Obama a charistmatic man promising everything and delivering nothing / even worse (video proof inside)

in #obama7 years ago (edited)

If you don't agree, watch this video and made a check when his promise was fulfilled. Then calculate the fulfilled rate. It will not be difficult task as you shall see.

Frankly, it's hard to imagine anyone who can do worse job for people than this man. And this is just his promises. Much worse would be to discuss what he really did. Hard to imagine anyone more dangerous. Great charisma, great speaker and wicked mind - super dangerous combination. He should kept forever from any position where he can influence anyone or anything beyond himself.

Thanks to God his days in US are finished. Hopefully we will not see him in any political or influential position anywhere in the world again. But you know what? I am not much sure of that. These kinds of people are pretty persistent and know how to get back to power (visible or not).


sorry brothers this posting contains negative things, as far as I am a new beginner, is prohibited to post negative posts in this steemit. once again I'm really sorry

For sure it's not very positive content and I am as sad about that as you are, however if we just close our eyes before it we are destined to repeat history again. So denial and censorship of unpleasant messages solve nothing. So let this be taken as a warning for the future generation so we don't look just at charisma but also beyond that during elections. It's a double shame this man was elected twice. Positive message / hope here is this will not repeat again with someone similar and people will be more careful next time with their right to vote.

but in my opinion he is a president who has passed so less useful to talk about, it would be better that the president is now being discussed which is clearly not a choice from the people. I'm sorry I'm not an American. I'm just trying to get the heart out of a faraway people whose country is affected by the President of America's policy.

True, he will not be (luckily) US president again but what is dangerous is similar people can be. Very charismatic, very acceptable by majority, very dangerous people. Most people votes based on very shallow impressions and that is very deceiving. If you vote like that in your life/marriage you can destroy it. If you vote like that in elections, it can destroy your country (or even other countries) and devastate millions of lives. There are never enough warnings and people should not forget old mistakes otherwise they will make it again. This time the world has been very lucky to survive reign of this man and were also able to avoid his successor (yeah, I am speaking about HRC). We cannot afford to do the same mistake again, because that would be our "game over".

yes, it is true that you say, we must be careful day with that kind of person. actually I say like yesterday because of my views towards him from afar. frankly who knows the figure he is you, because you are a citizen.

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