few hours to visit, so we've decided to walk the streets to see as much as possible and discover ourselves the touristic objectives. The first thing that hit me – of course, it’s just a figure of speech – it was the roofs made of rocks. A small river crosses the town and the bridge itself it’s an attraction. Other landmarks are the clock tower and St. Archangel Mihael Church. Although it’s a touristic town, the streets were quiet and very nice to wander.







To be continued

Source and more, here:


That looks like a pretty place to visit. I love the old buildings and historic stuff. The place you stayed looks very cozy, too.

It is, I kinda played it safe, a friend visited before and spread the rumour. I like the old houses very much, too.

When I read this blog, my thought was: must have been a nice trip to Bulgaria. I have never been there, but this makes me curious to visit this country.
And those stories about pollution are pretty serious: walking in some kind of fog, rose plantations that were destroyed. Hope that things became better!

Things became better as many units of the factory were closed because of pollution.
It was a nice trip; these places are close to Bucharest, too. I will come back :)

“Back then, when I was a child, there was a story of how we had to pay a fine to Bulgarians because the pollution from our chemical factory” - don’t know if Ceaușeascu paid anything to them but surely we made about 10.000 people of Ruse leave the city because of the pollution we were pumping over the river. Second time we polluted them badly!
Very nice pics Cristina :) glad you are posting these nice blog articles from time to time.

I didn't know that. I'm born in Turnu Magurele, about the chemical factory from here I'm talking about. I remember going to school through some kind of fog which was not really fog.
Thank you, Bogdan, for your nice words, as always.

"Înaintea privatizării, combinatul chimic a avut probleme datorită poluării. Combinatul fost închis parțial, pentru retehnologizare, în noiembrie 1999, în urma numeroaselor cazuri de poluare transfrontalieră înregistrate[3]. Ulterior, Ministerul Mediului a dispus de mai multe ori încetarea activității unor secții ale combinatului, tot din cauza poluării în zona de frontieră[3]. În anul 2003, orașul Nicopole din Bulgaria, situat în apropiere de Turnu Măgurele, pe celălalt mal al Dunării era singurul oraș din Bulgaria în care toți locuitorii aveau măști de gaze" - from Wiki :)
Practic poluarea de la Turnu a fost al doilea caz de poluare babană pe care le-am dat-o vecinilor bulgari. Nu ai zis in articol ca ar fi vorba de Turnu de-asta am presupus că e vorba de Giurgiu :) oscilam între cele două orașe înainte să-mi zici.

Ohh I've been to Bulgaria 2 times...but always just for a summer holiday and haven't seen much :/ need to go back I guess :D

Well, we'll switch roles, next time I'll go to the beach and you'll go visiting :)
Thanks for stopping by.

Wow, looks like a beautiful place! Your pictures make me want to visit! Too bad you haven't been more often in the past! Looking forward to part two :)

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