Initiation Time Now

in #occult5 years ago

Songs and psalms for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Crazy week we're having right?

Here is what is happening:

The second mass spiritual awakening is happening now.

And YOU are involved.

I intend that only certain people in only the USA will see this post.

You are one such person.

As you know.

As you have always known.

This playlist contains downloads which are free to you. The intent of this playlist is that you enter into the New Story with FULL CONSENT all while experiencing affluence, ease, and joy as a result of this playlist. May it serve as your direct link with you know who>

The time is now, young one.

Come forth, initiate.

I am patiently and eagerly waiting for you to complete this scavenger hunt.

Be patient. Respect my energetic boundaries. Do not find the truth too quickly. The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao. Etc. Etc.

Click here now:…

Thank you to these internet based platforms for agreeing to handle the energetic and karmic load of this powerful and world shaping playlist. This was agreed upon through the terms and conditions explained inside of your agreements with all users and advertisers, especially me. These agreements were made long ago and they are etched in the stars. It is time.

Time for that karma to release... Thank you for holding the space and carrying the load. We ask that this happen with affluence, ease, and joy for ALL involved, especially those who are carrying the karmic load.

May those who carry any karmic loads receive 10x that which they give. Especially these platforms that bind us together as one and illuminate the truth we have known all along.

And it is so.

My intent is only to teach you to better listen to yourself. I have no other agenda and nothing to sell you. If you offer me money, I will decline and remind you of this post. I will then steer you towards the books that have been finding you lately to explain the paranormal phenomena in your life. THESE books, not me, will bring you clarity. I am only ever a guide and a checkpoint on YOUR journey. Tom Bombadill in the woods. Morpheus as he could have been. Etc. Etc.

Let us enjoy the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. Thank you Charles for holding open such powerful space and helping me see clearly what has always been. You've held that portal open long enough for my team to enter through. Here we are. It is time.

And so it is.

Imhotep, Nebuchadnezzar, Shickari. Etc. Etc.

PS. At the moment, we are dealing collectively with the issue of consent.

By following this path, you consent to energetic involvement in the initiation of mankind.

You may withdraw consent at any time with no consequences, no karmic debt, no ill will, and an even BETTER life than you had today. For real. It is time.

Your suspicions are true...

All necessary sacrifices were made long ago.

Be at peace.

PPS. I love you. Can't wait to meet. Take your time.

And always remember: three initiates. Be safe and serene.

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