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RE: The State of the Art | Race and gender in American theatre.

Took the time to read this through again and intend to read Equity 2020. It's staggering how ingrained these patterns of discrimination and prejudice are in our HEADS, as well as in our culture/industry/daily life.

Growing up in a racist family, one that was kind and polite but when happened-upon by a person of color, there was always a comment to be made, I feel like I had to rewrite my thoughts into adulthood. No one called me out when I made a joke singling out a person's nationality, or making a remark about a person's race.

Over time, though, I realized how toxic the behavior was and that I needed to quit that if I wanted to become someone that was free of bias. Challenging our condition - be it cultural, racial, gender-bias, and religious, is the most important thing we can do as humans but it seems to be so deeply worn into the common perspective that it's taking literally hundreds of years to undo it.

Moral of my ranty/personal comment: Studies are great, organizations are swell. But, change starts with the individual on a daily, moment-by-moment basis of awareness and choice.

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