The God Concept; Part Six - The Story of The Creation.

in #occult6 years ago (edited)

A Timeless, Space less, No-Thing-Ness.

In the beginning there was chaos; nothingness.
There was non-existence.

A timeless, spaceless no-thing-ness.

A timeless no-space that did not exist…

And eventually, what happened, was that a thought of self-realization grew into this abyss; creating existence.

But how did this occur?

The First Cause.


This void that did not exist eventually came into the realization that it did not exist.

Thus, through such self realization of non-existence.; the thought that was the realization of non-existence realized that it had thought that it did not realized that it did not exist, and then it realized that it had realized this.

Realizing that it had grasped this, it realized that it had thought.

This thought realized that, if it had perceived non-existence, than it must exist.

For thought is a by-product of consciousness, and vice versa.

As Non-existence perceived itself to not exist, such self realization created the initial consciousness.

The initial self-realization of nothingness that it did not exist, is what created the initial consciousness. The initial energy of existence.

Thus, as this energy realized it existed, it simultaneously realized that if it existed, then so too must every possibility exist.

Thus, this energy birthed itself into all creative potential.

This energy birthed itself into the womb of creation; the infinite All attractive one. The All.

In this state, this initial existence now existed as all creative potential.

The best way to describe this would be a giant 'ball' of 'light' that is consciously aware and in deed is conscious awareness.

This creative potential energy is the energy that I described in my Last Post.
It is the conscious beingness of The All which rose into existence from non-existence and created the multiverse through intention.

It is refereed to as Bhagavan in Hinduism, The Most High, The Prime creator, etc, and is the Source and substance of all existence.

This energy of all potential, this all attractive energy, can be likened to the feminine energy.

As the feminine energy is the creative energy of potential.

if we use numbers as a reference, 0 is non-existence, 1 is the initial thought that created existence, 2 is the creation of this energy as the creative womb (feminine) of The All, and finally, 3 is the creative source penetrating non-existence through taking on from and spreading life energy to create the existence of the first universe. (masculine)

(we are now in the second universe even though there are an infinite amount of universe, but I will get to that in the next segment.)

Since feminine energy is the creative potential, masculine energy is the action of this creative potential being carried out.

Yet although explaining masculine and feminine energy in this way is useful for the purpose of contemplation, really these "two" energies are one in the same.

Since every piece and parcel of existence is a microcosm of its creator, every piece of existence carries both masculine and feminine energy inside itself.

Which may make you wonder why there are seemingly two types of human and animal on planet earth - male and female.

The answer to that, in short, is Genesis.

We have most likely been seperated into two species since our fall into duality.

Thus, we exist as males and females, and must procreate only by masculine and feminine sexual union.

Yet even in Greek mythology, it is said that Zeus (Enlil) , birthed his daughter Athena FROM THOUGHT.

What does this tell us about the two gender species of mankind?

It shows that we have been split into two halves. male and female, and thus can only reproduce with the union of these two genders.

As you must know, The All - and thus all that is - is completely whole.

It is masculine and feminine. And so are you.

The number 3 is the number of creation, because the existence as we know it has birthed itself into being through these three processes.

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The next segment of this series, will be titled;
The Creation Event; Did Angels seed the first and second Universe? Do infinite universes really exist? and what is the Big Bang?

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