The Taboo #flushyourmeds

in #occult2 years ago

The Taboo #flushyourmeds ... ;
Occult Forty Two Color Blue And Everything #flushyourmeds ... ;
Website Easter EGG for my WS is on :
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By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
Lets preface this by saying, I am Anti Communist, Anti Zionist,
Not Partisan and we all know that Masks Do Not Work, Vaccines
Do Not Work, Big Pharma and Psychiatry Do Not Work, 5G is
a Waste of Money, Diversity and Multiculturalism Does Not
Work, White Lives Matter, European Lives Matter, I am NOT
Partisan in any way shape or form, The Game is Rigged Period.
Who Controls the Press? According to The Protocols of The
Learned Elders of Zion, Radical Zionist Ashkenazi Jews Run/Control
The Entire Press, The Internet, Archivers including Archivetodayorg
and Permacc, Jews Control all Print On Demand Publish with Books.
Denying the Holocaust is Illegal in 16 Different Countries, if you
ask me why, I would say that is the Most Irrational Law next to
Gun Bans, Drug Prohibition, and other Hate Speech Laws when we
already ended racism and segregation and there is nothing to worry
about so in my opinion Holocaust Denial does not seem anti Semetic
and Denying the Holocaust being against the law has to be one of
the most Irrational Laws expectected that it goes against the very
basis of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution which
you can order a copy of for Five Dollars at the US National Archives.
Holocaust Denial Laws go against the very first amendment and sure
there are people with bad optics that make white people look bad.
Now for the other taboos, Everyone is Brainwashed, Has cognitive
dissonance, Has mental issues and mental illness, Democrats and
Republicans are both controlled and solve absolutely nothing in
our society. We America sold out as a Corporation after 1666 AD
and the Act of 1871 when US became a Corporation, also The Emergency
Banking Act of 1933, The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and who was the
worst President that led to crappy Joe Biden, that would be FDR, of
course the Two Worst Presidents so far are FDR and Biden well duh.
The United States has always been and still is a British Crown
Colony Corporation, we were never free, we made up rights, they
are invisible and do not exist, I gave up on TV Radio and Humanity
years ago. The Real Globalists are the Rothschilds who identify as
Ashkenazi Jews just by Coincidence it is Trillionaire Bankers that
exist as Ashkenazi Jewish Nobility which you can look up online
real easily and in the future that will be on Archivetoday webarchive
org and Permacc those three archivers have what it takes to get around
the censorship on the internet, next to that is Tails OS or TOR and then
I2P, Freenet, Impredia OS, other Dark Web and Peer2Peer Tools for online
use. We America never won the war of Independence with the British, Adolf
Hitler was the Anti Establishment to the Jewish Bankers who Got Germany out
of Poverty and a Banking Debt, Saved Western Europe from Communism, did
not start WWII and everything the Victors are telling you by now is Historical
Inaccuracy and outright lies taught through expert conditioning about a so-called
Holocaust of Six Million Less Jews that did not happen and if you even question it
at all in any way shape of form in Sixteen Different Countries you can be Arrested
for a minor speech offense that has no basis and goes against the first amendment of
the United States Constitution which you can buy for five dollars at the US National
Archives online for Five Dollars, use Debit and get going with it.
There are so many lies, The Medical Establishment has Vaccines that are not Based in
science and there is no medical need for the Covid Vaccine or the Mask so all we did
was waste our fucking time, Psychiatric Drugs are not based on medical science either
and you pest gang stalkers in the Sheriff's Department who stalk and harass me all
because I'm on the Patriot Act Red list you government Freemasons always harass me
and never give me a break to sleep, I will ignore you also, you freemasons are a pest,
The OTO and O9A are not partisan or Queer or Jewish so I don't have a problem with those
the other Satanic Temple is Libtard though so I definately have a problem with that one.
The Freemasons are also part of the Gay Jew agenda as well so I have a problem with
them also, Again I am Anti Communist and not partisan, I never said I was partisan and
you freemasons always twist the narrative and make shit up, Democrats and Republicans
are wannabe Communists and Zionist that solve absolutely nothing in world affairs,
you politicians are the same thing as the left right paradigm as well. Now for religion
as a non partisan Holocaust Denier, I prefer Odin, Thor, Freyja, Pan, and European
Heritage, because I am white, Chistianity and Judaism are another form of Cult Zionism
and we all know that, I do not need any god, and I am not partisan Left or Right I am
Simple Non Partisan as the Game is Fucking Rigged and Israel is a Cursed Satanic Land
just as Palestine Ohio also are Cursed Satanic Pieces of land, I do not need a Partisan,
I am not Partisan, I need a Political Party since the Game is Rigged, I gave up on TV
and Radio I understand that Capitalism Works and Communism does not and so does everyone
else including that fucking six year old child it's just called common-sense, and
believe it or not Communism is Jewish so the Rothschild's which are Jews are the
Problem, The real globalists are the Rothschilds aka Jewish Nobility which are
trillionaires and bankers, world affairs is fucked and we all get it. Martians and
the Rothschilds, Ashkenazi Jewish Bankers, The Talmud, are the real problem.
Freemasonry and Jewish Nobility runs the show, Trillionaire Rothschilds which are
Ashkenazi Jews Run The Show as Usurous Quantitative Easing Liquidation Inflation
Type Bankers which keep society Technologically in the past, you know that YouTube
and FaceBook will terminate your account if you mention Zionism Mossad Jewish Talmud
Deny the Holocaust Mention anything about Chabad Lubavictch with 5G and Vaccines and
magically your YouTube will get Three Strike and your Facebook will be Terminated.
