
in #obama4 years ago

Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab. Exorcism was banned in California. $53K checks were given to hospitals in 2020 per Covid-related death certificate. In the same way super bugs are resistant of antibiotics, Wokies are resistant to knowledge. Your average Democrat remembers the false accusations but not the retractions that followed. A negative hallucination is when you delete a thing from what you saw. The garbage rats eat is more nutrient than the trash leftists feed their children. Fire ants will make a boat consisting of themselves, they'll go on under-water shifts, in order to survive from drowning, from floods, they'll take turns breathing. Your average leftist will happily throw the other ants off the ships while actual ants will sacrifice their bodies to be the ship itself. Some nurses celebrate their own death as they take the jab. There are people who cut off their own arms because they want other people to serve them. STATES BEGIN TO TAX VEHICLES BY-THE-MILE via track and tracing programs in electric smart cars. They piggyback shots, they gave a man 2 shots, he was only trying to get a Tetanus shot but the paper listed a secondary shot as well, an mRNA shot. He told them that was illegal and they kicked him out as fast as they could. When you go to the doctor, they will sneak stuff into your body without your consent. They are KILLING PEOPLE. Each day, MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people die and if you do NOT know this, you never will.

What is coming up next?

Covid-19 was a bioweapon and Covid vaccines are bioweapons too, oddly not so much a soft-kill engineering, they've told us for years they would do this, you should not be surprised, knowing this can help you see what they plan to do next, you can connect the dots to see the future, to see what is around the corner, the information is out there if you're curious. The mRNA vaccines turn us into the Boy in the Bubble who had NO IMMUNE SYSTEM. Men are stronger but women can handle more poison. Breaking news, Chris Sky went live on the Internet in a video. You should go see the video right now and share it everywhere. Chris Sky went live in Canada, good people came and peacefully encouraged police away from illegally arresting Chris, that is how we change the world peacefully, have a camera with you, have friends, stick together with other patriots, stick in herds, in groups, stay close, they try very hard to divide and conquer. That is why we have to stick together and that is how we win. In 2021, a billion people were put in a science experiment involving gene manipulation but without consent, they were unaware of how they were being tested on, a mad scientist's wet dream, Frankenstein is spinning in his grave hoping he can go to Fauci's new monster party, Frankenstein wants to get out of his hole in order to put all humans inside holes because he is a hole.

2021, March

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2021-03-19 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-19 - Friday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-19 20:00:37 Oprah Obama.png

Obama & Oprah play footsies remotely

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab.

In the same way super bugs are resistant of antibiotics, Wokies are resistant to knowledge.

Television manipulates proteins, creates brain fog, especially older people fall into sleep-like state, a hypnotist's wet dream.

$53K checks were given to hospitals in 2020 per Covid-related death certificate.

If you have cancer and you want to die, take the jab.

If you want the nightmare to end, pass on the info.

Globalists established a parallel economy in the 1960s and switched America over to the new system in the 1970s.

Why burn flags when you can burn masks instead?

For 12 months, psychological warfare was used to weaken and then prompt humans to beg for elevated prison planet tyranny.

Oprah and Obama play footsies remotely, virtually.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

11:42 AM - Mike Adams
In the same way super bugs are resistant of antibiotics, Wokies are resistant to knowledge.

MRNA Bubble People

2021-03-19 - Friday - 02:00 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

The mRNA vaccines turn us into the Boy in the Bubble who had NO IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

01:54 PM - Alex Jones - 1st Hour
Covid-19 was a bioweapon and Covid vaccines are bioweapons too, oddly not so much a soft-kill engineering, they've told us for years they would do this, you should not be surprised, knowing this can help you see what they plan to do next, you can connect the dots to see the future, to see what is around the corner, the information is out there if you're curious.

The mRNA vaccines turn us into the Boy in the Bubble who had NO IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Hospitals Paid to Covid Deaths

2021-03-19 - Friday - 05:35 PM - Covid Log - Gab

$53K checks were given to hospitals in 2020 per Covid-related death certificate.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

Top Gun Parody

2021-03-19 - Friday - 06:04 PM - Globalism Log

Top Gun Parody Top Dong Video on Twitter highlighting men dressed up as women and super faked onto the trailer

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Imagine Being Superman

11:33 AM - Facebook

Opa Tom Helus, imagine if a super hero decided not to have a secret identity, think about the pros and cons of that.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Television Protein

