
keep the boots out of your mouth

I had to look that one up.

And yes, reality is stuid, sorry for pointing out what can be seen by a blind.

Still I wonder why so many people keep picking on Obama when a worse Trump is right in front of them doing bad stuff. I just cannot understand.

By a blind?

Nobody cares, bro. I am not picking on anybody over anybody else.

You obviously identify with this ex-prez. I don't. They're all turds. And it is pretty simple-minded to assume that because I take jabs at Obama, I don't with Trump.

This is grade school stuff man. Lighten up.

I don't identify with Obama. Why should I?

I have a problem with people telling "it was this guy in the past! He did it all!" when there is a greater villain there right now and you might still stop it.

It is like people maoning about their broken car when the guy they just hit is slowly bleeding to death.

I didn't tell you

"it was this guy in the past! He did it all!"

You need to chill homie. And have a laugh.

Then I misunderstood you.

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