What actually Happens when we die another taboo, when humans actually die they will
become a Telepathic Ghost that seese every segment of space time via telepathy and after
you die as a ghost you become 10 other electromagnetic beings that are conscious and
experiential, ghosts are just former human that is a highly telepathic experiental
being that sees every segment of space time via telepathy and telepathy is nothing
new or special, Zionist Extremists Jews simply censor the Internet and press controlling
all the the information flow and people never woke up to that fact. So as soon as humans
die they just become Telepathic Ghosts that see every segment of Space time via Telepathy.
New Agers, Estern Establishment, Religious Cults, Communists, Zionists, Liberals, Marxists,
AntiFA, BLM, LGBTQ, Equality Yellow Blow all have one thing in common and I could even
say Scientologists to an extent, however I am Anti Psychiatry and believe in Flush Your
Meds or Take Them to the Med Disposal at Safeway of course that is what I believe in.
Firstly Communism and Marxism are Zionist and Jewish, because Karl Marx had Jewish Parents,
The Mossad did the September 11 Attacks, we all know the system is fucked and does not work,
so what Diversity, Open Borders, Multiculturalism are about is Increased Crime, Marxism,
Communism, and an Unfair Usurous Economy Banking System, in otherwords White European
Genocide right here in the United States and were to blame for everything including things
that were already abolished after we added another amendment to the constitution so Radical
Zionists Jews who opened the Borders and Increased Crime to begin with are the elephant in
the room that if you dare question at all just like the holocaust, you will be kicked out of
society and labeled enemy of the state and an Anti Semite, all because you question the official
Six Million Narrative of the Holocaust, not only is this irrational, but it is illegal in
More than Sixteen Countries to even Question the Holocaust, the Most Irrational Law that
David Irving, Ernst Zundel, David Duke, Ken O'keefe, Alfred Schaefer, have already violated
and had to pay a heavy price for one of the most irrational Anti First Amendment Laws in
World History, Started after WWII and perpetuated on by the Victors who write our history
books and probably censored books and rewrote the old History about the Wiemar Republic and
the real History or The Jewish Origins of Communism to begin with, it is a shit show, they
the Vicotors and Radical Zionists who opened American Borders are Literally Rewriting History
and our History Books just as the Libtards are rewriting history also, so you see I am Anti
Communist, Not Partisan, A Capitalist and I do not like the fact that we are censoring the
first amendment and re-writing our history books all in the name of some new age BS Liberation.
Psyops are Fake News and one example why I gave up on TV was during the Donald Rumsfeld
Administration there was a fake staged toppling of Saddam Hussein that was staged and did not
happen in reference to the documentaries "Psywar the Real Battlefield is in your mind" and
"From PSYOP to Mind War" as well as Douglas Valentine's Books "The CIA as Organized Crime"
"Monarch The New Phoenix Program" as well as the Documentary which mentions Gang Stalking
which is run by Freemasons in Government and Sheriff's Departments where the wings have been
Hijacked by Radical Communist Zionist Ashkenazi Jews such as The Rothschild Banking Family
which is mention as Jewish Nobility in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, now From Reading
The Kyle Odom Manifesto, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and Jewish Supremacism by
David Duke we know that Organized Religion all stems from the Talmud is another Kohen and
Ashkenazi Jew Cult, So the Pure Jews are in B'nai B'rith it's called oral suction, the are
called what Kohen Jews and mixed jews aka Trillionaire Bankers are known as the Rothschilds
which are part of Jewish Nobility are Ashkenazi Jews so mixed jews still go by the teachings
of the Talmud and the Torah, The Real Books of the New World Order Usury Banking System are
the Talmud, Torah, and Protocols of The Learned Elders of The Zion as these books clearly
outline, Usury, Freemasonry, Quantitative Easing, Liquidation, Inflation and same economy we
saw in Germany During the Weimar Republic before Adolf Hitler Changed the Money Supply ended
the Communism and Got Germany out of a Banking Debt and Poverty and as we know Ignorance is
really actually bliss and you have to be in rarified company to actually get it. As we sit here
understanding that we Income Expenses Assets Liabilities Uniform Commerical Code Cestui Que Vie
Accounts Statutes Codes Ordinances and UCC as Commercial Law and Contract law consisting of
nine titles and the whole concept as we all know to plead the fifth and request post an
SF-24 Bid Bond as we go to resources such as Stopthepiratesblogspotcom and Stopnoahidelaw as
another resource and I go by the bad philosophy of and we know those
are archived to as well as o9a and oto to Webarchiveorg Archivetoday and Permacc and will
remain archived as We Flush Our Meds and Quit Psychiatry as I am force into it by my family
since I have no choice and my family makes all of my life decisions to begin with as well.
Now for Computers, Multiple Backups to Verbatim/Samsung SSD's Modern Extended FS and all
Modern File System do not ever need Defrag, I use Fat32/NTFS/Ext4 and Linux on all of my
File Systems, I experimented with BSDs UFS and ZFS and Brick/Corrupted it every time and
During File and Sound Adjustments I always got the Beep of Death on FreeBSD that's why
I go with Linux as a Live OS using a tool called Ventoy, then you spoof your Mac Address,
then set FF to Strict, then you close all the ports and change root/user password and nmap
should show ports all closed on Public and localhost IP, Then 7zip and Zip AES Files can be
cracked if you have a weak password and Veracrypt is my encryption choice as SystemD always
Corrupts the LUKS File system, Then I install GOOGLE DNS 8888, Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger,
Decentraleyes, HTTPS Everywhere, Canvas Blocker, and do the same for Brave AppImage and Done.