2021-03-19 - Friday - 05:17 PM - Tech Log - Health Log - Twitter

Television manipulates proteins, creates brain fog, especially older people fall into sleep-like state, a hypnotist's wet dream.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Hive Vote

2021-03-19 - Friday - 11:49 PM - Tech Log

I took my voting power on Hive Blog to 99% threshold by pausing all voting until that point. I tested to see the smallest amount of voting weight I could vote at via the Hive Vote app via 770 HP, assuming 15 HP is the minimum amount per power and or weight for Hive Vote to work. I have been using Hive Vote for 2 weeks now and it works very well. I was not able to vote at 1.96% voting weight via 99% voting power but was able to vote via 1.97% weight. So far, that appears to be the lowest. I can manually vote at 1% but via Hive Vote it is setup differently I think. When I go to vote manually, it gives me an option to vote at 1% up to 100% voting weight. So, it appears that is option I have for manual voting. Automatic voting depends on the specific app and the code in it or whatever the limitations might be.

1.97% Voting Weight Minimum
99% Voting Power Percentage
770 HP Voting Power Total

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Next Level

12:18 AM - Hive

Is it like a decentralized version of a cryptocurrency exchange website like Bittrex and/or can it be used for trading crypto in part? I think the answer is yes as you say, the ability to swap code and tokens. I think all of this is very cool.

Dlive, Steem, Hive

05:54 PM - Hive

Did Dlive leave Steem and go to Lino (related to Tron I think) because of limitations Steem had relating to connecting different blockchains together?

Not to say Steem didn't have limitations, not to say Hive isn't making progress, but I think the answer is Dlive left possibly for silly reasons, probably a variety of reasons, I forget the excuses Dlive gave, but I say that to say many of the Hive projects are moving in the right direction overall.

I'm not really a fan of centralized networks like Bittrex, Poloniex, etc, my accounts were disabled, I was not able to get my Bitcoin or other coins out, I don't like the idea of suddenly being locked out without warning kind of thing, at least one month warning in advance would at least be better.

Trump Bad But Biden Good?

09:49 PM - Hive

But do you ever criticize Trump? See, Biden and Trump are both over 70 years old. Many young people who are 30 years old or younger said bad things about Trump who is a elder, a senior, a grandpa, an older man.

Some people will say "Don't criticize Biden," but then will criticize Trump who is also an older man too.

Some people can say, "Don't criticize Biden." There can be many reasons not to criticize Biden, right or wrong, people have reasons, excuses, habits, for why they criticize a person or not criticize a person. People want to respect older people.

The same people who tell you to be nice to Biden because he is older will also say we have to attack Trump for many reasons.

The cultural difference between America and Korea is actually the difference between globalism and nationalism in many many ways, this is a long story.

Many of the things you have in Korean culture you would find in American culture too but many years ago. Yes, there are differences between cultures, religions, traditions, and many different things and people in many different countries and places around the world.

But there are many similarities that many countries had around the world including respecting older people, Korean etiquette have been American etiquette, customs, traditions, as well. But bad people have washed the etiquette out of American culture and the culture of many countries.

I write many things because I am a sponge of information. I sometimes try to make simple posts which are easy to follow but I often just add a bunch of text and links and photos without explaining it. I have so much I want to say about everything.

So, many times, I am just throwing text onto my blog hoping it sticks like a painter dumping paint onto paper. That is silly but that is what I am doing and I do try to sometimes make it easy understand.

The problem is that I share many posts from other people.

And I also literally share what I do all day on my Daily Oatmeal blog post each day, like this one called 2021-03-14 which is a post or article about my day last Sunday, the 14th of March of 2021 in the United States of America.

One of my problems is that I am trying to mention dozens of topics all at the same time. I talk about religion, culture, history, science, technology, biology, my autobiography, psychology, the study of the future, travel, geography, education, entertainment, spirituality, blockchain, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, finance, animals, dreams, the study of dreams, how-to videos, self-help books, brain storming ideas, encouragement letters, astronomy, numerology, theology, anthropology, sociology, the study of people everywhere, the study of aliens, archeology, study of the past, architecture, engineering, fashion, video games, sports, hobbies, health, natural remedies, herbs, the study of life, the study of everything, popular culture, how people think, higher dimensions, math, parallel universes, etc, etc, etc, and the list goes on and on.

In other words, in my Oatmeal Daily posts, I like to share my private journal with the world, my unedited rough draft comments, thoughts, feedback, ideas, commentary, for each day.

