in #obama6 years ago

I’ve never heard him be this fuckin’ real before.


(Thank you.)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Ha great! I wrote about Obama's legacy before I joined steemit, here is this synopsis:

The Obama administration has been at war longer than any other administration in the history of the United States, last year alone the administration dropped over 26,000 peace bombs, Obama signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to murder Americans w/o charge or trial. His drone bombing campaigns expanded into seven countries and have killed thousands of innocent men, women and children. His administration was responsible for ten times more drone bombings than Bush, he dramatically expanded the power of the secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Off the top of my head (so this is approximate) he took the national debt from 6 trillion to 20 trillion – i.e he is not the financial saviour of the world and is simply kicking the can down the road. Under Obama corporate profits rose by 116% whilst wages rose by 3.4%.

Over 90% of all new jobs are temporary jobs, he has persecuted more whistleblowers and journalists than any other President before him. Repealed the propaganda ban - making it legal to spread government propaganda via news outlets. He personally oversaw a secret kill list, pushed TTP & TTIP (which is a ruse by big business to strangle the world with red tape). Used uranium warheads in Libya, Carpet bombed Libyian cities, despite lecturing to the contrary he has deported more immigrants than every other president in history. His administration included more bankers and wall street executives than any before it, sold 30 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, Covert boots on the ground in Syria (despite promises to the contrary), 20,000 air strikes in his first term, covert drone war in Yemen, invaded Libya without congressional approval, Guantanamo Bay was never closed and approximately 10,000 troops are still operating in Afghanistan.

You should post this here on Steemit as well, perhaps. It's finny to me how so many could not/cannot see beyond the "slick" image presented by the media and popular culture.

Nothing changes.

The commander in chief continues to kill people. At the same time, under each president, the national debt doubles. The system is hopeless.

Wealth also increased.

It is easy to say that because the amount of debt is always the same as the amount of "savings".

If you are for lower debt, you are also for lower wealth.

Debt-based wealth is not wealth. If debt created any actual wealth, then everybody in the US would have become very rich over the past 3-4 decades. Obviously, that has NOT happened.

Much of the wealth created recently is only an increase in the "wealth effect." Even now, under Trump, politicians and media pundits are loudly proclaiming that the economy is strong. It's not. It's only the wealth effect.

To exacerbate the situation, any and all debt-based wealth disappears much faster than it is created. And even though it is not "actual wealth," when it starts to disappear, and when the interest starts compounding, and when the interest rates are bumped up to 25%, and when the creditors come calling ... then – HooBoy – it starts to feel not like "wealth," but like "money."

But then, unfortunately, the money is not income, not coming in. It's flowing out. That's when the shit hits the fan.

The fan is spinning. The shit is approaching. Guess what happens next.

then everybody

Why everybody? What a communist thinking is that???
Of course it was the ones who deserved the money who got extremely rich!!!

That's a conditional sentence. Y'know, the kind that begins with "If..." As in the following sentence:

"If Jamie Dimon deserved another $billion, I'd give it to him."

And as for "communist thinking," I agree with Marx, who said, "The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made."

G Marx ...

Yes, it starts with if.

So you run contrary to the generally hold believe that money = wealth?

Yes, definitely. Money printed by a central bank surely does not equal wealth.

Obama may have increased bombing, but Bush dropped 40K bombs in his first year alone - and, may I ask, why did Trump not drowned the swamp and stopped wasting tax money on the military complex?

Under Obama corporate profits rose by 116%

That has way less to do with the president than with the time - you know, the big economy crisis at the start, where corporate profits were naturally less than at boom times (when Obama left office).

If you want to count that you also have to count that during Obama (again, mostly because of the time) unemployment dropped like a stone, which Trump now claims for his success.

In short, basically everything you described is true for Trump too - the difference is that Trump is president now.
So shouldn't you you care more about Trumps actions than Obamas?

Blah blah blah blah blah

Just have a laugh man, and keep the boots out of your mouth.

Not a fan of any prez, of course!

keep the boots out of your mouth

I had to look that one up.

And yes, reality is stuid, sorry for pointing out what can be seen by a blind.

Still I wonder why so many people keep picking on Obama when a worse Trump is right in front of them doing bad stuff. I just cannot understand.

By a blind?

Nobody cares, bro. I am not picking on anybody over anybody else.

You obviously identify with this ex-prez. I don't. They're all turds. And it is pretty simple-minded to assume that because I take jabs at Obama, I don't with Trump.

This is grade school stuff man. Lighten up.

I don't identify with Obama. Why should I?

I have a problem with people telling "it was this guy in the past! He did it all!" when there is a greater villain there right now and you might still stop it.

It is like people maoning about their broken car when the guy they just hit is slowly bleeding to death.

I didn't tell you

"it was this guy in the past! He did it all!"

You need to chill homie. And have a laugh.

Then I misunderstood you.

So shouldn't you you care more about Trumps actions than Obamas?

Well considering that the post was about Obama, then why would I start talking about Trump? Equally, the people that are against Trump still don't understand that they are complicit in making him President. Why do you think Trump courts controversy? Why do you think he baits social media and the mainstream media? Throughout his run there was no such thing as bad news, every leftist temper tantrum and CNN hit piece just fed his narrative and saw that he dominated every paper, news programme and social media page .. and everyone fell for it. You see Obama was the good cop and Trump is the bad cop .. both are a manipulation and a propagandic tool of division, so why would I want to add my voice to the hysterical (often unfounded) screams of "he said" "she said" school level bullshit of modern politics? It really worked a treat during his run eh? No, like I did with Obama .. I'll ignore the chatter and the propaganda narratives and write about the cold hard facts when they present themselves to me.

In short, basically everything you described is true for Trump too - the difference is that Trump is president now.

That was exactly my reason for writing the original article ..the main point in the original piece (which I wrote right at the end of his presidency) was to show how manipulated and mind controlled people are. They're told to like Obama and so they do, people are told to hate Trump and yawn .. so they do, but what about Trump detaining children? That was actually started by the Obama administration so where was everyone then? Where were they when he signed the NDAA into law? Where were they when he legalised propaganda? Where were they when he used uranium warheads in Libya, Carpet bombed Libyian cities, Where were they when repealed the propaganda ban? And as for job's, they changed the way they count them and the vast majority were and are temporary. By their deeds you shall know them, and I'm far more interested in the propaganda and psychology than what Trump or Obama say. To me, Obama and Trump personify everything that’s wrong with the cult of personality politics because love them or hate them all of your attention is on them. But hey Obama gave a good speech, sings and high fives people and Trump has funny hair and small hands and sleeps with Stormy Daniels .. so fuck it eh?

That last question is directed at our society .. not you.

I thought you had totally lost it then....ololololol

So did I. But it worked as good click-bait, and I was glad that I clicked and watched the vid.

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