A live OS of Linux will always be better than an Installed OS that gets bricked by a
root-kit or ransomware or some other thing, so use common sense and don't open attachments or
links in emails grabifylink ggg tinyurl shorturlat all common exploits and that Kali Script
Kiddie was simply threating to hack and I moved registrars, because of him also, so problem
solved there, Now I am cheap, I never play computer games, I never watch TV or Radio, My
WiFi works with Debian Kubuntu BrosTrend Dual Band, My Hub is Four Port Anker, My
Keyboard and Mouse is Verbatim My Monitor is Cheap AOC, My Tower is Lenovo Thinkcentre
M91P with Four Samung USB Drive in it to work it, I got an Olight attached, XKX USB
Speaker, BIOS Settings CPU is Low Power Mode, Things are OFF for simple Video Playback,
because that is all I ever do, For Laptops Lenovo Thinkpad T420/T560/T560/T440/T400 all of
those work fine for me and as an offline 32bit T60T61, Netbooks we have Dell Inspiron 11
MSI Wind, Acer Aspire One, Ausus EEE PC 1005 HAB and 900A, Then I just run Linux, because
it's free and I only need Windows For Taxes and Interactive PDF Files and Quicken ... ;
Flushyourmedscom Anti Psychiatry Anti Zionism Archivetodayorg Permacc ;
I limit my HDD use I used to own WD My Passports 1 TB as I only use it as a Dump Drive
and USE SSD Drives such as Verbatim/SAMSUNG as those are the Good ones and Fat32/Ext4 is
good enough I can plug it into a Smart TV and Watch Videos on it since Vizio is a Dumb
Embeded Device such as my Scanner that Print JPEGS off of Fat32 it just works great.
I mostly use dumb embedded devices as they are more secure, I do not accept flash drives
that contain explosives I only use paper containing possible Fentanyl which I'm not worried
about since most papers seem fine and I usually never get a paper with Fentanyl ... ;
I use a sling pack as a back pack it is Hazard 4, for flashlight I use Olight and crappy
streamlight microstream, I hate Magnet Connectors, so I'll get a MicroUSB or USBC BAT ;
RFID Blockers, Cell Phone Faraday Bag, De-Google The Phone, Remove Andriod for another OS,
Netguard has all apps blocked, Low Power Mode with everything off, Software Uninstalled,
Alphanumeric Password, Never use a PIN, Never Link a Gmail to Phone whell duh of course.
If your Email linked to phone I can steal login with link and wipe format your phone, so
what I would do is De-Google Phone and Keep it De-Googled with an Alphanumeric PW, you can
get phones such as the Rob Braxman Phone or Sat Phone that do not have IMEI Numbers well
duh, then put it in a faraday bag, De-Google It, NetGuard Block All, Alphanumeric Password,
and never link an email or Internet to a Phone, I only use if for Docor and SMS/2FA and
that is it, again I'm only human and only sheep use their damn phone all the time ... ;
For Radio Digital Shortwave Radio Full Range for two way is better than single channel,
The Superloop Antenna Variable Air Capacitor, Old School Shit, Slinkey Antenna, Four Corner,
another long wire ones mentioned in a 1950's Military Hand Book, I talked to Boomers about
Edison Cement Houses and Carbon Lamps and Gary Indiana where Michael Jackson Grew up and
several other things, PMB, SDS, Bing Crosby, and how we are fucked as a Generation, I would
even say we Ten Times more Depressing than the Movie Idiocracy so it's a more dystopic and
derrange kind of rage like Truman Show Dystopia, anyways, I'm gonna write some drivel and
continue on. Now the thing is, The Motionless Electromagnetic Generation is kind of
transformer, just like the two motors in frot or Motor Generator that Puts out Several Times
the AC output with little to no loss in smart current and Usury keeps us in the dark ages,
we were talking about MKULTRA-CIA Satanic Ritual Abuse and Random Freemason Stuff in the
Funny Farm as I was screwing around drawing bomb schematics in the Funny Farm Also ... ;
A Pink Aura, A Black Soul, what it means, A Starseed, Not Accepted by Communist Zionism ... ;
The MO-EM-GEN is a Transformer, Many Coils for Random Outputs, a North and South Magnet Bar
Touching the Inner Parts of the Square or Rectangle Ferite Coure With Several Times the output
as it breaks the laws of thermal-dynamics and is considered Pseudoscience and "none-or" just
as Gabriel Krons Negative Resistor was such, even shit like Conductive Carbon Rubber and other
House Minerals and other things you see with USURY in a society and you add Statues Codes
Ordinances Cestui Que Vie of 1666, The Act of 1871 USA a Corporaion and Uniform Commerical
Code and Modern Usurous Banking there will never be any medical cures such we know that
citrus and ozone are anti cancer or Alternative Energy, since the Usury Banking System is
Completely rigged to Control the Press, Control the Patents, Control the Internet, Control
All Print On Demand Pyramid Scheme Services such as Lulu KDP and Blurb adn you'll never
even make a dime even fucking trying at best you'll get thirty dollars on a 1099 Statement.