I literally just copy and paste almost everything I do, everything I see, hear, listen to, watch, look at, all the links, in my daily diary.

I know it can be very hard to follow because I go back and forth between topics, categories, subjects, ideas, all of the time without warning.

Biden Sleepign With Pooh Bear

10:08 PM - Hive

The meme of Biden sleeping with China's favorite bear, Winnie the Pooh, it is not really sexual in the sense that it is an analogy that uses sex as a way to explain something.

In other words, that cartoon drawing, that photo, it is a metaphor to explain an idiom, that the Deep State Swamp are sleeping with China and other countries. This is an aspect of globalism.

Countries can ban art for any reason, right or wrong, they can say what they want. So, if a country says a meme is too sexual in nature, then they can use that excuse to censor the ideas that the meme is trying to personify.

Whether or not something is too sexual is a good question, a good debate. Anything and everything is sexual in some ways. So, it is not simply a question of if something is sexual, it is a question of how sexual it might be.

My rebuttal would be to find things in Korea that is sexual as evidence that they do sexual things and show sexual things. That is my argument to counter back.

If I were to insult Biden sexually, then the Koreans in Korea could blame me. I would then look at them and say, "And I blame you if any of you guys promote homosexuality, porn, sex outside of marriage, etc, things which sexually destroys families, it causes depression, many people end up committing suicide like they do in Japan for example."

But at the same time, the meme of Biden and the President of China is not really sexual, it looks sexual, but it is not about sex, it is an illustration, a metaphor, an idea, a meme, a concept, it is art, it is an analogy, it is meant to describe something else.

Biden is a puppet of China and that is what the art is describing, therefore it is not a sexual insult because it is not about sex. Biden is not having sex with Pooh. It is not literal. That is the beauty of a meme. It is not literal. It is called art.

Can you say bad things about bad people?

10:18 PM - Hive

Koreans should stop insulting Trump because if they think that insulting Biden is bad and insulting Trump is good, that is silly.

Ukraine and China gave the Biden family millions to billions of dollars, especially in the 2010s, these past ten years, other countries are involved in many things, a lot of money, a lot of illegal bribes, we're talking all kinds of crimes like espionage, treason, etc. Biden has been involved in very big crimes involving lots of money.

I don't have to insult Biden. I don't have to make fun of Biden. I don't have to and I don't need to say Biden is dumb, gay, pedophile, etc. Same thing with Trump.

I can simply say what Biden did. Same thing with other bad people. I don't care if Koreans say, "Don't say bad thing about bad people. You CANNOT say bad stuff about bad people because KOREAN CULTURE says you cannot say the obvious."

When a person steals money, I am going say it.

Then Koreans will say to me, "Do NOT say the ROBBER who stole money stole money. Yes, he took so much money, but do NOT tell anybody, it goes against OUR CULTURE to SPEAK THE TRUTH."

I can show you videos. I can show you so many things of what bad people do.

If Koreans want to blame me for being a reporter, then they are probably against the American constitution which has the freedom of the press in the first amendment.

I believe I have the right to share the news with people. If the Koreans want to say that it is bad to share the news, then they will probably try very hard to censor the news just like China and North Korea do.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Umbrella Academy 101

2021-03-19 - Friday - 02:22 AM - 03:23 AM - The Umbrella Academy 101

Story begins around 1989 on a day when women had Virgin Mary births randomly all around the world, some rich man was able to adopt or buy up seven of them to raise. Mutants like X-Men. Reminds me of how women were raised in a show called Hanna. Dad died. They come back. Was he killed? Boy is like 58 and goes back in time to meet them again from the future. Funeral. Talking monkey. Boy had a tracking device in his arm. He rips it out. Sewer reminds me of TMNT. The world ends in 8 days.

In the same way super bugs are resistant of antibiotics, Wokies are resistant to knowledge.

12:31 PM
Your average Democrat remembers the false accusations but not the retractions that followed.

A negative hallucination is when you delete a thing from what you saw.

12:46 PM
The garbage rats eat is more nutrient than the trash leftists feed their children.

Fire ants will make a boat consisting of themselves, they'll go on under-water shifts, in order to survive from drowning, from floods, they'll take turns breathing. Your average leftist will happily throw the other ants off the ships while actual ants will sacrifice their bodies to be the ship itself.

01:02 PM
Some nurses celebrate their own death as they take the jab.

