
We can say that I am in Northern Europe :-)))
My city St. Petersburg Russia

Ah! A most wonderful city my friend. I also have a few friends there.
Do you know @amalinavia ?

Thank you my friend, the city is really beautiful. I am not familiar with PPP yet. Looked at her last post. Is she always silent in the comments? :)

Strange that you should mention it, as I didn't even notice her non replies.
She always comments on some of my posts and I do answer her.
I have another Russian friend @madlenfox, but I don't know if she is still on steemit, as I haven't heard from her in a while.

I just went into the first post I got to see what she was writing about. It was a post for drawing a shiny glass toy. I did not see a single response to the comments under the post there. It seemed strange to me, that's why I mentioned it.
@madlenfox I know, but yes, you noticed correctly, lately I haven’t seen her on Stееmit

Well maybe someone should talk to her on that side?
I think that she does not know about the replies?
By the way what is your time over there now?

0:45 (31.10.19)...yes, it's time to go to sleep :-))

Will talk later and sleep well my friend!

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