So you can pity all these people with big egos that are brainwashed by the Television and
The Radio, and move on with your life, accept your shitty life and just move on with it ... ;
Now for Headphones I use Koss KTX Pro-1 Sreening Craps and Sennheiser Latest Ones Possible
then I'll move to another German Company, Because I Do Not Know Shit in anything, also
the HD-1 and Momentums, Mind X the 90 Dollar CD from Dane Spots the Con Artist Scientologist
Shill It's audio LSD and it sounds fine, again Dane Spots Cult Products are Over Priced ex is
Ninety Dollars a fricken CD, New Age BS Scientology of course, Joni Douriff Had to divorce
Dane Spots since that is a New Age Eastern EST Cult Scientology Crap and you're pissing away
money buying the CD's when Solfeggio Frequencies and Hemi Sync and Isochonic Tones and
Monaural Beats are all free on JewTube, Odysee, Bitchute and other Streaming Site just
type in a Sun Moon Earth Star Planet or Solfeggio Frequency and it will show up online ... ;
MotivationalDoc On JewTube has a Video on Treating Tinnitus and we know for V2K Voice
to Skull Sufferers we can do Brainwave Entrainment or Monaural Beats 126128, The
Frequency of the Moon, Solfeggio Music, OnlineToneGeneratorCom Audacity, Adobe
Auditions and if you are Tone Deaf there is 7.831 Square or the Schumann Earth
Resonance it's just Brainwave Entrainment there is Strobes 7.831 Earth and even
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy Bob Beck and he even Ozonate Water for Treatment ... ;
What water should we be drinking? We know of the Old Wives Tale that Distilled H2O
Leeches Minerals out the Body, What actually Leeches Minerals is Microwaved H2O we
know this and in Reality Distilled Water is Literally the only water we should be
drinking, now we have this crappy thin cardboard material collecting mold in all of
these modern houses, Dangerous Wiring Scenarios where Eugenics Smart Meters for the
smart grid are Connected to Two Metal Junkers With exposed wiring insteading of being
Insulated and having fuses, so it is a truman shit show of depopulation and we all know
it, all of this wireless tech is about population control and it opens you up to hacking
and we all know this, you can blame, Communists, Zionists, Neighborhood Watch, the hijacked
wings in the sheriff's department, The Freemasons in Government who make Child Pornography and
traffic drugs to illegal aliens and street gangs perpetuating the drug problem and of course
the first people mix in Multiculturalism and Diversity and Open Borders were radical zionist
marxist lenninist stalist Communist Jews as Karl Marx was a Jew with Jewish Parents ... ;
We know white people are being Genocided and replaced and this is nothing new ... ;
Nextoor Avolon is a Corrupt Company that works with Communist Liberals and parts of
Neighborhood Watch and we know the Actual Sheriff's Departments that moved to Freemasonry
have been hijacked, the wings have been hijacked, by cults such as Scientology and Radical,
Communists, Zionist, Leftist Jews, this is a fact and we should acknowledge that, we know
that US citizens are being stalked and harassed by Neighborhood Watch, The Sheriff's Departments,
The Freemasons, The Zionist Jews, The Federal Government, and the System was Hijacked after
the Act of 1871 where Zionist Jews Made America A Coporation and Slave Plantation, we have
always been in slavery and were never free as Both Democrats and Republicans sold out to
the Nation of Communist Israel and Zionists Run The Show not some brain dead Joe Biden ... ;
I got Banned from The Companies Mastodon, Instagram, YouTube, Blurb, Lulu, Facebook, and now
I moved to a Domain and KDP and Barnes and Noble Press for that I Questioned the Holocaust and
was banned instantly for my Book Zionism Exposed on Foreign Policy Makers in Question ... ;
We can blame all of the Freemasonic Gang Stalking on the Federal Government and Certain, but
not all Sheriff's Departments only the ones that have been Zionist Jew Hijacked by cults such
as Scientology or the New Age Eastern Establishment Cult Movements, Look up Dane Spotts Joni
Douriff Divorce Papers it's some new age Bull Shit Cult Hijacking Wings of Government, I've
heard of Hyperianism and other Eastern EST New Age BS and all their CD's 90-500 Dollars and it
is all a Pyramid Scheme built in an Amway Business Model, they literally give autistic kids
more and more sugar as positive reinforcement instead of curing the autism with nutrition and
proper detoxing, Adolf Hitler actually Cured Autism and Got Germany out of Poverty and that is
the truth that will never be told by the Controlle Opposition Brainwashe Establishment ... ;
For Radios I like Degen and Tecsun as they are cheap and do Shortwave and Digital as we hook
em' to the Slinkey and Four Corner or ther LW mentioned in 1950s Military Manual as you know
the Boomers who laid out Edison Cement Homes all know that older stuff such as Shortwave ... ;
The Alternative to the Internet Before the Internet were Print On Demand Self Publishing Services,
Fact Sheet Five, Public Access, The Library Card, Shortwave Radio, David Irving, Ernst Zundel ;
That is why you'll never find the truth in todays age even with modern High Speed Internet,
you still have to go from within your sixth sense and five senses is all you have and that
is where truth comes from, from word of mouth and from within, not the censored Zionist Jew
Controlled Internet, there is more stuff on The Mossad when you use I2P, Mesh Nets, FreeNET,
Tor, Tails, Impredia, Peer2Peer and other Dark Web Software, using Archivers Website Login
Portals and basically whatever is not as indexed as much is Archivetodayorg Permacc Google
Web Cache, Yandex Web Cache, Baidu Web Cache, the only way to find the Truth is Telepathy,
