Free Hugs are Illegal without a Permit! Hyper-Controlled Society and Order FollowerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #obedience8 years ago (edited)


Wearing a shirt that says "Free Hugs", Tommy Boucher, 29, opened his arms and his "heart" to strangers in the Montreal metro/subway system last Thursday, November 24th.

However, the Montreal transit inspectors said he was offering a service, and this requires a permit, by law. They were just loyal robotic followers obeying their masters... so they issued him a $101 fine.


What's wrong with that?

Nothing. Absolutely, fucking, NOTHING!

But that doesn't stop deranged, deluded, dominating and aggressive controllers from stepping into their 9-5 imagined role of being an authority over others. They think they can go around extorting money from innocent people who did no one any harm, simply because someone is doing something that goes against retarded anal by-laws created by another asshole.


What's that? Their weren't aggressive? Bullshit! Try to deny they have any right to extort money from you. Try to defend yourself from their criminals extortion, and see how non-aggressive these slimy shit-bags. They will harm you for refusing to be extorted. It's all a mask of "non-aggression" and "peace", the illusion of "good", "right" and "order" they buy into and others do as well. So long as you are a good little bitch, cower to their authority, do what they say, and take it up the ass, then they are "peaceful", "good" "order" creators by being "order" followers.


Here's the "by-law" these robots enforced:

Rule 17, Subsection II of the Section VIII of law R-036 which state the following: “17. In a metro station, after obtaining the authorisation of the Société, it is permitted to offer constatinfractioncalinfor sale or lease services or merchandise, or to exhibit or distribute such services or merchandise, subject to the other restrictions in the present By-law.”

Apparently, you can wear the T-Shirt, but not actually provide any service to hug, such as opening your arms to do so, without the approval of the holy transit authority.

Well laddy fucking dah! Who the hell are these morons who follow rules so blindly?


Order followers, that's who. Lower consciousness, obedient, loyal dogs to their masters. They just don't wear their "dog tags" literally, unlike the other obedient dominators and controllers called soldiers, the soul-dyers who are dead inside, no real "soul", i.e. no real morality, no real higher consciousness to determine objective right from wrong. They simply follow orders, and feel-good about following the blind image and illusion of "good", "right" and "order".

The illusion is so grand. The limits of your language are the limits of your world (Wittgenstein). Being an "order" follower is good, right? Because you create "order" when you do, right? It's not a chain of command to lawfully follow orders as part of a duty and loyalty to what is "right", "good" or "true". That's the illusion that we are all sold in society so that we continue to blindly obey our masters. The real chain of command is a chain of obedience, where you do as you're told.

Good little slave, here is your treat: you get to elect a master from a small pool of selected candidates, every 4 years. Be content, that's freedom!

So when someone is offering a service, do they need to be extorted? Hell NO! And certainly not for offering a FREE service! Bunch of idiots these order followers are. This free service makes people feel good in a bad dy:

"I had a bad morning and I met someone who was giving free hugs and I decided to take it"

"This guy changed it. It’s all I needed to get a good day."


The police and military are nothing but state gang thugs, with their gang-colors and uni-form automaton behavior to enforce control and dominate others who do no harm.


The transit authority has since reversed their decision to stand by this by-law. Tommy isn't going to have to pay his ticket in the end, thanks to public outcry.

[References: 1, 2]

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2016-11-29, 9:43am


i guess im the only one who's with the cops on this one.

Most people are just trying to get through their day, and they don't want their commute to be any more difficult or congested than it has to be.

Maybe this one guy wasn't offering hugs during a busy time, and maybe it was just him. But rush hour, with the one guy blocking throughway with hugs, and the other guy playing his gituar or drums for tips, and the other guy who wants to tell you about jesus, or krishna or whatever, and the other guy who wants to sell you something, its annoying.

the problem isnt the hug itself, its the guy standing around being in the way offering it.

that said, he didn't break the law that you quoted.

the law, as written, governs services or goods "offered for sale or lease." There has to be an actual commerical exchange or at least the potential for one.

Thank you so much for covering thie @krnel. Every time I think mankind has reached rock bottom, I am proven wrong by a more despicable act. Yesssssss....the order followers. Coated and protected by the so-called 'law' they can never do any wrong.

And it points to how bad things really are right now in our society, when people like you actually have to Tell other people, that stopping/fining a gentleman who was acting peacefully, is wrong.

Thanks for bringing common sense back!

This is so, so sad. I remember doing something similar in the metro station, giving hi5 to people, seeing them smile a little bit. We had someone from the team always keeping an eye to the "authority" and we had some back-up plans to move in other stations if they came. We actualy asked for an authorization couple of weeks ago and they did not answered.

Yeah sad... People have been infected with many belief constructs for how to live, we have generally lost lost touch with grounding in moral reality.

A lot of them probably tell themselves that they are sacrificing by following these orders for the greater good, everyone believes themselves to be the good guy.

I would think that for a service to be offered the person offering the service would need to get something in exchange for it. Then again I know that's not really how law works, I actually heard about a guy who was trying to organize a meeting for world peace and the terrorism police showed up.

LOL because freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is truth. Peace is "evil" and terrorist state gang thugs are "good".

There are always two sides to a medal or a coin. You look at the freedom of an individual versus the liberties of a society. I knew at one time in Montreal where I was harassed by all kinds of street vendors and even by automobile. All the major cities of the world have adopted regulations concerning the offer of services in public spaces, because of individual freedoms abuses.

I think is not fair to have given this guy a ticket for a free hug. If I was him I will contest, I never heard that you need a permit to give free hug services.

What happened with this fine? Has it been paid? This is just so crazy!

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