01:06 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Jab

There are people who cut off their own arms because they want other people to serve them.

01:13 PM
Exorcism was banned in California.

01:20 PM
Some people work in the government and are sharing child porn while working in their buildings.

David Knight


STATES BEGIN TO TAX VEHICLES BY-THE-MILE via track and tracing programs in electric smart cars.

Ron Gibson


Covid-19 was a bioweapon and Covid vaccines are bioweapons too, oddly not so much a soft-kill engineering, they've told us for years they would do this, you should not be surprised, knowing this can help you see what they plan to do next, you can connect the dots to see the future, to see what is around the corner, the information is out there if you're curious.

Men are stronger but women can handle more poison.

Monsanto No Seeds

2021-03-19 - Friday - 02:10 PM - Science Log

Monsanto had seeds which produced plants which produced no seeds.

Chris Sky

02:16 PM

Breaking news, Chris Sky went live on the Internet in a video. You should go see the video right now and share it everywhere.

02:24 PM
Chris Sky went live in Canada, good people came and peacefully encouraged police away from illegally arresting Chris, that is how we change the world peacefully, have a camera with you, have friends, stick together with other patriots, stick in herds, in groups, stay close, they try very hard to divide and conquer. That is why we have to stick together and that is how we win.

Hashtag justsayno

Ron Gibson


In 2021, a billion people were put in a science experiment involving gene manipulation but without consent, they were unaware of how they were being tested on, a mad scientist's wet dream, Frankenstein is spinning in his grave hoping he can go to Fauci's new monster party, Frankenstein wants to get out of his hole in order to put all humans inside holes because he is a hole.


2021-03-19 - Friday - 04:30 PM - Health Log - Alex Jones Show

Jack Shacks
Massage parlors
Some places have no pimps, male body guards
Many places are for sex
Some beauty shows, catwalks, lingerie places, are for sex.
Many women forced into trafficking, prostitution, etc.

Alex Jones & Mark Zuckerberg in a Tree

2021-03-19 - Friday - 04:34 PM - Banned Log - Tech Log

Facebook staff told a famous person to tell Alex Jones Mark Zuckerberg was on his side, that they love him, "Mark is going to show you, do your Facebook Mentions and see what happens." Well, Alex did and got 20 million views. Like a month later, they told Alex, "You're not being very nice to Mark Zuckerberg." They started throttling him more and more hoping he would comply and do whatever they told him to do. Many companies do comply because if you don't, you end up losing thousands to millions of dollars. Mark is the king of Facebook Land, a country of over 2 billion people, that is a lot of power.

04:50 PM
They piggyback shots, they gave a man 2 shots, he was only trying to get a Tetanus shot but the paper listed a secondary shot as well, an mRNA shot. He told them that was illegal and they kicked him out as fast as they could. When you go to the doctor, they will sneak stuff into your body without your consent. They are KILLING PEOPLE. Each day, MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people die and if you do NOT know this, you never will.

$53K checks were given to hospitals in 2020 per Covid-related death certificate.

Our body produces steroids naturally out of our bodies. In other words, some steroids can be natural. Some steroids come internally and not externally.

If you have cancer and you want to die, take the jab.

I just watched a video of Chinese officials laughing at the weakness of America.

X22 Report


Parallel Economy

2021-03-19 - Friday - 07:24 PM - Finance Log - X22 Report - Bitchute

Globalists established a parallel economy in the 1960s and switched America over to the new system in the 1970s.

And We Know


Magufuli died fighting the Covid fake news.

Why burn flags when you can burn masks instead?

08:01 PM
For 12 months, psychological warfare was used to weaken and then prompt humans to beg for elevated prison planet tyranny.

Oprah and Obama play footsies remotely, virtually.

Before Tik Tok, nurses were dancing during the 2012 London Olympics, it is called Predictive Programming, they love taunting us with what they're going to do next before they do it.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Umbrella Academy 101

2021-03-19 - Friday - 02:22 AM - 03:23 AM - The Umbrella Academy 101

Health Ranger

11:30 AM - Situation Update, Mar. 19th, 2021 - Shocking experiment proves "wokies" are no longer human