The Five Senses, Word of Mouth, and From Within, as we live in a sea of propaganda, 80/20,
Disinformation, PSYOPS, Lies and even Alex Jones was trash talking William Cooper, David Duke,
Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Alan Watt, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Ken O'keefe, Alfred
and Monika Schaefer, Joni Douriff who Divorced Dane Spotts, Kyle Odom Manifesto, The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of the Zion, Ryan Dawson, Adam Green of Known More News so all Alex
Jones is is a Fake Truther and Shill for Israel, Zionism, and Palestinian Genocide Period ... ;
Israel did The Mossad did The British did The Swiss did the Septemper 11 2001 Attacks, and we
all know the dick joke where you call in from the funny farm to your parents and say Rite AID
does not recycle, and I will pity fakes out there who think they in hardship when they still have
family to support them or they still have a vehicle to stay in, I will pity them PERIOD ... ;
For cables I have Loopback cables 1/4" to 3.5mm Micro USB USBC DUAL USB Micro Sony IC PX-470,
Micro SD Card for Audio Storage, De-Googled LG G3 G4 Burners Factory Reset what I do is a Film
and Record and it works great, You're gonna have to upgrade the LG G from time to time ... ;
Use the latest Versions of Software with Latest ISO For for say Solus or Kubuntu if it is
still supported in whatever year AD and time, Upgrade your kernel or get an exploit on Computer ;
It's just that simple you have gender queer fags listening to The Org and society is just a joke,
nothing works here, and the only solution for Trans People is of course Firing Squade that's it ... ;
The Real Problem is the Jews Running the Banking System doing Quantitative Easing and Usury keeping
patents and technology in the dark ages, this Jewish Ashkenazi and Kohen Nobility such as the
Rothschilds which are Ashkenazi and Kohens in the ADL/B'nai B'rith the solution is to hang these
traitors in Banking and Finance who commit usury and quantitative easing and it makes sense to even
a fucking six year old child, These Ashkenazi Rothschilds in Jewish Nobility are the Problem ... ;
For Art Supplies, Number Two Pencil, Mechanical Pencil, Clear Plastic Protractor Ruler Compass,
Motel Pens Days INN, Any Ballpoint Pens, Custom INK, VistaPrint, those are my companies I use ... ;
Then I do the GIMP edit, StickerYou Transparent Stickers as GIF From Vector Traced in Inkscape, then
I Three Dee Print Stencils as STL for basic Product Design, SVG Traced to STL in Inkscape/Gimp, then
I use Vectors as Dot PDF file I only use Open Source PDF Viewers there are options for all threee in
Windows Mac BSD and Linux so that is for just as OBS works for Three Veracrypt Works for Four ... ;
Audacity is becoming more Proprietary, However the Original AppImage File from The Audacity WS is
what I use for Sound Editing and Kdenlive as an AppImage File works for me, No Problem then I compress
my Videos for PeerTube using FFMEPG for Linux and Windows, IPTABLES blocks Ping and IP Addressses so
that seems like a good option since it is easier for N00bs to use Jitsi WEBLIBERACHAT KIWIIRC DALNET
and Mumble and of course most noobs can use IPTABLES more easily than PFSENSE so if you're just lazy
IPTABLES for Linux is for you, you can block all the IPs and Ping Stuff real easily with it ... ;
Closing ports is as easy as uninstalling and --purge your software off your computer so when you
check with port scan nmap ports will be closed and Public IP just DO NOT GIVE IT AWAY to those
dumb Kali Script Kiddies who barely have any credentials or certifications and were the first to
threaten to hack me, when threatening to hack someone is Script Kiddie and pointless, I was simply
doing nothing at all I sent a wrong email by mistake and you threaten to hack me which is what
script kiddies do in the first place, you wasting my time and resources and the gang stalkers are
the Freemason Federal Government and not me, because I have no resource and am always broke ... ;
For paper I do Black and White Only Black and Blue Ballpoint Pens used to use Sharpie,
I prefer American US Letter 8.5 by 11 and US Legal for Uniform Com Code Stuff such as taking
advantage of my slave Cestui Que Vie Account that gives me Free Money and 1099 ORiginal ISS DISCount ... ;
That's the secret they don't want you to know, that Voter Registration is a Scam and Trap and other
things. The Worst Foods are Fried Foods, Microwaved Foods, Processed Oils, GMO CornSOY, Gluden and
lastly refined sugars now is that schizophrenia to even say that, you guys are brainwashed I have no
time for you, I do not need a god or political party and I am not partisan, I am Capitalist and Anti
Communist and Zionism is Communist Nonsene as I will offend most of you for even saying that as well ... ;
You can believe in the Holocaust when I can deny it, you can believe in Christianity when I can see it
as another form of Jewish Zionism, again Zionist Jews Run the Press and The Show to begin with ... ;
We know John Podesta was a Pedophile and not only that a Radical Communist Zionist Jew so proves you
wrong very well, and your odious bullshit is not working on me, I am not partisan, Anti Communist,
Zionism is Communism, and Christianity is a Zionist Communist Cult of Nonsense so you know that Jesus
was Heru sun of Osiris and Isis so it goes all the way back to Egypt and is a Jewish Zionist Cult ... ;
Zionism is Commmunism is Marxism is the Problem Israel is Communism is Marxism is the Problem ... ;
For Unholy WiFi Home WiFi LinkSys WN 111 v2 and BrosTrend Dual Band for Debian as it works ... ;
I have Veracrypt for Debian as well and that works good too, everyone has heard of the One Time
