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in #occult4 years ago (edited)

First I pulled a card from my Soul Mirror Oracle Deck:

The Sun - God - The Creator

To set a tone and focus for the drawing and reading.


This is a message from God to you:

You, The Querant, are in a state of surrender, on your knees with your hands in the air - "I give up", and in so doing, you invoke the aid of your Guardian Angel, God, your Higher Self - however you want to look at it. Surrender to win. The direction is to see with your heart - close your eyes and feel. More meditation is a good idea now - go within and find your strength. Do not trust what you see in the world with your eyes - go with your heart and your Gut knowing that you are protected. The Sun is also in teh drawing - on the left side - so illuminate your shadow self - the feminine - now is not a time for using the finite mind- use Intuition to feel your way forward.

Do not try to hide that you are in this state of surrender - show it. But this is not surrender to the puny human authorities but surrender to the Ultimate Authority. Definitely do not surrender to the human authorities. NO! We are sovereign beings - we are our own authority - seek God's will and follow it even if it flies in the face of human authority. In addition, PRAYER - always in those situations. Prayer to be invisible to human authority, Prayer to stand up for principle, Prayer to have God stand between you and a danger.

Now is the time to choose - the Spiritual Side or human and the Spiritual Side is where your true Nature gives you your ultimate power to manifest NOW! As a leader of others. Others look to you for what to do - you must show them that you have FAITH in the unseen and that is the Power and the way.

Moral Principles that are being forgotten but are here always - live them, show others how to do it as well and walk the narrow path, step by step, prayer in every moment - if you do this, your life will be satisfying, albeit "different" than it has ever been as we awaken to why we were born to live on earth at this time.

-- I am here for you to create a positive statement of intention to make your personal talisman -- let me know what you would like to do. This drawing is originally about 2" x 3" and I made it to fit on an 8" X 10" print for you at 300 dpi. Once we come up with the talisman, I will fit it into the drawing.

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