David Knight


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


X22 Report


And We Know


Dear diary, got up at 11 AM thinking about dreams, was up around 10 for a sec but went back to bed, to bed around 3:30, 7.3 hours of sleep. Got up and mom was watching a show starring an actress who was on American Idol years ago and or the character was. Probably the actress. They all have like a southern accent, she looks like a mom, she has a younger daughter around 5. An older daughter talking to a black chick on the phone. Probably other kids. She sings at a bar with her guitar, mom says that reminds her of my older sister singing. Front yard verns pickup after he shaved them bald. He said get a wheel barrow and I decided to get a bucket instead an his idea was probably better. But I first grab some thinking I could do it just by hand by bearing hugging the piles but then there was a few more piles worth and it falls out as I try to carry it. This was for ten or twenty minutes. Now it is 12:08 PM. Hearing a buzzing noise hopefully not from my headphones or sound board system. Maybe it is from the bathroom's air conditioner or something else. Not my ears I don't think. Not the ocean. Wrote about my 3 dreams today around 11 AM after waking up. More vern pickup around 2 to 4 PM, probably less than 2 hours. Plus picking up tarp like stuff by the big cherry tree, trash and recycling cans finally emptied, garbage man comes bi-monthly on Fridays. Soaking shop vac, this is day 2 of cleaning it. Yesterday we did bleach and now just soap. Fed squirrels and tumbler was fed compost. Nap from 08:30 PM to 09:10 PM. Vitamins. Dream about Vietnam.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: pancake, 11:10 AM. Banana.
Lunch: orange, humus, baked mommy bread, 4 PM.
Dinner: fish and stuff, 7:30 PM. Bread, humus, continues too.


2021-03-19 - Friday - 11:00 AM - Dream Log

Mom or somebody got an ID card or something or an old lady, was holding it, was showing it to me partly, the information. I went to this one old man and asked what her middle name might be and he said she didn't have one and yet the ID said the letter J or something for the middle name, really old lady like maybe 120 years old or older than 80 at least or i have no idea but old. I was thinking either the man is lying that she does have a middle name or the ID is inaccurate that the ID has the info of a similar person with a similar name but the wrong person kind of like how you can get the info of a different person on Ancestry or Facebook.

I was thinking of doing special music, being in the praise worship team, a choir, something relating to music, most likely a solo at least one time on a Sunday or some kind of special Bible Hour or something at school, like a Bible college but I don't think I was at WOLBI, ABC, or any of the colleges that I attended in real life. I was thinking it would be my last year in school and that I should do these things like music while I still can or one last time or the first and last time kind of thing. I was mostly thinking of doing music. Was debating that inside my head. I remember thinking about doing one song about how my God has conquered the grave, he has conquered the grave. The normal praise song, those are the lyrics, but then there was a rap bridge portion of the song where we sing, "My God is so amazing, he has conquered the grave..." and I forget the exact words, something like, "I don't know how He did it, but he did it..... my God is so amazing...." and it goes on and on and repeats itself a bit but in a rift with random words saying like wow God this and God that and I don't know how but God this and God that kind of thing.

I was in a house and it may have been my other house or a house I stayed in sometimes. People were like leaving or they would come and go and I might have been there to help at times and may have been leaving one final time. I thought about what I was taking with me and what I would leave behind kind of thing. I was thinking of what things to take and not take from the house. I was thinking of where to go after I left the house.

Missing Vietnam

2021-03-19 - Friday - 09:10 PM - Dream Log

Looked out the backdoor of the house I live at currently, out the sliding glass door, saw older female Vietnamese sellers. They are the people selling outside. It must have been Saigon or other places in Vietnam. I felt like I was in Vietnam but only for a few more days or less than a week or a short period of time. I felt like I couldn't even tell if I was in Vietnam or America. For a period of time in this dream, I was deeply pondering if I was in Vietnam or in the United States of America. I was thinking to myself I want to walk around, talk to people, have adventures, have fun, talk, learn, teach, walk, travel, eat with them, enjoy Tet with them, all the things I did while living in Vietnam in 2012-2017, for five years. I then felt a deep sadness as if I didn't know where I was. I felt like I was in Vietnam but only for a few more days. Something like that. Even tho it was hard to know if I was often on the computer, it can be hard to know where as the Internet is not a place but everywhere kind of thing. After that, I started sobbing deeply that I was going to miss Vietnam as I would have to leave Vietnam very soon and go probably back to America is my guess. I felt sad, depressed, hopeless, with some regret, feeling like I could not do everything I would want to do, I would not be able to talk to everyone I wanted to talk to in Vietnam in my last few days and I didn't want my time in Vietnam to ever end.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 68180.36
ETH 2642.05
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70