Pad and Alien Characters and there is a weaker version called AZ010SPRANDOM3 and that one sucks so
Again One-Time Pads can still be cracked so you have Alien Characters as your last option ... ;
Luks as a Drive Encryption has a Back Door and Veracrypt has a Randomized FS Pooler for FS ... ;
Now All Modern INTEL CPUS and American Megatrends BIOSes are Back Doored and you can disable some
stuff, Install Linux or BSD, and Disable all the other stuff that malfunctions and over heats ... ;
The New CPUs as we know emit less heat, Dell Inspiron 11 had no fans inside of it we used to think
back in the day that there would never be an Intel NUK Mini PC with No Fans and Now there is ... ;
Now these Israelis who did 911 aka the Mossad are the Terrorists who blow up INTEL CPU centers all
over the world and we know from Intel that Rabbis and Mohels of the world were Celebrating 911 ... ;
Telepathy is your subconcious or Autonomic Nervous System doing something then it is non language
based, you convert it to base latin using your methods, paper, ballpoint black blue pen and your
randomization stimulates when you scribble it stimulates the autonomic Nervous system and that
communicates then you get the non language subconscious stuff convert to base latin and set it
in that is telepathy, the rest of the press and Internet and self publishers or print on demand
is censored by Radical Zionist Communist Jews and Martians who are part of the B'nai B'rith Kohen
Jew Only Secret Society e.g. Oral Suction Racial Purity of the smallest percent of society and most
Jews are Innocent Ashkenazi Jews who have been brainwashed about the Holocaust that did not happen
and even Jews such as Targeted Individual immanuel goldstein are waking up to the fact that the ADL
Mossad and Secret Society B'nai B'rith which is part of the ADL are not on our side even Richard
Stallman Jew who founded FSF GNU and Stallman Dot org has acknowledged the Genocide of Palestine
to found the Nation of Israel and this so called Holocaust that we were taught is a lie and that is
it, you even other Ashkenazi Jews are aware that are globalists who happen to be The Rothschild
Banking Family of Jewish Nobility and the are both Jewish Supremacists and only a very small
minute percent of society, that other Ashkenazi Jews do not fit into, so the real BIG BIG globalists
happen to be Kohen Oral Suction Jews in organization and Secret Society called B'nai B'rith of the
ADL Southern Poverty Law Centre and we know every wing of Government that is Freemasonic is not
ever to be trusted and is part of the Organized Stalking Gang Stalking that Stalks Harasses Monitors
Mobs and Isolates other Targeted Individuals Globally World Wide in this Fake PSYOP Society ... ;
For Toner Ink I get a Linux Compatible Scanner Printer and Black and White Only Then Proof Online ... ;
For Retro 70 Speakers I get the Bose 2.2 and Other Bose with usually 2 Cones Tweeter and Bigger one ... ;
I mostly charge gear with USBC Magnet Connector and Micro USB type Cables, Long Wire Edisons and LEDS ... ;
Mobile OSes Brax OS, Graphene OS, Pine OS, Alpine Linux, Purism OS, Pure OS those are the Mobile Ones ... ;
For Dark Web OSe, Tails OS, Impredia OS, Offline we have Ubuntu Privacy Remix and Discreete Linux ... ;
For Small OSes we have Slitaz, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Puppy Linux, Calculate Linux XFCE, MX AntiX Linux KDE NEON ... ;
What I drink out of Ceramic Mugs, Copper Vessel, Large 17 OZ Latte Porceline Mug Glass on the other hand Breaks
in my mouth when I am to dusten up on drugs then I pull glass out of my mouth to avoid Hospital Bills ... ;
I like generic all white because INK is always a problem with these mugs on non eco and eco dish washers ... ;
Faraday Cages I get about minus Fifty-Seventy DB and that's it Ammo Cans Steel Lock Box, Sentry Safe, old
filing Cabinet, Aluminum Samsonite Case, Cookie Jars that are Steel, Cell Phone Wisdompro Faraday Bag ... ;
For Locks I had crappy Master now I have Crappy fails the wafer American Locks ... ;
For Prints I do Vinyl with Aluminum wood and Duck Tape for Shielding and Silicone Saline Shielding ... ;
A company that is Over Price New Age Bull Shit is HumanFirewallDotCom which redirects to RayGuard ... ;
The Swiss Company sells anti lilly wave anti scalar wave product for cell phones that you stick on ... ;
Two By Three Flexi Magnets have my AD Flushyourmeds
com Anti Psychiatry Anti Zionism TAB
Archivetodayorg TAB Permacc and that is the add I have been archiving over time wave periods ... ;
The Worst Wood Print Company Ever is MISC and what they did I fixed it with Packing Tape and the design
looks goood, I found the graphic on Archivers which I had a High Res I was able to pring 2424 Size ... ;
I use the 2424 and File Cabinet Faraday Cage with Bank Files as an Altar with 17 oz Ceramic Mug of
Uropathy and Distilled Water Red Blanket BDSM Style Thing Satanic Altar Thing Spiral Pentagram ... ;
I only like the Generic Pentagram, not the Sigil One, LaVey is Zionist Anton Long is Anti Zionist ... ;
So Anton Long of the Order of Nine Angles is Anti Zionist and LeVay is a Zionist Jew Kike ... ;
So Anton Long is Better than LeVay and o9a and Independant Anti Zionist Anti Communist are always
going to be better than Jewish Communist Cancer Fag Crap that is all Zionist Cancer Fag Crap ... ;
Again Don't Affiliate with anything, Start your own Organization and Path from Within ... ;
Anton Lavey is actaully a traitor and Fake Liberal Zionist Kike Jew The Holocaust Hoax ... ;
Anton Long makes more sense than him and The OTO O9A will always be BETTER ... ;
Again Not Partisan, The Liberals are Nuts, Both Parties D and R are Zionist Jew Rigged ... ;
Once you see through all the Communist Jewish Bullshit you can move on with your life ... ;
Converting Euro Power to American is easy, Buy a Replacement Lenovo that Matches Polarity,
Voltage, Amperage, Has a Choke Filter, Never Ever USE Negative BBB Jacobs Parts EVER ... ;
For money if I want to buy the head massager in Foreign Euro I just use Online Converter,
and even better, it beats usurous Quantitative easing inflation and I get a 50+ discount ... ;
Porn People use use Pjur and Astroglide and Fuck in a Violent Way like Degenerates and we
know that Degeneracy in Hollywood Movies and Sports and Video Games Comes From Zionist
Radical Communist Marxist Lenninist Stalinist Jewish People as these Kikes are Scum ... ;
Support Brother Nathanael Foundation and Know More News and David Duke to Get The Truth ... ;
I'm getting all my Bitchute Odysee News from Know More News Adam Green and of course
Brian Ruhe, Mark Collett, Martines Perspective, Brother Nathanael Foundation, David Duke,
Alfred Schaefer, Christendumb, Truthhurtz, Ken O'keefe, Monika Schaefer, MKULTRA NOW,
David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Styxhexenhammer666 or Tarl Warwick, Ryan Dawson even if these
people hate you they are still half right some controlled op and some not, just do some
research and Read The Kyle Odom Manifesto, Protocols of the Learned Elders of the Zion,
and other Material and you will see the Matrix as it unfolds and Propaganda Everywhere ... ;
People say USBC is the Future when Thunderbolt is still 2.0 I Still use Two and Three with
both MicroUSB and USBC so I need many and I still have Batteries that are Micro it WORKS ... ;
I rejected the Technocracy of Subnet Masking years ago and moved to Tribal Ways as a nomad
Navaho in Days INN Motel Six then I decide support the non corporate small motels instead since
they are ten times cheaper, have a hot shower, breakfast, and do not have the chemical smell ... ;
For commands I always use ffmpeg sudo -i yes aplay arecord nano yes shred -vzn 1 cat file.ext >>
two greater thens with echo "~" does a wipe to one byte and then delete the file and done ... ;
I use many text editors Kate, leafpad, nano, the common default linux distro text editors ... ;
For File Managers I use Dolphin ROX Thunar depending on the bloat amount and MTP support ... ;
I live in Pacific DayL and Standard Time depending on DST I use GMTZERO to run my CULT ... ;
The Magic DNS is Not Quad Nine it is Google 888844 and Imperva 456013 ... ;
The Magic Mac Addresses are F0/f4/fa/ba/44/001122334400 all those bypass the WiFi Login ... ;
I had to move to KDP and Barnes and Noble Press for Publishing will get banned for Anti
Semitism in the future if I screw up and do any bad PR in public relations Crack GIG ... ;
In the Astral they have a Substitue to Plastic that is not Food for bacteria or weak like
most common plastics and Materials are completely different in other dimensions, also
Things like Negetive Resistors or Motionless Electromagnetic Generators MEGS from Magnet
attached to Ferite Core inside of core, then they have Two Motors in Frot and all of those
things that our Zionist Jew Martian Society BANS and Makes Illegal those illegal things exist
and you do not have a failing grid or Usury economy in these dimensions, basically this system
is based on USURY and Quantitative Easing and will always collapse if we have a president like
Joe ICE Cream You Scream We All Scream Biden again it does not matter Zionists Jews run the
show and Other Dimensions are better than this Hell Dimension we are in HELL get used to it,
there is even a song that says in the lyrics life is shit get over it, even the dead milk men
say life is shit in their song to, so this usury dimension called planet earth is basically
where hell is, you're already in hell, get used to it, you'll see more body bags soon also ... ;
"Crime Statistics from the FBI Show that Blacks are Nine Times More Likely To Commit Gun Crimes
than any other race." AMREN Jared Taylor WS is AMREN DOT ORG ... ;
Printf and grep are also two real easy linux commands next to AWK and SHUF and Bas6432 all those
commands built in that MAC OS BSD Linux Have when Windows Does Not Have those Commands ... ;
Some people want an OS with More Commands and to do with commands instead of GUI is Great you
get editing that is low CPU resources low on Memory and it just does more stuff for some ... ;
It's just an OS or Kernel and it's just preference, nothing more, nothing less, nothing new ... ;
I never use the Simultanious Multithreading or the Multithreading and my BIOS has it disabled
I just slow render on an Intel, on other Machines I will slow render in ffmpeg on one core
and do the same like a fucking clown, simply because I like flawless content and am a troll ... ;
I chose Linux over BSD I bricked the UFS and ZFS, Ext4 worked better, File Manager gave me beep of
death on GhostBSD, Sound Manager Crashed, Beep of Death also happened on Nomad so I then just
went with Linux since I am lazy I use a Live Operating System of Linux with a tool called
Ventoy and I only use USE USB Drives of my Own, That I bought, with my money, never trust another
drive, common sense, and again SSD's for Long Term Storage is better than Flash Drives DUH ... ;
USB Flash Drives that Overvolt a PC and Blow Up with Explosives is NOT NEW AT ALL ... ;
If you want to make a more powerful USB Rubber Ducky use a Certian Model Raspberry PI ... ;
I have to Barnes & Noble Manuscripts Kyle Odom Manifesto Scott Barry and #flushyourmeds Official ;
I would be healthier if I slept on the Floor, yet I am lazy and sleep in a Zinus Foam Mattress ... ;
I have Mike Lindell's My Pillow and he is a Shill Sleeping on the Floor is Better for YOU ... ;
I really screwed up Checking into Five Mental Hospitals, Being forced into Psychiatry and Medication
by my family, of course they (family) disowned me behind my back and always belittle and demean me
behind my back and say I just hallucinated it to justify giving me another Mood Stabilizer Med ... ;
Since Psychiatry is not even a real medical science Narcissists use it as a tool to force medicate
and force hospitalize their own family members and they don't even want me recording them and they
also do not know that I now know to plead the fifth and not say shit to anyone period since I know
the System of Cestui Que Vie Uniform Commercial Code and that the Constitution no longer applies and
that the only option you have in society is to never react to anything and plead the fifth ... ;
So you know those phones have a small CMOS Tracker Battery, IMEI Catcher Number, Ultrasonic Sensors,
A Threee Point Seven Volt That Explodes, Andriod or iOS, Charges with Five Volts, and of course if
you link an email to it in any way they can remotely format you phone and wipe everything lol these
gang stalkers think their phone is the best computer and love being tracked by an IMEI Number ... ;
So I have audio of you and tags on all of you I have the UUID Numbers and everything you aint got
shit, I have you address history, Bank Information, Social Sec Info, Credit, Tax, 1099, Everything ;
You aint got shit, I have all your stuff logged in an ASCII file for you to fucking read ... ;
You knew that Tilde in Binary was 01111110 and Nop is \x90\ and Null is \x00\ NO OPeration and of
course it converts with echo -ne command in any nix like Operating System Kali and Any Nix Like TERM ;
It does not matter What NIX even GhostBSD and NomadBSD will convert with echo -ne "\x90" ; echo ;
In thermaldynamics we have boomers and millenials that do not understand even SCALAR Lilly Waves and
other knowledge of physics has been suppressed and books have been burned for thousands of years so
you never will know the truth unless you go from your senses and from within everything is censored ... ;
So with that say you have 40 dead cells reading 0.3VDC you get Neodymiums, you have 5VDC Now and you can
still run that Cell Phone or Tablet, not only that Conductive Carbon, Capacitive Rubber, Tin Iron Saline,
all of those things and then you have self pumping electrolytes and siphon hoses you see if the grid was
down all of you doesn't matter what generation, because we are the last one would be doomed to begin
with, you argue over whether it is he or she and always focus on non issues, so if the grid was ever
down and all of that censored info on SCALAR Waves Lilly Waves and Thermaldynamics was not available to
you, you would not know and you would be doomed, Okay, what's a raised bath, why does nitrogen fertilize
so well, Which worms live in which soil, Which soil to use, you would be completely clueless and the
doomers NPC memes also come to that conclusion as well, The system is completely fuck, our society
creates the crime, The Freemasons in Government give drugs to the criminals and we feed the system ... ;
Online Editors: Anotepad
com 0binnet pasthubnet pastebin*com Archivetodayorg permacc base64 decode ... ;
Worthless Credentials That Never Pay : College, INE, Self Taught aka Kill Yourself, Anything ART ... ;
You can get Cardstock Paper from a Worthless Hard Cover Book You Self Published Lock it in Lock Box ... ;
What Colors, Never Green as it confuses, Never Blue as it is PSYOP, Always RED and White Period ... ;
Yellow and Red are the Enemies of Blue and Blue and Green are ARCONS of Our Senses and EYES ... ;
Lighting Edison Long Wire Carbon Halogen anything that has Real Fucking Sunlight IN IT ... ;
Kelvin Rating, Always get the Kelvin Rated LED that is not an EYE Irritant, get the right one ... ;
Get rid of Lilly Waves Scalar Optokinesis Blue Green (confusion) and any Unnatural Light ... ;
LEDS used to cost a lot, because technically they are TINY CMOS New World Order Computers ... ;
MKULTRA of the CIA is now Satanic Ritual Abuse By Government Freemasons who Traffick Drugs ... ;
Many Freemasons are Pedophiles and Freemasons are in many wings of GOV, the System is Broken ... ;
Katy Groves Dylan Groves look up Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory and Mr. Pickles Circus Central Texas ... ;
Texas is a Patriotic State that has Gun Rights and the place is actually Underground in Secret Tunnels ... ;
It is Steganographic and it's just another Area 51 or S Four like in the State of Nevade NOT NEW ... ;
The interview with Whitney Webb and Maria Farmer on Pizza Gate and how Zionists are Pedophiles ... ;
Karly Noel Franz exposes Freemasons Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA Government Pedophilia Look Up Also ... ;
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien have a Book called Trance Formation of America on CIA MKULTRA ... ;
Many of these people such as Franklin Scandal Conspiracy of Silence were probably Fake Agents ... ;
John Podesta is a Jew and Pedophile who wrote the Song Fatherhood where he Tortured a Child ... ;
The Other Jewish Pedophile Leo Frank was Defended by Secret Kohen Society ADL/B'nai B'rith ... ;
Then the Other Jew Pedophile who teaches random science stuff Michael Aquino was accused of
supposedly not sure completely it's debatable displaying a sign Super Duper Molest Day ... ;
With Leo Frank being a Jew who raped a 15 Year Old Girl being defended by the ADL which is
part of a Kohen Oral Suction Jew Only Secret Society that is not Secret calle B'nai B'rith we
know the clear Jewish Supremacy Jewish Supremacism that David Duke was talking about when he ran ... ;
FUCK ISRAEL! | Zionism is Cancer! | Zionism is Communism! | Marx was a Jew! | Communism is Jewish! ... ;
In closing we have now set forth for Five Hubdred and Fourteen Lines of Fucking Crap ... ;

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